Dutton Vocalion Surround SACDs going out of print already???


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Middle-aged Multichannelist
QQ Supporter
Mar 30, 2009
London, England
oh wow... o_O

take a look at this!! :eek:



(edited to include link, sorry.. i was just in mild shock! :ROFLMAO: )
this is the Pure Prairie League 2-fer Quad by the way...!!!

i kinda thought this would happen eventually but so soon? no way!!!

Quite interesting that of ALL D~V's releases, PPL SOLD OUT. Who'd a Thought?

I really wonder how many SACDs D~V presses at any one time...and if it varies with each title?
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Quite interesting that of ALL D~V's releases, PPL SOLD OUT. Who'd a Thought?

I really wonder how many SACDs D~V presses at any one time...and if it varies with each title?

true, I guess.. though i don't know how well represented on CD the group are or how popular they remain to this day?

from a Quad point of view it makes a lot of sense, the Pure Prairie League CD-4's are pretty scarce and the Q8's hen's teeth rare.

good question.. we know the new Billy Paul's are limited editions.. hmm.. maybe any on the fence QQ-ers should think about grabbing one or two of these while they can!?
I was planning an order anyway and this was on the wish list so better get it now.
Requested a copy, we’ll see what happens.

Does this mean no more pressings....was a similar notice released when the first pressing Guess Who disc was dwindling
Well that would be an indication that the pop/rock type of release's are worthy of doing. Selling out is good for business.

oh yes! i'm happy for DV, of course!
(but kinda nervous for those of us here who haven't picked up certain titles yet, waiting to get a bundle together or something.. what's that expression "he who hesitates is lost"? :confused: )
I was planning an order anyway and this was on the wish list so better get it now.
Requested a copy, we’ll see what happens.

Does this mean no more pressings....was a similar notice released when the first pressing Guess Who disc was dwindling

good luck! (y)
no such notice was posted on their website for the Guess Who afaik.
Well that's pretty good for DV! Have it already and agree it's very good! Just got another 2 - Ray Conniff - Theme from S.W.A.T... & Tower of Power! Not sure of stock levels but it's Thursday so what the heck... :cool:

that SWAT disc is worth it just for the SWAT theme in surround! "bah da dum, bah da dum, bah da dum dum.." (etc.!!) you'll be humming that bloody tune all weekend! o_O
..and i've made my feelings v.clear at QQ in the past about that Tower Of Power Quad, its magnificent! :love:
Well that's pretty good for DV! Have it already and agree it's very good! Just got another 2 - Ray Conniff - Theme from S.W.A.T... & Tower of Power! Not sure of stock levels but it's Thursday so what the heck... :cool:

M Smithers........Mr or Master.......I have thoroughly enjoyed the last two batches of D~V QUAD SACDs. Actually, I've purchased every D~V QUAD since the UK Wizard started releasing them....into the wild. Extraordinary mastering. And so far, no defective discs.

Cracked cases, yes.....every cracked case reminds me of the chip in the Egg from Risky Business. Yes, Mom, that fertilized egg all grown up got laid.


What to listen to tonight. Have to get up early tomorrow .......appointments .......... but then home free... to listen. George Benson....BODY TALK!
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that SWAT disc is worth it just for the SWAT theme in surround! "bah da dum, bah da dum, bah da dum dum.." (etc.!!) you'll be humming that bloody tune all weekend! o_O
..and i've made my feelings v.clear at QQ in the past about that Tower Of Power Quad, its magnificent! :love:

That'll be good as I've currently got the 2 Lane Highway opening guitar in my head - wwwaahhhhhwahwahwahwahhhh, bah woobie woobie woobie bah wahhhh!:ROFLMAO: