Orbit / U-turn Turntables , any opinions / users??


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kap'n krunch

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Nov 25, 2008
Erased land
Lately FB has been pestering my feed with ads for these TTs.. they don't look bad and they are made in the US... any thoughts?
(I am still waiting for my beloved 1980's Technics SL-QL1s that are in Madrid...)
Howdy, Kap'n. I don't personally have a U-turn, but I know someone who does (haven't personally heard it, but this individual is happy with it). They seem to be decent TTs, but geared more towards the entry-level, casual vinyl user - Maybe someone who's on the fence about whether it's a medium they really want to invest their time and money in, but has the good sense to avoid Crosley :)

They're (relatively) low-cost, minimalist (no auto-functions), and very modern in appearance, and I haven't really read anything overtly negative, keeping the "entry-level" limitations in mind.

Me, personally, I would recommend spending just a little bit more and going with an entry-level Pro-ject or Music Hall - I know multiple people with the low end Pro-jects and MHs, and I've been really impressed with them (I have a mid-level MH model) Going that route will get you a better cartridge, more solid plinth, and just an overall better build quality, in my experience and from my research. YMMV
I’ve got one, and I’m pretty happy with it. I agree with von kulper that they’re geared toward the “casual vinyl user”. I bought a Shure M97xE cartridge to replace the one it came with. I think I bought it with a Grado but it sounded terrible, as if there was a big gap in the frequency curve, cut out right where you’d expect to hear the snare drum. They were really cooperative in resolving my issue and I’ve been happy with the Shure.

I have one gripe about them, though. When I bought mine they offered an option to buy a little tool called Q UP, that lifts the tone arm at the end of the record. Later they changed something around so they could offer a cue lever instead, and the Q UP is no longer an option. If I can only have one or the other, I’d rather have a device to automatically lift the tone arm at the end than something to help me set it on the record at the beginning. Fortunately I bought mine before I made this change, but it makes it hard for me to recommend the Orbit now that it’s different.

I do like the fact that they are so bare-bones and simple. Plus, you can choose from cool colors.
I do like the fact that they are so bare-bones and simple. Plus, you can choose from cool colors.

Not just the colors, but you can pretty much customize every part of it in their online store - would you rather your money went towards an upgraded platter, or upgraded cartridge; do you want a cueing lever, preamp... very cool.

Messing around on their website, their "Basic" model, with an upgraded Ortofon older style, and a cueing lever is only $254. Not a bad price at all.
Not just the colors, but you can pretty much customize every part of it in their online store - would you rather your money went towards an upgraded platter, or upgraded cartridge; do you want a cueing lever, preamp... very cool.

Messing around on their website, their "Basic" model, with an upgraded Ortofon older style, and a cueing lever is only $254. Not a bad price at all.

Thanks guys, great feedback..
As von kulper pointed out what I liked was that you can customize it and have an Ortofon OM cartridge and I can use my OM30 stylus...
I have a custom U-Turn. I paid $350 I think. Upgraded the cartridge later. Love it. The only hassle is switching the band for 45 or 33.