New member (longtime music enthusiast and audiophile)


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Aug 21, 2023
Lincoln, CA
Good morning, Quadrophonic community! I am new to your community (and ANY online community if I not mistaken) so please bear with me. As a Longtime music enthusiast but only just recently into Quad and 5.1 surround sound, most of my life has been spent with 2 channel audiophile systems (Linn, Nakamichi, Bryston, B&W, OPPO) so although I have a deep and breadth in this field, my personal experience in Quad and surround sound has mostly been limited to my reading habits (Absolute Sound, Stereophile, etc.) and a family friend that was an original first adopter of Quad in the early 70's (Russ was a navigator for Pan Am and flew on a 747 between LAX and Hong Kong and later West Berlin and was able to purchase and bring back stereo equipment seemingly by the plane load!). As a very young buy in 1973, this exposure helped galvanize my love and interest in all thing's audiophile. I recently jumped into the surround world after upgrading my system to include an OPPO 205 Ultra 4K, Arcam A/V processor, B&W subwoofer's, in-ceiling B&W's and a B&W center channel to go with my existing B&W 806's. look forward to reading your thoughts, praises and critiques especially since there have been recent quad offerings (Quadio) and 5.1 surround sound (High Fidelity Pure Audio & 2L). Thanks again for admitting me into your group. Happy listening!
Good morning, Quadrophonic community! I am new to your community (and ANY online community if I not mistaken) so please bear with me. As a Longtime music enthusiast but only just recently into Quad and 5.1 surround sound, most of my life has been spent with 2 channel audiophile systems (Linn, Nakamichi, Bryston, B&W, OPPO) so although I have a deep and breadth in this field, my personal experience in Quad and surround sound has mostly been limited to my reading habits (Absolute Sound, Stereophile, etc.) and a family friend that was an original first adopter of Quad in the early 70's (Russ was a navigator for Pan Am and flew on a 747 between LAX and Hong Kong and later West Berlin and was able to purchase and bring back stereo equipment seemingly by the plane load!). As a very young buy in 1973, this exposure helped galvanize my love and interest in all thing's audiophile. I recently jumped into the surround world after upgrading my system to include an OPPO 205 Ultra 4K, Arcam A/V processor, B&W subwoofer's, in-ceiling B&W's and a B&W center channel to go with my existing B&W 806's. look forward to reading your thoughts, praises and critiques especially since there have been recent quad offerings (Quadio) and 5.1 surround sound (High Fidelity Pure Audio & 2L). Thanks again for admitting me into your group. Happy listening!

Hi Michael, it was hard to read your posting because it was all one big paragraph.

But I loved your title referencing 'music enthusiast", because in the end, that is all we are.

Welcome to QQ, Michael.
There are many ways to do things. In the end whatever best suits you is best.
But, there is a lot of knowledge and experience here on surround music and systems. We're not exactly an "audiophile" site in the sense many of us are budget oriented, and don't own super expensive equipment. But some do!
Feel free to post questions in the appropriate threads with as much detail as you can muster.
Or just sit back and enjoy the ride.
And THAT is EXACTLY why I have enjoyed and learned valuable information since the day that I first stumbled upon and soon thereafter joined the Quadrophonic Quad group! Believe it or not, this is the first online group I have ever joined and posted a comment, like, etc. Pretty pathetic on my part but my reality, nonetheless. I love the diversity of the group and am in awe of some of those that possess the "technical" background that I am totally lacking in. My background is fairly deep in the physical product (both recorded product and equipment) aspect of our hobby but I have zero, nada, none when it comes to "streaming" or the other technical aspects of it. I do find the discussions very interesting and informative, however as many of the posts within some of these threads I can actually corollate to what I am hearing in my home system and that is freakin' cool! I learned a long time ago that spending money in the audiophile world (or just in general) was very easy, getting true fulfillment and sharing the experience with others, not so much. Money can buy a lot of things...passion ain't one of them.
And THAT is EXACTLY why I have enjoyed and learned valuable information since the day that I first stumbled upon and soon thereafter joined the Quadrophonic Quad group!
Welcome to QQ Michael!
Sounds like you have a very nice system indeed!
The wealth of info here on multich recordings going all the way back to the 70s is beyond
just about anything you'll find on the net. In the end it really is all about the music! ;)
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Welcome! Nice equipment you own!! That will zoom you right into immersive audio und you'll love it!!