YouTube - (AES) Emil Torick "Quadraphonic Sound"


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Since 2002/2003
Feb 20, 2003
Midwest USA

I wish all of the record companies had done what RCA (initially) did:
if an album was recorded in quad, only a (CD-4 in this case) quad
disc would be released (stereo tapes would be the quad folddown).

RCA relentlessly promoted color tv (on the NBC TV network), even
10 years after color tv was FCC approved, only about 3% of viewers
had color tvs, ~3 years after the introduction of quad, it had 5% of
the market (hardware and software): wear.htm^^^
Note 4

Producing a tv show in color rather than b&w cost a lot more than
recording an album in quad rather than stereo, too bad the record
companies didn't absorb the costs of quad early on in order to
launch quad (with the payoff once quad was the norm).

Kirk Bayne
Sadly this was one of the final " nails in the coffin " it would seem.

Too bad Columbia Records hadn't gone "single inventory " from the start , but that's long ago an argument lost in quad album history .
I read in Billboard magazine in an early 72 or 73 article, Columbia had only 2 (Boulez -Bartok , Bernstein -Mass), which they later released in separate stereo.