Paul Young - "No Parlez" Blu-Ray Audio with 5.1 & Dolby Atmos mixes coming March 15 (SDE #17)


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LOL... I checked out CB&S after reading your post. I don't have any recollection of the song at all. I am guessing you saw it on MTV. It wasn't a terrible song but it wasn't worth buying the album for either.
Dang. I mean, could have been MTV, I was obviously glued to it back then.
Ordered! SDE keeps outdoing themselves with the amount of added bonus material. The non-limited versions of original and extended versions of the album are very much appreciated.

With all these classic 80s pop albums showing up, I hope the Human League's Dare album is under consideration. That is one solid album if you like moody synth-pop.
I agree. I was just about to leave a similar comment saying, it would be nice to have a couple of releases for artists that were successful on both sides of the Atlantic. I get that SDE is a UK company and therefore a lot of the legal wranglings necessary to bring these to market are easier to accomplish for acts based in the UK, but I can't talk myself into buying the majority of them.
If I was in Paul's position I'd probably be doing the same thing, in targeting certain types/genres/period of music that I like. If the sales numbers start to drop off sharply for the 80's Brit. Pop stuff, perhaps he'll be a little more inclined to expand the series. And what country/market makes up the lion's share of his orders (what side of the toast gets buttered the most!) Considering that most of these are made up of new mixes, anything is possible depending on the artists & labels involved.

I'll continue to support all these releases (already ordered), however this latest one is definitely not up my alley.

We'll just have to ventilate on this dream thread:ā€™s-surround-series-your-fantasy-wishlist.34070/
If I was in Paul's position I'd probably be doing the same thing, in targeting certain types/genres/period of music that I like. If the sales numbers start to drop off sharply for the 80's Brit. Pop stuff, perhaps he'll be a little more inclined to expand the series. And what country/market makes up the lion's share of his orders (what side of the toast gets buttered the most!) Considering that most of these are made up of new mixes, anything is possible depending on the artists & labels involved.

I'll continue to support all these releases (already ordered), however this latest one is definitely not up my alley.

We'll just have to ventilate on this dream thread:ā€™s-surround-series-your-fantasy-wishlist.34070/
Hey, I said I understood why things are the way they are. :) There is nothing wrong with it. I was just explaining what would help me see my way to buying more of the SDE releases.

If I were in his shoes I'd probably be keying on US acts and they'd probably more fringe from the hard rock scene. I did pre-order the DL -Diamond Store Halo's release. Without having ever heard the songs, at least I know I like the band.

Wasn't into pop at all in the 80s and in fact shunned most pop acts from either side of the Atlantic. While my overall attitude towards those pop songs have softened as I've gotten older, I still would like for there to be at least a song or two I am familiar with on any disc I purchase.
Hmmmm... a decent album with a lot of potential for a really fun mix. However, David Kosten has no track record other than the recent Tubular Bells release, which gives no context on how he'll do with an intricately produced 80s album. However, since he's worked with Steven Wilson, hopefully some influence has rubbed off and he can conjure up some creative and nicely discrete magic. I don't know -- I'll *probably* take a chance on this, especially since it'll have a dedicated 5.1 mix.

And yeah, I'm that guy who won't mind if SDE just keeps churning out 80s albums -- the decade is still pretty significantly under-represented in surround, IMHO.
You know, I find my self liking the "pop" version of the 80s right now in my life, but many of these being released are way to fringe for me. I just don't think they were universally liked here in the US. Of course, that's just me talking...small data set. lol

Now, here are some 80's I'd love...

Cyndi Lauper
Men At Work
Huey Lewis
Culture Club
Air Supply

And yes, I did order this Paul Young.....not going to deal with a gap in my collection. I'll think of it like the shirt I bought that I never wear.

I'd instantly grab an SDE of the recent She's So Unusual mix, which I think is pretty stellar even in 5.1 fold-down.

And I think Eurythmics and Hall & Oates are two of the most prominent 80s artists who are woefully unrepresented in surround -- no Eurythmics at *all*, and none of the H&O 80s hits.
It's Christmas time, there's no need to be afraid....

I pre-ordered Paul Young's No Parlez Blu-ray Audio.

Can we have this on a Blu-ray Audio....

Speaking as one who purchased this LP in 1983, right at the height of all the craze for sparsely arranged, synthetic, programmed music, including electric drums, I find the sound hasn't aged well at all, 40 years later. Obviously, there is a huge nostalgia market out there for 50-somethings, wanting to relive their youth (musically, not the terrible hairstyles and clothes). I certainly don't like this music dissected and spread around the room. There is a limit to how audiophile this actually can sound - ABC's Look Of Love and Soft Cell's Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret are also similarly impacted. And it's not just these ancient mixes - the Orbital's Optical Delusion didn't sound particularly nice in its Atmos version. I'll admit that my preference lies with a classic, rich, acoustic production, such as on the recent Quadio blu-rays - those sound lovely. I'm not against electric music - I rate Yello's Point and Depeche Mode's Violator at the pinnacle of immersive mixes - but this is not for me.
Bummer for the original cd with the extended version mix being just 48/24 and the 5 remixes featured there not available on any surround format.
I was a fan of Paul Young back in the 80s and even saw him in concert with 1000s of screaming teenagers. No Parlez has a few great moments but there is also a lot of filler. The next album Secret Of Association to me has better songs and is more consistent. But it was seriously over produced unfortunately.
Well, both the No Parlez album and the lead single Love Of The Common People were huge hits here (both topped the chart and are among the top ten albums and singles of the year), can understand that release from a european point of view even if it didn't had a hit in USA. Same as Randy Newman disc, just in reverse: it may sound exciting from USA listeners but overseas he didn't had any impact and never had a release here.
The fact that both cassettes and cd featured the 5 extended remixes were a BIG plus.
Hope that also the second album, Secret of Associations, will have the same treatment.
Like the latest batch of quadios, I will probably see if this album is on YT and give it a preview. The music has always been more important than the mix, or a ā€œcompleteā€ collection.
There is a limit to how audiophile this actually can sound - ABC's Look Of Love and Soft Cell's Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret are also similarly impacted.
I dunno, ABC's Lexicon album sounds pretty 'audiophile' to me. Getting to step inside that record only gave me greater appreciation for how well-recorded, produced, and arranged it was. One of the best Atmos releases of 2023, IMO.