List of QQ members who own studios that offer Dolby ATMOS mixing capability


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kap'n krunch

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Nov 25, 2008
Erased land
First of all, if any mods this should be moved to another section, please go ahead...

I thought that since there are several QQ members who have lovely ATMOS equipped studios and are great engineers; e.g. @edisonbaggins , and others who are industry veterans , like @Stephen W Tayler , it would be a great way for networking and for artists and management who may look for ATMOS mixing capabilities and come to our great little but powerful community for reference can be directed to great pros...

So, as a Berklee College of Music graduate from Music Production & Engineering in December 1989 back when it was all done to good 'ole 2" tape and then I did a Synclavier course in Full Sail in May 1990 and I was an operator in Estudios Kirios (RIP) Madrid, Spain and I have never stopped making music and recording.

I finally gathered a quite modest 7.1.4 ATMOS studio in my house and have done several mixes from Multis I have found and shared by others, I could share my mixes privately with you so you can listen to my technique which is to emulate the Stereo mix as close as possible and then to open it up...and make sure the mix doesn't fall flat on their faces!

I am Opus Productions USA, the web is . If the name sounds familiar is because..well, I have permission to do so...

Am attaching some pics of my modest place which I think sounds very good. The lines show the angles of the speakers. I followed the Dolby specs as close as possible, been trying to have my place come up on the official Dolby ATMOS equipped studios, my contact is Emma Brooks, [email protected] in case there are any questions.

My main gear is:
-11 Adam A7Vs
-Genelec 7630 tank, I mean, Subwoofer ;)
-Apogee Symphony I/O x16
-Furman Power conditioner
-Mac Mini 2019 Intel i7 x 6 running Logic Pro and Nuendo, and I use Ginger Audio Ground Control Sphere to control the delay in ms so there are no phasing issues.

It's all done in the box..for now...

Germán Alberto Sánchez Fas
(kap'n krunch)

panoramic with Ingrid overseeing all..where's Stuart?
Opus Panoramic.jpg

the lines are to show the angles suggested by Dolby which are followed as close as possible...

1-FrontsSat w X sm.jpg

2-Right w Xsm.jpg

3-Rears w X sm.jpg

4-Left w X sm.jpg

5-Heights w X sm.jpg

don't mistake the humble look, this is a killer setup and I have installed some acoustic isolation...

Now, let's see you guyses setup...
This is a terrific idea. To add to your worthy goals as outlined, I'd like to add, it would also be great for humble listeners, such as myself, to see what others may have to say about their studio engineering capabilities, from a voyeur POV.

I could also suggest inclusion of mentioning some mixing projects, but for some, such as SWT, that could be quite a long list. Perhaps some highlights or descriptions of projects engineers would like to mention (either obtainable in the market, or even just as a personal project?).

Also, I'd no idea @edisonbaggins is a studio engineer! I watch many of his Life in Surround videos and hope he contributes to this thread. Also Neil Palfreyman (sp?), though I'm not sure if he is an engineer. :)
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Alas! I am not an audio engineer. Nor do I own an Atmos studio!

I can mix at my home studio, up to 5.1, currently.

I’m going to school, at the moment, to become a social worker (LCSW), so I can help traumatized war veterans (ask me why I’m passionate about the topic).

After completing that program I actually might use some remaining educational benefits to get a formal audio engineering education.
Alas! I am not an audio engineer. Nor do I own an Atmos studio!

I can mix at my home studio, up to 5.1, currently.

I’m going to school, at the moment, to become a social worker (LCSW), so I can help traumatized war veterans (ask me why I’m passionate about the topic).

After completing that program I actually might use some remaining educational benefits to get a formal audio engineering education.
I love that you're planning to be a social worker. I'm a social worker, supporting people with brain injuries following car accidents. But sorry kap'n krunch, my digression, back to the exciting topic at hand... :D
Alas! I am not an audio engineer. Nor do I own an Atmos studio!

I can mix at my home studio, up to 5.1, currently.

I’m going to school, at the moment, to become a social worker (LCSW), so I can help traumatized war veterans (ask me why I’m passionate about the topic).

After completing that program I actually might use some remaining educational benefits to get a formal audio engineering education.
You are amazing for doing what you do.
Alas! I am not an audio engineer. Nor do I own an Atmos studio!

I can mix at my home studio, up to 5.1, currently.

I’m going to school, at the moment, to become a social worker (LCSW), so I can help traumatized war veterans (ask me why I’m passionate about the topic).

After completing that program I actually might use some remaining educational benefits to get a formal audio engineering education.
That's why you ooze empathy my good man.
Don’t know why I thought you had ATMOS capability…

I won’t comment on how the Army mistreats Vets, mind boggling…

Karma is a flow that comes back in other ways than where you paid it most of the time, at least in how I have lived! I am sure you will grow a VIRTUOUS CIRCLE!

Thank you, both.

I’m not sure where I’d be if it weren’t for my LCSWs, at the VA. It sure wouldn’t be good, though.

I’m very grateful for my life, particularly having recovered a LOT from trauma.

Just wishing to pay it forward!