Looking for most inexpensive universal disc player recommendations...NOT SONY!


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I also do think that the device's capabilities are very clear before purchasing. I also think that it is NOT Sony's fault that they have the only affordable universal player on the market, as anybody can buy the format books for each format (even SACD) and produce a product using the specifications. Prices points and availability are due to the profit margins for the applicable market and the development time needed.
Okay, I have a UBP-X800 which has been stated before is functionally identical to the X800m2 in this respect. This player will play DVD-R and DVD+R as stated in the manual. I have verified this today with copies of DVD-V material. What it will not play is DVD-A or SACD discs burnt to DVD-R or DVD+R blanks. Again verified today with a DVD that I authored myself without any copy protection or watermarking. It plays pressed DVD-A and SACD without any issues.

As such the manual is correct in that it plays DVD-R and DVD+R. I agree that it could be fixed via firmware but I'd be surprised (and pleased) if they ever did it.
That would be quite the technicality! All of the support people at Sony seem to think it should be able to play these discs. They sent me right to the top when their ideas and suggestions to remedy the problem failed. They didn't say "It doesn't play those discs.", they agreed that it should play them and tried to find out why it doesn't. It is supposed to play DVD+R, DVD-R, SACD, DVDA. It says nothing anywhere about not playing certain combinations of these, that would be ridiculous. The Sony folks agree that it should play those discs. The player says that they might have fingerprints on them, and says nothing about them being incompatible. 😂

I do agree that something is fishy and the defect could be fixed with a firmware update...if there are enough squeaky wheels. 😉
You started this thread asking about another player to buy. Now you don't want to buy another?
I suppose I wasn't clear. Another player INSTEAD, not in addition. The old Blu-Ray was moved to the 2-channel audio system because it isn't 4k.

I figured the initial post was clear. Not happy the Sony doesn't play these discs like it says it does, looking for recommendations for players that do. Seems obvious?
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I suppose I wasn't clear. Another player INSTEAD, not in addition. The old Blu-Ray was moved to the 2-channel audio system because it isn't 4k.

I figured the initial post was clear. Not happy the Sony doesn't play these discs like it says it does, looking for recommendations for players that do. Seems obvious?
But you already have two players that, in combination, play all the formats you require on your multichannel system. So, rather than replacing one, simply add another to fill the need for your 2-channel system. It's only logical. You won't find an inexpensive universal player that will play everything.
Also, in the internet age, more people are using FLAC files than discs, which can be easily loaded off a USB.
Speaking of FLAC, you can burn them to a standard DVD-ROM format, and the X800 player will play them from the burnt DVD-R! IIRC it will present the same interface for playing files from a USB stick, without the need for one.
But you already have two players that, in combination, play all the formats you require on your multichannel system. So, rather than replacing one, simply add another to fill the need for your 2-channel system. It's only logical. You won't find an inexpensive universal player that will play everything.
"The new blu-ray player you bought doesn't do what it is supposed to do? Just keep it and buy a second one, two blu-ray players for one TV!" 😂

So how long have you worked for Sony? 😂
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Speaking of FLAC, you can burn them to a standard DVD-ROM format, and the X800 player will play them from the burnt DVD-R! IIRC it will present the same interface for playing files from a USB stick, without the need for one.
I do find it more than a little odd that people in 2023 still want to burn audio files onto disc based media rather than to USB connected flash drives or HDD's...
I do find it more than a little odd that people in 2023 still want to burn audio files onto disc based media rather than to USB connected flash drives or HDD's...
Burned discs are more permanent (hopefully!) than flash drives or hard discs. They’re easier to store on the shelves with your other optical discs…
No sir, what is actually happening is they are doing their best to avoid action and deflect blame on a known problem with their product.
Well, "known problem" is probably a little strong.

Those who find the units inability to play DVD-R & DVD+R disc's can probably be counted on the fingers of two hands, so would probably be pretty low on the list of issues to be dealt with.

Complaining here will not get the issue dealt with, what is needed is a concerted, well planned, effort to contact Sony over this problem.

Winging will get you nowhere with these companies.
Burned discs are more permanent (hopefully!) than flash drives or hard discs. They’re easier to store on the shelves with your other optical discs…
Hmmm... I back-up all my optical discs and save them onto HDD's, which are connected to an NAS (for sharing around the house). The discs are then placed within storage boxes.
Well, "known problem" is probably a little strong.

Those who find the units inability to play DVD-R & DVD+R disc's can probably be counted on the fingers of two hands, so would probably be pretty low on the list of issues to be dealt with.

Complaining here will not get the issue dealt with, what is needed is a concerted, well planned, effort to contact Sony over this problem.

Winging will get you nowhere with these companies.
Known if you quickly Google it. It is known. Agree, anybody who cares should let Sony know.
"The new blu-ray player you bought doesn't do what it is supposed to do? Just keep it and buy a second one, two blu-ray players for one TV!" 😂

So how long have you worked for Sony? 😂
No universal players have been able to play SACD-R for years because of licensing and copy protection. Sony's disc player designers are not at fault for this (though Sony's SACD division may be). The same can be said for burned DVD-A. To expect a new player to be able to play either is ignorant at best, and willfully obstinate at worst. No matter how much you or any size group of customers complains directly or indirectly, this is not going to change. You can accept this, and seek an alternative solution, or continue throwing your hissy fit. The choice is yours.

The only Sony players I own, by the way, are classic Discmen and a TC-D5M cassette recorder. I'm no shill.
Hello all! I have a Sony UBP-X800M2, and just discovered that it doesnt actually play DVD+R and DVD-R SACDs and DVD-As. Issue Playing Back Burned DVD-Audio Disc on Sony UBP-x800m2
Infuriating. 😠
What are some recommendations for the most inexpensive universal players? I want it to play everything. Ultra HD Blu Ray, multi channel SACD, quad Blu Ray, DVDRs...everything this garbage Sony was SUPPOSED to play.
Thanks so much in advance for your experienced knowledge!
Weird. My inexpensive Sony plays DVD-R adn BluRay-R. I have several I have bought of releases from small distributors since they are not widely available. Several are even 3D. I have never had one fail.
The Sony is far from garbage.
Agreed, with the disappearing statis of hard media players I just bought a new X800M2 for a backup of my other 2 players. The biggest thing I don't like about it is the lack of a info screen on the front panel. But it plays close to everything, is built like a tank, quiet as a mouse and should last for decades.
On sale at BB for $229
Um, well, i wouldn't put any money on that!
Magnetic media has far more fail points than properly stored physical media. Please do not expect your magnetic media to be available to you in a decade+ time. The strategy with magnetic media is to have multiple copies, and eventually copy the copies over to new magnetic media periodically (like every 5-10 years at most). Physical media requires a similar strategy but in timelines of decades, not 5-10 years. Most manufactured (pressed) physical media 30+ years old are still playing/fine, it's mostly burned consumer grade cd/dvd/bluray physical media that needs this ongoing refresh to stay ahead of the degradation.

There's a lot of information on this forum and other places on the internet, I'm just regurgitating/condensing that info.