HiRez Poll Porcupine Tree - CLOSURE/CONTINUATION [Blu-Ray Audio (Dolby Atmos)]


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Rate the BDA of Porcupine Tree - CLOSURE/CONTINUATION

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Really torn on how to vote. I am more of a Stupid Dream / Lightbulb Sun era fan of PT but I still can appreciate the harder edge version of PT.

The music hers is pretty much a continuation of the band's Lava & Roadrunner era style. There isn't much progression on that front aside from Gavin's drumming features SO prominently in the mix. Not a bad thing but when I am listening I become a little distracted and think it is Gavin Harrison show.

The surround mixes are up to SW's usual high standards. Incredibly disappointed that the bonus cuts & instrumental versions are not offered in the package.
If this was anything other than a SW lead project, I might understand (remain frustrated - but understand). He has certainly changed his approach or is letting the labels dictate content. By any means - Highly disappointing to the point of it maybe unreasonably affecting my enjoyment of the new album. Just being honest.

My true dilemma - how does the exorbitant cost, lack of alternate physical product options, and a skimpy content-to-cost value factor into voting and should it?

As to the music:
Surround Mix - 10
Fidelity - 9
Musical Composition - 8

As to the Package:
Content - 1 Extremely weak to the price point

So maybe an 8?
You can award 0 points for content, if you feel the value isn't there. I'm inclined to.
I don't like the album musically, much, either...
I can't see wanting more height usage on this title - guitars, vocals, keys, synth percussion, and all kinds of other elements find their way up there. "Walk The Plank" is my go-to track for showing off Atmos to new listeners.
I voted 7.

I like the music, but it's not the sort of album I would listen to more than 4 or 5 times. I like Harridan, Herd Culling, Walk the Plank, but I also like the bonus tracks. Surprisingly, they are offered in stereo only, which doesn't sound very deluxe. Same for the packaging, a lot of photos, and not enough written information, essays, etc.

Nothing to complain about the atmos mix, which is immersive, and the audio quality is good as usual.

In my view, this doesn't deserve more than a 7, given that music could be 6.5, packaging 5, mix 9.
Sure, but there is also a 5.1 mix. Regardless, the qualifier for a good Atmos mix isn't really heavy use of tops. Atmos is more about an immersive bubble of sound. Not everyone is into that, I agree.
True. Some Atmos mixes are very top heavy with nothing in rears, that is not great IMO.
As a long time fan of PT and Steven Wilson, this one was tough to rate.

Surround Mixes: 9
Both the 5.1 and Atmos mixes are, as to be expected, excellent. But in direct comparison, IMHO Atmos really blows the 5.1 mix away. The addition of the height channels plus the separate side and rear channels, which Steven Wilson aggressively uses, results in an often stunning, immersive listen. Atmos is by far the best way to experience this release.

Musical Content: 7
While I like the album and it is growing on me, I don't think it's better than the final string of albums before the hiatus: In Absentia, Deadwing, Fear Of A Blank Planet, and The Incident. PT has a very strong, varied discography and I think this one falls somewhere in the middle tier. In other words, if I were to pull out a PT album to demo to someone (or just listen to), C/C would not be the first one I'd grab.

Deluxe Packaging/Content: 1
The cardboard slot disc packaging and the softbound book with obscured photos and very little info simply exudes cheapness. But the nearly empty blu-ray is the worst aspect of this so-called "deluxe" package, especially for the premium price. Not including the 3 bonus tracks, or instrumentals, or videos, or any of the AIR Studio sessions material on the blu-ray is deeply disappointing and breaks sharply with previous PT deluxe release precedent.

Overall: 7 - primarily for the surround mixes
I'll be seeing the band in a few weeks and will be interested to see if the live performance encourages me to re-evaluate the material.
I struggle a bit with how to give this a just rating. I didn't think any of the pre-release songs were great though not bad either. Hearing the album in it's (deluxe) entirety a lot though made more sense and the music and execution are pretty dang good. Richard's work is great, and just enhances my feelings about what some of the SW solo albums were missing.

I've played the surround a few times, played the 2ch many times in the car and in the AirPods while doing my early morning power-walks...

Songs and execution are really good, but please....the falsetto is WAY overused. I little here and there can work, but practically every song....no, just no. Not having the bonus tracks in MC...lazy and cheap, not what I expect from a SW/PT "Deluxe" set at all, he ought to know better than that....not like time was an issue for stuff that has been brewing for 10 years and what with lockdown time etc...just no excuse.

So, I dunno...what to rate...

Music...probably a 9
surround mix...probably a 9.5 as well
Leaving out the extras get a big minus

So maybe a generous 8 overall for a disc that should have and could have easily been a 9 or 10
I think the album is solid, though obviously not peak PT. It has its moments for sure, and then a couple of "meh" parts.

I think the surround mix is find, but I don't have the Atmos setup-- only surround. The fidelity, as expected, is top notch.

The box set is a bit sparse and underwhelming. Feels like a money grab (like the concert ticket prices for the tour) to take advantage of their fanbase's eagerness to pay for new music. A standalone BR release consistent with SW's recent solo offerings would be much more appropriate.

Rating this a 9 seems fair. The mix, which is the only reason I buy these things, is pretty great for me, but the bang for buck factor pulls this down a bit.
I think the album is solid, though obviously not peak PT. It has its moments for sure, and then a couple of "meh" parts.

I think the surround mix is find, but I don't have the Atmos setup-- only surround. The fidelity, as expected, is top notch.

The box set is a bit sparse and underwhelming. Feels like a money grab (like the concert ticket prices for the tour) to take advantage of their fanbase's eagerness to pay for new music. A standalone BR release consistent with SW's recent solo offerings would be much more appropriate.

Rating this a 9 seems fair. The mix, which is the only reason I buy these things, is pretty great for me, but the bang for buck factor pulls this down a bit.
The 7.1.4 Atmos mix with 4 ceiling speakers is absolutely incredible! Can't wait to check out the new live concert!
Lovely spacious, deep, punchy, open sound. Listening to the Atmos mix (4.1.4 system). I wish more music was mixed like this!

The songs cover quite a few sub-genres and make for a great listening experience. Great PT record as far as I'm concerned. I vote 9.
Listening to this one more than I predicted. Still more of a fan of the more arty left-field instrumental parts than the vocal sections but they aren't making me reach for the skip button this time. The good stuff here is just absolutely great! Bass player and drummer are just beyond!

I think Steven lives up to his reputation with the mix here too! Very active surround and great arrangement. Perhaps a little on the compressed side. It stays on the polite side and doesn't ever go extreme dynamics. But it's an absolutely great surround mix. Only listened to the 7.1.4 Atmos because it's there and I can and why would I do anything else at this point, right? :D
...The good stuff here is just absolutely great! Bass player and drummer are just beyond!
Steven would appreciate the compliment on his bass playing, as he's always described himself as a "frustrated bassist". I feel he does an admirable job on the instrument as well, I think many rhythm guitarist who also play bass translate some of their guitar playing instincts to the bass in a way traditional 'bass only' players approach the instrument. I was in a band where the guitarist would occasionally pickup the bass for fun at jams and always came up with some very clever sounding parts, a few of them I (the bassist at the time) even adopted into the end composition for the eventual song.