As we move into the twenties what’s the best in surround of the last ten years?


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
QQ Supporter
Aug 2, 2018
United States
I won’t venture into the debate as to when a decade starts and ends but what, in your view, was the best of the 2010’s? Please post your thoughts here. They can be whatever you want having to do with the last ten years. Maybe you finally got your dream system together or they finally released that quad recording that was always on your wish list. There are no restrictions here so long as it has to do with the last ten years.

Here’s my own personal list:

1)Audio Fidelity and Dutton Vocalion realized that there was a market for quad. And Michael Dutton continues to keep ‘me coming!
2)God bless Steven Wilson and James Guthrie(Pink Floyd)!
3)The Beatles, Yoko and Eddie Kramer/The Hendrix Estate gave us unexpected reasons to celebrate. They weren’t always the most adventurous mixes but who ever expected to see this quality of music reinvisioned in surround?
4)The phenomenal folks here at QQ. I won’t even begin to list names because I know that I’ll forget and inadvertently leave some out. Well, okay, I’ll name just one QQer who has to be one of the nicest and most generous guys on the planet. No offense intended to any of the other great guys and gals here but there’s only one Snood!
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I won’t venture into the debate as to when a decade starts and ends but what, in your view, was the best of the 2010’s? Please post your thoughts here. They can be whatever you want having to do with the last ten years. Maybe you finally got your dream system together or they finally released that quad recording that was always on your wish list. There are no restrictions here so long as it has to do with the last ten years.

Here’s my own personal list:

1)Audio Fidelity and Dutton Vocalion realized that there was a market for quad. And Michael Dutton continues to keep ‘me coming!
2)God bless Steven Wilson and James Guthrie(Pink Floyd)!
3)The Beatles, Yoko and Eddie Kramer/The Hendrix Estate gave us unexpected reasons to celebrate. They weren’t always the most adventurous mixes but who ever expected to see this quality of music reinvisioned in surround?
4)The phenomenal folks here at QQ. I won’t even begin to names because I know that I’ll forget and inadvertently leave some out. Well, okay, I’ll name just one QQer who has to be one of the nicest and most generous guys on the planet. No offense intended to any of the other great guys and gals here but there’s only one Snood!

And YES, E~86: Snood IS TOP :SBand radiates Potassium from every pore and I wholeheartedly agree with your list of BEST of the DECADE but will think of more titles to add ..... as there are MANY!
I have the Audio Fidelity stuff in two copies for the print titles. See I got one copy to open and play, then bought a second copy of the real 4.0 winners to flip later. But I just can't part with any of them at this point - like bottles of wine, they stay on my shelf, as I feel they are rare items even if not that high prices right now. Could I be becoming a hoarder in my recent years?

Still blown away at what AF was able to do. The Decade of Quad reissues award goes to Audio Fidelity. Staggeringly great choice picks.
Abbey Road #1 no doubt

then...Court of the Crimson King 50th, Electric Ladyland, Appetite For Destruction, any of the recent Dutton Vocalion quads, Imagine, White Album, Sgt. Pepper, Psurroundabout Ride, Distance Over Time to name a few :)