Thermal performance with the new cases


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May 11, 2012
Ahoy all,

Thought you might find this interesting, as I've got compilations of a lot of data and graphs on the old v new cases in various scenarios for the SMV3 and the Amp. (Oh what a glamorous life I lead) - this is the hidden cost of engineering, having to do actual work.

Anyway, I'll put a few graphs here just of the top of each unit (I'll spare you the numbers) - stacked means the SMV3 is sitting on top of the amp, separated means alone on the desk next to each other (not super-close proximity) - the large room is my office, it's open, airy and has good airflow. The confined room is my office at home, it's small, dense with things and has almost no natural airflow. The temperatures are in degrees Celsius and the time scale is in hours. The sides of the units were also measured but the difference in temp tracks pretty closely with the tops of the units. The numbers were adjusted to account for ambient temp as well.





As you can see, the new case is giving an overall drop of around 5 degrees Celsius on the SM and up to 10 degrees Celsius on the amp.
The amp does have the benefit of having had the boards redesigned to allow an airflow path around the boards, and the rear of the new amp case has slotting for better air venting as well.

All in all, a worthwhile change. The new cases are also a more consistent quality, so there's a plus.

Thermal camera picture just for interest:


Peace, love and Ringo Starr,



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I was surprised at the warmth the SM3 puts out. Not that it's anywhere near a concerning level, but it seems like the case is part of a heatsink, which is a decent idea in its own self.
I too was concerned at the kind of heat the SMV3 was putting out, especially after a couple hours of use, but as long as it’s doing no harm it doesn’t bother me.

I still get surprised when I go to turn the unit off and feel how hot it is!
I too was concerned at the kind of heat the SMV3 was putting out, especially after a couple hours of use, but as long as it’s doing no harm it doesn’t bother me.

I still get surprised when I go to turn the unit off and feel how hot it is!
Heat has been a concern of topic since SM v1. I operate my v2 with the top off.
Really you guys just need to figure out how to tame the heat. Never mind case heat sinks.
In essence it draws around 0.7 Amps at 9V and we are using internal SMPS to increase conversion efficiency. So between the two DSP's , 31 dual op amp packages, two SPDIF IC's and an LED controller and CPU and 4 power supply SMPS and an LED controller that's 6.3 Watts of heat to dissipate in a small box.