This thread has been in the works since January. Now seemed like the perfect time to unleash it.
Please share your 1970 experiences, or your favorite music (any format, incl. 2ch) and/or Quad gear. If you weren't there, feel free to discuss your fave 1970 releases. Have Fun!!
It was 1970. My first exposure to Surround Sound, aka Quad.
I was in high school. Did they have electricity back then? Yes, but it was a new invention!!
Had a '65 Chevy 283 V8 under the hood. No pollution gear. Even used to change my own oil & filters. You couldn't pay me enough to do that now!! Used to drag race on the county backroads. Hey, is there a statute of limitations on drag racing?
Did landscaping in the summer for a friend whose house was "Playboy Pad of the Month." The article listed one of his friends as owner, so he wouldn't get bothered. House burned down in early 2000's.
Used to shoot pool at the Playboy Club in Lake Geneva, WI. How'd that happen when I was 16? It was only 20 miles up the road. A gold key card somehow found its' way to my mailbox. Shit Happens!
Even got served alcohol in many establishments in Wisconsin. 4 to 1 gin martinis and gimlets. Lots of beer. 18 was legal there at that time. Hacker Brau and Pschorr Brau were two different beers at that point. How about that, beer hounds?
It was the first time I had heard Quad. AND I WAS BLOWN AWAY!! Still am... And it was in my own house!!
Two Chicago FM stations simulcast for Quad. One station did the fronts. The other did the rears. Just an experimental broadcast, not a regular thing. I brought my Dad's system into my room and set it up as the rear channels. Vanguard reels were the source of the entire program. INSTANT QUAD! Just add 4 speakers.
It would be two more years before I bought my first Quad record. In three years, I would begin buying Quad gear and every piece of Quad software I was interested in.
I subscribed to Stereo Review, High Fidelity, Audio (Lirpa!!), and Radio Electronics. Stereo Review gave away RCA "flexi discs" of Nilsson & John Denver inserted in their mag!
My bookshelf also had Allied Radio, Lafayette, Newark, Allied Electronics, Olson, Fairchild Semiconductor and Radio Shack catalogs.
Built a workbench in the basement, so that I could leave things I was working on. Then, I could come back to it without cluttering up Dad's workbench, or having to set up all over again. Mounted 2 6x9 speakers in the ceiling above the bench.
Soldered several times/week. I probably haven't soldered anything in the last five years! Had a vice mounted to the workbench. "Vice? I have no vice. I'm as pure as the driven snow." - Jerome "Curly" Howard.
Got my second cassette machine. Stereo this time. Got my first color TV, Sony 12." KV-1212: KV-1212 Television Sony Corporation; Tokyo, build 1972, 5 pi
It had a better picture than any non-HD set I ever bought. Trinitron! Also had a far better pic than Dad's RCA color set.
Built a switchbox w/rotary switch and some toggle switches. 2 tape monitors, dubbing, stereo/mono switch. My Dad made the case for me. 7 years later, I bought a prototype Russound QT-1 Quad switcher from Gaylord Russell himself.
Korvettes near Chicago was my main record source. They had just opened their 6th store here in Arlington Heights, IL. I also bought lots of LP's from Brookfield Music in Brookfield Square mall in Brookfield, WI (Milwaukee). It also had Allied Radio, before and after it merged with Radio Shack. It was far better before the merger. Radio Doctors in Milwaukee and Rose Records in Chicago were also places I shopped.
I drooled at Quad gear at Allied, Polk Brothers (Chicago) and Flanner & Hafoos (Wauwatosa, WI.) Sansui, Fisher and early Q8 & Q4's were on display and I couldn't afford any of it. Drat!
Music I listened to and owned in 1970:
Dreams (Brecker Bros., Billy Cobham, John Abercrombie!)
Don Ellis at Fillmore
Phil Ochs Greatest Hits (an album of NEW MATERIAL!)
Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel
Chicago II
Ladies of the Canyon - Joni Mitchell
World's Greatest Blues Singer - Bessie Smith
You Never Know Who Your Friends Are - Al Kooper
Blood, Sweat & Tears 3
Stillness - Sergio Mendes
Christmas and the Beads of Sweat - Laura Nyro
Bach Organ Favorites Vol. 4 - E. Power Biggs
Marrying Maiden - It's a Beautiful Day (Jerry Garcia guests)
John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
Tchaikovsky : Symphony #6 - Ormandy/Philadelphia
Benefit - Jethro Tull
Abraxas - Santana
Bitches Brew - Miles
Harry - Nilsson
Tumbleweed Connection - Elton John
Please share your 1970 experiences, or your favorite music (any format, incl. 2ch) and/or Quad gear. If you weren't there, feel free to discuss your fave 1970 releases. Have Fun!!
It was 1970. My first exposure to Surround Sound, aka Quad.
I was in high school. Did they have electricity back then? Yes, but it was a new invention!!
Had a '65 Chevy 283 V8 under the hood. No pollution gear. Even used to change my own oil & filters. You couldn't pay me enough to do that now!! Used to drag race on the county backroads. Hey, is there a statute of limitations on drag racing?
Did landscaping in the summer for a friend whose house was "Playboy Pad of the Month." The article listed one of his friends as owner, so he wouldn't get bothered. House burned down in early 2000's.
Used to shoot pool at the Playboy Club in Lake Geneva, WI. How'd that happen when I was 16? It was only 20 miles up the road. A gold key card somehow found its' way to my mailbox. Shit Happens!
Even got served alcohol in many establishments in Wisconsin. 4 to 1 gin martinis and gimlets. Lots of beer. 18 was legal there at that time. Hacker Brau and Pschorr Brau were two different beers at that point. How about that, beer hounds?
It was the first time I had heard Quad. AND I WAS BLOWN AWAY!! Still am... And it was in my own house!!
Two Chicago FM stations simulcast for Quad. One station did the fronts. The other did the rears. Just an experimental broadcast, not a regular thing. I brought my Dad's system into my room and set it up as the rear channels. Vanguard reels were the source of the entire program. INSTANT QUAD! Just add 4 speakers.
It would be two more years before I bought my first Quad record. In three years, I would begin buying Quad gear and every piece of Quad software I was interested in.
I subscribed to Stereo Review, High Fidelity, Audio (Lirpa!!), and Radio Electronics. Stereo Review gave away RCA "flexi discs" of Nilsson & John Denver inserted in their mag!
My bookshelf also had Allied Radio, Lafayette, Newark, Allied Electronics, Olson, Fairchild Semiconductor and Radio Shack catalogs.
Built a workbench in the basement, so that I could leave things I was working on. Then, I could come back to it without cluttering up Dad's workbench, or having to set up all over again. Mounted 2 6x9 speakers in the ceiling above the bench.
Soldered several times/week. I probably haven't soldered anything in the last five years! Had a vice mounted to the workbench. "Vice? I have no vice. I'm as pure as the driven snow." - Jerome "Curly" Howard.
Got my second cassette machine. Stereo this time. Got my first color TV, Sony 12." KV-1212: KV-1212 Television Sony Corporation; Tokyo, build 1972, 5 pi
It had a better picture than any non-HD set I ever bought. Trinitron! Also had a far better pic than Dad's RCA color set.
Built a switchbox w/rotary switch and some toggle switches. 2 tape monitors, dubbing, stereo/mono switch. My Dad made the case for me. 7 years later, I bought a prototype Russound QT-1 Quad switcher from Gaylord Russell himself.
Korvettes near Chicago was my main record source. They had just opened their 6th store here in Arlington Heights, IL. I also bought lots of LP's from Brookfield Music in Brookfield Square mall in Brookfield, WI (Milwaukee). It also had Allied Radio, before and after it merged with Radio Shack. It was far better before the merger. Radio Doctors in Milwaukee and Rose Records in Chicago were also places I shopped.
I drooled at Quad gear at Allied, Polk Brothers (Chicago) and Flanner & Hafoos (Wauwatosa, WI.) Sansui, Fisher and early Q8 & Q4's were on display and I couldn't afford any of it. Drat!
Music I listened to and owned in 1970:
Dreams (Brecker Bros., Billy Cobham, John Abercrombie!)
Don Ellis at Fillmore
Phil Ochs Greatest Hits (an album of NEW MATERIAL!)
Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel
Chicago II
Ladies of the Canyon - Joni Mitchell
World's Greatest Blues Singer - Bessie Smith
You Never Know Who Your Friends Are - Al Kooper
Blood, Sweat & Tears 3
Stillness - Sergio Mendes
Christmas and the Beads of Sweat - Laura Nyro
Bach Organ Favorites Vol. 4 - E. Power Biggs
Marrying Maiden - It's a Beautiful Day (Jerry Garcia guests)
John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
Tchaikovsky : Symphony #6 - Ormandy/Philadelphia
Benefit - Jethro Tull
Abraxas - Santana
Bitches Brew - Miles
Harry - Nilsson
Tumbleweed Connection - Elton John
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