Revisionist History or You know you're Crazy when....


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Since 2002/2003
Sep 30, 2003
Castlegar, BC, Canada
I wonder if anybody'd thought of this before.

I have a Q8 of DSOTM.... the US purple cartridge. I think I played it once.
I have the DTS Entertainment DSOTM DTS disc. It's a note-for-note remake of the UK mix. (I have the UK mix on DTS too :D ) The DTS Ent. one doesn't have the funky fade on Money, and it's much better quality.

So, I taped the DTS version onto my US Capitol Q8 tape. So basically, it's the way things should have been back in '73. I even set it so it follows the same whacky running order as on the US Q8.

Well, at least now I might actually play the tape!! It sounds great! The Akai 80-SS did a wonderful job recording. I'm kinda pleased with myself right now. :banana:
I must admit that I never tried that. How did you get it to fit properly? And if you did, why didn't Capitol do that in the first place?
From what I've read, when Capitol USA asked UK EMI for the Quad Master for DSOTM, they received an SQ master. Capitol USA then decoded it with whatever decoder they had available at the time and put that out on the US Q8.

And we all know what SQ sounds like. :mad:@:

I hypothesized that the UK and US mixes must have nearly the same running times as they should be the same takes. So, I took a chance! I set my DVD player to play the 4 songs that should be on track 1, and let it run!

I had to do some creative fading as Brain Damage is on the end of track 1 and Eclipse starts off track 2. These songs roll into one another. So, fade out during the end of Brain Damage, Fade up at the beginning of Eclipse and everything fit. It's a completely unobtrusive track change.

And it fit!

I set the songs to play in order for track 2 and let it run! And it fit!

So now there is ONE US Q8 that has the discrete Alan Parson's mix of DSoTM.

Cool! The Akai CR80DSS will make an excellent recording. It will be superior to a factory high speed recorder.

The Quadfather
Quadfather: Maybe you'd know.

Does the Akai unit have an erase head? The reason I ask is that in all the 8-track decks I've seen, the little gizmo to the left of the head that picks up the track change stripe is usually just a two-pronged affair.

The Akai has what looks like a second head, just narrower. Is it an erase head or just a different style of changeover pickup?

It sure does record nice! No crosstalk at all and it completely wiped the old recording.
Absolutely! The CR-80DSS has a four channel erase head. Many reel to reel recorders of the era had two, two channel erase heads, but in an eight track, there is no room for that, so a four channel head is required.

The Quadfather