New (beta) Cirlinca dvd-a solo


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
there's a new beta out for download,
Just been given this app to test out.
For what you pay, I don't see - at first glance - how you can possibly go wrong. The new Beta version introduces gapless playback amongst a stack of other improvements & enhancements.
Completely Agree,. This software is easy to use and produces great results. I'm still in the process of preserving my quad recordings and it has been excellent for this purpose.
Can any other 1.1 Beta users confirm for me that individual mono WAV files do not work, and all you get is a single channel?
Multichannel seems to work, but not 6 mono files.
neil wilkes said:
Can any other 1.1 Beta users confirm for me that individual mono WAV files do not work, and all you get is a single channel?
Multichannel seems to work, but not 6 mono files.

I use 6 mono wave files all the time with DVD-Audio Solo. They work flawlessly.

Here is the trick...You have to use the Cilinca naming convension as specified in the documentation. The key is to only enter the Center channel file into the track list. After doing that increase the number of channels from 1 to 6 (use the buttons on the right side of the tracklist where the sample rate is located). As you increase the channels, the only change you'll see is an integer will be added in front of the track title indicating the number of channels. If the number of channels does not increase it indicates a problem with the naming convention.

Hope that helps...

That will explain something: i'm using 4 channel only (guess why???) without any center channel and no way to use the 4 mono files. When interleaved, all is ok.
winopener said:
That will explain something: i'm using 4 channel only (guess why???) without any center channel and no way to use the 4 mono files. When interleaved, all is ok.

There is a four channel setup in DVD-Audio Solo but it isn't the one you are looking for. If I remember right (warning: memory could be flawed) it is FL, FR, LFE and a surround channel. You might try the five channel config which I think uses a quad config and a LFE channel. An muted LFE channel of the right length should allow you to do quad. Just set the number of channels to 5.

No, the 4 channel setup in Solo is ok for quads; if i use a 4 channel interleaved file it is placed correctly where it is supposed to (fl fr sl sr). I can't use one channel more, 24/96 allows for 4 channel max to keep up with the bitrate.
winopener said:
No, the 4 channel setup in Solo is ok for quads; if i use a 4 channel interleaved file it is placed correctly where it is supposed to (fl fr sl sr). I can't use one channel more, 24/96 allows for 4 channel max to keep up with the bitrate.

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a secret but some players will play a 24/96 5.1-channel disc without MLP. Cirlinca does not limit the bitrate so it encodes at 24/96 even with 5.1. The DENON player I tried it on plays flawlessly.

alk3997 said:
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a secret but some players will play a 24/96 5.1-channel disc without MLP. Cirlinca does not limit the bitrate so it encodes at 24/96 even with 5.1. The DENON player I tried it on plays flawlessly.

It's no secret - but it's out of spec.
The trouble with authoring out of spec is quite simply that any playback at all is going to be totally player dependant.
The upper limit is 9.6Megabits per second. Some players will play over this limit, others will not - it's a lottery.
There are all sorts of ways to optimize this - one method is to mix sample rates - set up group 1 (Not the audio group, of which there are up to 9, but the track assignment group of which there are 21)
where was I?
Oh yes. Sorry.
Set Group 1 to contain L,R,C and Group 2 to contain LFE, Ls, Rs.
You can have group 1 as 24/96, and group 2 can be anything lower as long as it is in the same sample rate family.
So group 2 could be at 24/48 (You might get lucky here - it's a lot closer to the limit) or even at 16/96, or 16/48.

the specs are not developed in a vacuum, and really should be adhered to. Otherwise it will all end in tears.
And naturally, there is no way such a disc could be released (24/96 5.1 PCM) as it will fail verification.