HiRez Poll Amin Bhatia - THE INTERSTELLAR SUITE [Blu-Ray Audio]


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Rate the BDA of Amin Bhatia - THE INTERSTELLAR SUITE

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  • 1: Poor Content, Surround Mix, and Fidelity

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Oct 31, 2008
Middle TN
Please post your thoughts and comments on this release.

(n) :) (y)

This release is excellent. The music is basically orchestral arrangements played on synthesizers, and is very reminiscent of a space movie soundtrack. The surround mix for the music is discrete and enveloping, but what really takes this one over the top is the Sonics and surround effects. Lots of space sound effects coming from everywhere, the most notable of which are the flying effects; the track “Launch” is a great example. Sonically, the bass rumbles and the highs are crisp... this disc really shows off your system for the newbies! The bonus track “Bolero Electronica” is also not to be missed; a history of synthesizers playing “Bolero”, starting with the most primitive (in mono) and gradually progressing to the more advanced (in 5.1). Also a nice documentary on the history of The Interstellar Suite. 10.
Parts of this remind me of ELP BSS. Am I nuts or are there some similarities?

Thanks everyone for the kind reviews and insights.

Yes a lot of ELP influence there. BSS was a huge thrill to me when it came out.
I think it's Keith Emerson's "stacked fifth" harmonies that are an influence to me, as is very obvious Tomita, Wendy Carlos and Larry (Synergy) Fast idols.

This took a lot of work and fighting with the original label to re-release in surround.
Very grateful for the kind comments ..this made it all worth it.
Apologies to pets (and spouses, lol) who ran hiding when they heard the sound effects!

Amin Bhatia

Very nice with (inter)stellar sound quality and surround mix. The Bolero Electronica is a perfect demo for friends who are not into different sound/channel formats (though I would have wanted more distinct action in the rears when stepping into the quad format...).

I voted 8 and this is as far I can go for this type of music - given what it is it is a perfect release.
Just got back from a month long trip to find this waiting for me upon my return. First, I'm glad I was able to obtain a copy. Second, this is impressive on first listen.

I'm reserving my vote until I can play this back at proper volume as I'm not able to do so right now, but I'm really digging it so far.

Great stuff, Amin!
I just wish the price point were a bit better. Like 20-25%. This is enjoyable music.

Mike, since it wasn't released by a major record conglomerate I suppose to remaster, author and press both a BD~A and a DVD was cost prohibitive and thus reflects the asking price.

IMO, this album was in some ways the highlight of my year and dazzled with superb sonics, heavenly melodies and a total sophistication in the art of the synthesizer, bettering IMO, anything Tomita ever did [and I do love Tomita].

I just 'scored' Alan Parson's Eye in the Sky BD~A from Deep Discount for $13.41, delivered so I take the good with the bad, and that's almost $10 cheaper than I would've procured it from Amazon w/sales tax added.

Which is why I HATE those ridiculous kitchen sink box sets when all I want is the 5.1 [I know, a boring cliche by now].

I hope you're working on your new album. Stick with it. It'll keep your mind occupied on positive pursuits rather than the bleak reality of the war torn zone you're surround with everyday.

More than EVER, we need a Days of Future Passed for the new millennium. Something positive, original and special. :)

Stay SAFE Mike. We ALL need you back in the States. :QQlove Little Baggy needs his daddy!
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Mike, since it wasn't released by a major record conglomerate I suppose to remaster, author and press both a BD~A and a DVD was cost prohibitive and thus reflects the asking price.

IMO, this album was in some ways the highlight of my year and dazzled with superb sonics, heavenly melodies and a total sophistication in the art of the synthesizer, bettering IMO, anything Tomita ever did [and I do love Tomita].

I just 'scored' Alan Parson's Eye in the Sky BD~A from Deep Discount for $13.41, delivered so I take the good with the bad, and that's almost $10 cheaper than I would've procured it from Amazon w/sales tax added.

Which is why I HATE those ridiculous kitchen sink box sets when all I want is the 5.1 [I know, a boring cliche by now].

I hope you're working on your new album. Stick with it. It'll keep your mind occupied on positive pursuits rather than the bleak reality of the war torn zone you're surround with everyday.

More than EVER, we need a Days of Future Passed for the new millennium. Something positive, original and special. :)

Stay SAFE Mike. We ALL need you back in the States. :QQloveLittle Baggy needs his daddy!
That brought a smile to my face. Thanks.
If the Army doesn't f&#k me within the next couple of weeks, I'll get to see Mrs. and Little Baggins pretty soon! It is costing thousands to bring them out to a safeish Middle-Eastern country, so I'm hoping against hope that my pass occurs uninterrupted!

Yes, (as you know) I know full well how difficult it is to put out an album independently. On top of all my expenses, I wonder if Bhatia ran in to licensing fees or such. All in all, if he sells out of his stock, he needs not care about my opinion!
For better or worse, I dealt with no "big boys" (though I did ask), so I received no financial support from the industry, but incurred no strings attached.
Wow! According to the poll Interstellar Suite is now in the top ten! I can't thank you all enough. Yes there have been license disputes. There still are but we continue to send the licensing money dutifully to Capitol/Universal as per our written agreements. Apologies for the higher price but yes this is a small business venture and not a major label release. Please spread the word and thank you all again!
This is such a great album, in every sense. If one wanted it for the ' turn off the lights head trip' it's bang on the money. But the composition, performance, and 'voicing' choices are really well considered.
Play for fun and enjoy the ride, or stay for a deep listen. A winner either way.
Just got this based on the reviews above and the poll success. Oh my goodness! I love it. All of it. But I am addicted to the wonderful Bolero. What an extraordinary treat! My system just loves it.... A beautifully immersive and entirely engaging musical experience that also demonstrates the evolution of synthesizers AND the journey from mono to 5.1. It made me laugh out loud with pleasure and delight. My wife is even more worried about my mental state now....
Thank you cornwall198. The decision to put in a surround edit of Bolero Electronica was a last minute idea. So glad listeners are enjoying it.
..and my wife worries about my mental state all the time too. I wonder if there is a forum somewhere for spouses of surround-sound enthusiasts. They can all commiserate about how they can't put up that lamp or picture because of the left mid surround speaker. lol.
I'm 48 now, but I grew up listening to this on CD in the 80's when my friend played it for me. I was a drummer in high school marching band and my low brass friend Andy played this for me and I was immediately hooked. It became a major listening piece at any gatherings for our band and group of friends here in Knoxville, TN for years, and I just assumed that it was huge world-wide.

30 years later I'm re-introduced to this wonderful album via this surround mix and Oh My Freaking God! :eek: One of the absolute best surround mixes I've ever heard in my entire life!!! :smokin The guy who did the surround mix for this album is one of the best ever! The music is so beautiful and amazing, but the surround mix is equally astounding. Such a perfect pairing for this music! (y)

To me, this recording is the musical equivalent of the best sci-fi screenplay ever written, performed completely with music! :SB
It's a slight anomaly that this was released on blu-ray, yet still contains only lossy surround audio. Almost a juxtaposition of formats. For something like this that only contains the lossy core audio, a DVD would've sufficed.

I would gladly pay a bit more for a lossless flac version of this album derived from the original 5.1 LPCM files. :p

Thanks again for the amazing journey Amin! :dance
It's a slight anomaly that this was released on blu-ray, yet still contains only lossy surround audio. Almost a juxtaposition of formats. For something like this that only contains the lossy core audio, a DVD would've sufficed.

I would gladly pay a bit more for a lossless flac version of this album derived from the original 5.1 LPCM files. :p
No lossless option? Was that intentional? Could it be an authoring mistake?
No lossless option? Was that intentional? Could it be an authoring mistake?

Mike, could've been but was probably done for licensing fee reasons. IMO, and EVERYONE knows I am LOSSY ADVERSE, this DTS sounds as good as almost anything in my collection. They could've avoided DTS MA HD, DOLBY TRUE HD licensing fees by just encoding it in LOSSLESS LPCM which does not require any licensing fees.

But as it stands, it's simply amazing.

BTW, OFF TOPIC, MILL CREEK ENTERTAINMENT which is transferring a lot of older films from the major studios in BD~V has a nasty habit of utilizing Dolby Digital 5.1 or Dolby Digital 2.0 on even their current offerings.