Fostex 8 track modifcation to play Q8's


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Aug 25, 2003
Dallas, TX
I have been lucky enough to acquire a Fostex 8 track 1/4 in Reel to Reel that I would like to modify to play my Q8's which I'm going to digitize.

Is there anyone who can give me advice on the modification process to change it from 15 ips to 3 3/4 ips. With most servo motors, it's just a resistor change. I only need to get the motor close, it has a pitch control for me to fine tune it when I get there.

I'm sure there will be errors in equalization as well, but I plan on correction them on the digital side. But any experience that anyone can pass on to me is appreciated.

The model is an A-8, but I'm sure it's quite similar to the E-8 or R-8. If anyone has a schematic for any of these, it also would be greatly appreciated. I can figure it out on my own, which would be more fun, but it would take much longer.