Gear Separation Anxiety...


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Oct 20, 2013
I am sure some have experienced this, but getting ready to sell the house and move into an apartment for awhile. The gear will go into storage, in any case the apartment isn't big enough and you can't get loud. What to do? I get paranoid wearing headphones - pretty sure someone is sneaking up behind me. I hate urinals for the same reason (that's a whole other issue...haha). The good news is my dog Junebug will be with me so I guess the best approach is to take her for walks and be thankful for what I have until things get back to normal. Guess I answered my own question, but if you have faced this, am interested to know how you coped!
I'm in that circumstance right now. I've been in an apartment for almost six months and then there was the two months before that when the house was for sale and my setup was in storage. Eight months now, and although I'm looking at four houses today, it'll be at least another two months (escrow and setup) before I can sit back and treat my ears to some great sound. Right now, I'm limited to listening on my phone through Bose headphones. Not bad, but seriously!
I'm the same as the rest of you, except not "been there, done that" - "am there, doing that" currently.

I haven't seen or used my equipment since I boxed it all up almost two years ago. That hasn't stopped me from adding a few more pieces though, but they went direct to self storage.
And all of these surround sound re-releases: I've been keeping up with most of the ones I want, but they go direct into self storage too. And, I've continued prowling for more quad LP's
in the thrift and second hand shops. It may all be an indication of a problem... 🙄.

However, on the other side of "living on hold" for me, I'm going to have a serious crap load of listening to catch up with!
I haven't seen or used my equipment since I boxed it all up almost two years ago.

All that stuff you have listed?! Wow, I'm so sorry man. Hope you get it set back up soon.

Do you really have a Denon UDA-100? Not an easy piece of gear to find. Any UD-4 LPs to go with it?
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I'm actually attempting to put myself back through college (or university, for all non-U.S. readers), so I may not get to see and use any of it for another 4 or 5 years.

I was lucky enough to pick up a UDA-100 from the U.K. just a few years ago. They are pretty rare to come across. The only UD-4 album I have is the demonstration
disc that it came with. I originally started out after just a Fosgate 101-A when I began, but as a Steely Dan fan, accepted the only way I was going to hear their quads
best was with a QS decoder too. A Sansui QSD-1 came up for auction around the same time, and before I knew it, I owned both. Because of conversations on the
forum about how finicky CD-4 can be, I had mostly written it off. But, a New Old Stock JVC 4DD-5, cartridge and stylus came up for auction from Canada, and I figured
"let's finish off the big three formats". I didn't know how much I would have regretted that notion, until I started using the 4DD-5. I would have been shut out of too
much good stuff.

Before long, I was considering how "this revered decoder/demodulator" compared against "that revered decoder/demodulator", and found myself starting to build
a collection of the top of the line and top performer pieces of equipment. And I decided I wanted to be able to play back any format that might come my way,
regardless of how uncommon the format might be (such as UD-4). I've still got a wish list of items I want to add.

It's been tough in the last year or so, as I watched an Audionics Space & Image Composer (w/ set-up disc (!?!) ), international version Technics SH-400 (w/ special
calibration disc), and a Minim AD-10 (w/ usually missing power supply) go by at auction, because I'm trying to save money. But I have not willing to let the music
releases go by, because I'd only end up paying a lot more if I waited until 4 or 5 years from now.

Since the forum upgrade I have not been able to figure out how to view other members' equipment lists. How did you manage to find your way to mine?
**update - I take that back, I just saw Jon's new thread, now I understand how, and realize that it wasn't just me! Forum Custom User Fields
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