Quad Blank Recording Tapes on Ebay


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1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
Since 2002/2003
Mar 8, 2002
I've got a real hodge-podge of tapes for sale on Ebay right now. Some of them are quad related. There's 132 tapes in all. Most of them are new and used stereo and quad recording tapes I have picked up over the years w/ the intention of bulk erasing them and recording quad and stereo 8 tracks. I have no interest in doing this any longer and need to clear out some tapes. There are 85 new and used (mostly used) recording tapes plus a variety of pre-recorded stereo 8 tracks. Nothing to get too excited about. There are 4 used quad blank cartridges. I don't belive these have quad recordings on them. There are also about 7 quad 8 track recordings that came w/ my quad 8 track collection when I bought it. These are the stereo style carts that would have to be played back on a quad player w/ manual 2 and 4 ch switch to play in quad. Most of them are easy listening like Ray Coniff, Percy Faith, Bacharach, that type of thing. But there are also a couple of rock titles, Janis Joplin Pearl and Deep Purple Machine Head. I did not record any of these and have not listened to them other than to check that they were quad.
But if you're specifically looking for some quad blanks or are just looking for a big bunch of regular blank carts for doing quad recordings, this is a pretty sizeable collection to get you started.
All for a low, low starting price of only $7.99.
I will also be selling other stereo and quad related items in the coming weeks, so stay tuned. Seller ID is dr8track. Listing is at;