Dual Disc Hi-Fi Choice (UK) - Free Dualdisc


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Since 2002/2003
Oct 11, 2003
Luton, UK
This magazine is giving a free sampler Dualdisc with this month's issue. I am glad I haven't paid for the disc! The CD side does not play in my Denon 3910 DVD player. It does spin, but appears to only go at about 8x normal speed. The DVD side has DD and DVD-A versions of the same tracks on the CD side. The authoring must be terrible, because when selecting anything from the menu there is a momentary burst of white noise, which can't do the speakers any good.

On the whole I would say that this is a massive marketing blunder for the Dualdisc camp. It's not helped by the cover notes listing the tracks in a completely different order!

Has anyone else tried it?
omega4 said:
On the whole I would say that this is a massive marketing blunder for the Dualdisc camp. It's not helped by the cover notes listing the tracks in a completely different order!

Has anyone else tried it?

omega4 said:
This magazine is giving a free sampler Dualdisc with this month's issue. I am glad I haven't paid for the disc! The CD side does not play in my Denon 3910 DVD player. It does spin, but appears to only go at about 8x normal speed. The DVD side has DD and DVD-A versions of the same tracks on the CD side. The authoring must be terrible, because when selecting anything from the menu there is a momentary burst of white noise, which can't do the speakers any good.

On the whole I would say that this is a massive marketing blunder for the Dualdisc camp. It's not helped by the cover notes listing the tracks in a completely different order!

Has anyone else tried it?

So yet another example of shoddy authoring then.
I really do not understand all these problems. As long as the assets are all supplied, including any stills, it does not take that long.
The hardest part is always the visual aspect...
neil wilkes said:
So yet another example of shoddy authoring then.
I really do not understand all these problems. As long as the assets are all supplied, including any stills, it does not take that long.
The hardest part is always the visual aspect...

Do you want me to ask them who did it and suggest that next time (if there is one) you do it Neil?
Patrick Cleasby said:
Do you want me to ask them who did it and suggest that next time (if there is one) you do it Neil?

Spoken only in semi-jest I suspect Patrick? Might not be a bad idea actually: at least if Neil authored it we would know the blasted thing would work.
winopener said:

Not tried the disc yet - only just this second got it, but will get a round tuit later on.
I'll post back with how it behaves here. All I can say right now is that the tracklist is incorrect on the CD side. It's correct up to track 4, then the next three are jumbled up, and the last 2 are correct again.

As for the DVD side, the white noise mentioned earlier seems to be by design - they have used a motion menu with Audio, and that Audio seems to be static. Strange, but not a fault. It won't hurt your speakers either, (all white noise is is a full spectrum "noise" but not actual music) but it certainly gets irritating.
The tracklisting is correct on the DVD side, and everything seems to work correctly here on both sides.

Some of the mixes leave a lot to be desired and again sound as if they have been run through a TC 6000, but some are actually well executed. The excerpt from Swan Lake is well done, for example. And the Dishwalla track is also quite good fun. Never heard of them before, so the disc is useful in that respect too.

In all - too much garbage on the menus. It has been said before in these forums - cannot remember who said it, but the thread was about the Deadwing Easter Egg - and I'll repeat it here..these discs are supposed to be music based and not a quiz. There seems to be a trend for ghastly menus these days, in music discs and movie discs alike. This should really stop - after all, the menu is supposed to be there to help navigate the disc, not become a major part of it IMHO.
But still, at least there is High Res included which has to be worth brownie points.
10/10 to HiFi choice for doing this. 5/10 for content (sorry, but I just don't personally like most of the music on it), and 2/10 for the menus.

All in all though, a good idea. Perhaps there should be more of these type of sampler discs. It would raise awareness of our beloved surround formats in the eyes of the general public.
Which cannot be a bad thing whatever way you look at it.


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I see the word 'Silverline.' RUN FOR THE HILLS!
(OK, OK, I know they've got better. Marginally. As in some parts of the Titanic being marginally less underwater than others.)
neil wilkes said:
And the Dishwalla track is also quite good fun. Never heard of them before, so the disc is useful in that respect too.

Dishwalla is a great band and I'm totally surprised they are on this demo disc because I thought they are unknown in the UK, so it's good for them !

Their last album Opaline was released on DualDisc in March and I encourage the mods here to create a thread dedicated to this release, as it is very interesting. I have the CD and will buy the DualDisc as I'll travel in the US next week (I'm from France btw, and here, no DualDisc at all). The specs are (from sonybmg.com) :

The DVD side includes the entire album in MLP (DVD Audio) and Dolby Digital Surround sound and stereo, music video for "Somewhere In The Middle," a video scrapbook from the recording of the album, audio commentary by the band regarding each track on the album, two photo galleries, hidden "Easter eggs" and downloadable music files.

There is a short review of the DVD-A side at the very end of this page: http://www.audaud.com/audaud/APR05/dualdisc/dualdisc.php

Also, for the people wondering about Dishwalla, this press release sums up quite well what they are about. I encourage you to check them out. Sorry for the off-topic.

Dishwalla’s music speaks to people at a very personal level. The band consistently demonstrates a unique ability to write music that elevates the personal to the universal, and magnify the effect with their signature sound—a swirling blend of softly curved melodies and resonating guitars. Opaline was produced by Greg Wattenberg (Five For Fighting) and recorded in Los Angeles. The Santa Barbara-based band made quite the splash a few years back with Pet Your Friends, a provocative mix of pop savvy and soulful rock grind. Fueled by the smash hit single "Counting Blue Cars," the album blazed onto the pop charts and blanketed rock radio, with the video garnering heavy play on MTV and VH1.
YmSeb said:
Dishwalla is a great band and I'm totally surprised they are on this demo disc because I thought they are unknown in the UK, so it's good for them !

Their last album Opaline was released on DualDisc in March and I encourage the mods here to create a thread dedicated to this release, as it is very interesting. .....

Ask and you shall receive!
