Mac Users;Do NOT use Burn Folder for DVD-A


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kap'n krunch

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Nov 25, 2008
Erased land
Word of advice;
Do not use the "Burn Folder" in the Finder to create a DVD-A.

I d/l'd a .iso file (Miles' Live from SQ)from a very well known converter whose files are trustworthy.
It had an 96/24 Hi res in the Audio Folder.
Burned it with the "Burn Folder" option.

My Oppo will display "DVD-A" (since it's the way I chose for it to read discs
when inserted, an option that you choose in the Configutration Panel),
but will not play the DVD-A content and will FREEZE-
It won't even access the DVD-V content.
I have to change the configuration from DVD-A to DVD-V to access the DD and DTS stuff.

I then used "Dragon Burn" and it burned them fine.

Any other Mac users had this happen?
An ISO image is not the same thing as a folder burn, and should not be burned using that method.
Use Image burn instead - folder burn would be for when you have a folder structure on disc that has not already been formatted as ISO9660/UDF image.
An ISO image is not the same thing as a folder burn, and should not be burned using that method.
Use Image burn instead - folder burn would be for when you have a folder structure on disc that has not already been formatted as ISO9660/UDF image.

Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility/
Then choose:
-New Image + (icon)
-Volume Size 4.7 GB
-Volume Format: Mac OS extended (Journaled)
Then;Create, and of course, Burn

This would be it then. Or something similar.

That looks like a ROM disc - the part that has me worried is the "Volume Format = Mac OS Extended".
All you need to do is write the image to the disc - not create a new image.
I am clueless on Apple systems, and have no idea how they work. On my PC, it is a case of right-click the ISO image & use the "Burn image with IMGburn" option.
What I am reading here reminds me of launching GPME and creating a new ROM disc - this is where volume formatting is applied. On PC, you have ISO9660 & UDF.