How are you ripping your ATMOS Blu Rays?


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Ok, so I read this thread 3x and I can be dense. But 7.1 playback is just that and the overhead Atmos channels get mapped side surround? Or am I doing something wrong? I ripping via MakeMKV then extracting the audio via MMH. TIA
What output format are you extracting to?

If you use MKV, mka, mp4 or m4a the Atmos stream is preserved and can be decoded via Passthrough by your AVR (As Atmos if your AVR has an Atmos decoder, or 7.1 if your AVR has a TrueHD decoder or 5.1 I’d you have a AC3 decoder).

If you use FLAC or WAV only the Atmos 7.1 core is decoded to PCM so you lose the Atmos metadata and will hear everything in the Atmos mix redistributed to 7.1 if you have a 7.1 system or 5.1 if you have a 5,1 system, with your system remixing the 7.1 to 5.1 losing no information (rears merged with sides).
What output format are you extracting to?

If you use MKV, mka, mp4 or m4a the Atmos stream is preserved and can be decoded via Passthrough by your AVR (As Atmos if your AVR has an Atmos decoder, or 7.1 if your AVR has a TrueHD decoder or 5.1 I’d you have a AC3 decoder).

If you use FLAC or WAV only the Atmos 7.1 core is decoded to PCM so you lose the Atmos metadata and will hear everything in the Atmos mix redistributed to 7.1 if you have a 7.1 system or 5.1 if you have a 5,1 system, with your system remixing the 7.1 to 5.1 losing no information (rears merged with sides).
That was my issue - using WAV. I did a trial run using the MKV file extension and voila!!! Now I have to fix 59 album rips! Luckily, I am still in possession of 56 of them. Thank you very much.

When doing the audio extraction, is there a way to run it where it puts the files in a folder? Can I run multiple files at once and it automatically groups it into folders? Thanks
I have a 5.2.4 (4 height speakers). I bought a Neumi Atom 4k device to stream Atmos music/concerts from a USB SSD attached to the Neumi then HDMI out to my Anthem AVM70. I am using MakeMKV on a MacBook to rip Blu-ray to an MKV file. They play fine from the Neumi except it is just one big file with no chapters to be able to navigate to specific tracks. Are there any tools that run on Mac that would allow me to extract/breakup the MKV into individual files? It seems like all the tools I find are Windows-based. Thanks
Late to the party here. Interesting to read about the loss of spatial data when converting Atmos to FLAC. I've been making everything FLAC for ages. Admittedly I only have S/PDIF 5.1 and so I'm not hearing anything less but for future proofing the discussion has been interesting.

I use Winamp (lol, I know) or Foobar2000 for playback generally, Kodi sometimes (it runs as a second screen on my TV). I seem to get gapless from Winamp just fine.

For the record my process is (slightly laborious):
1. Extract Disc to MKV with MakeMKV
2. Use mkvtoolnix to extract audio only, select split before all chapters
3. Convert to flac using eac3to: for %X in (M:\Music\flac\MKV\*.mka) do start eac3to "%X" "%X.flac" is a nice command prompt shortcut
4. Rename files, then auto-add metadata using foobar2000 and this pattern (%artist%\%album%\%tracknumber% - %title%)
5. Calculate/add replaygain info and album art
6. Enjoy!