AKAI GX280D SS Question


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New member
Dec 30, 2011
Hello all! This is my first post to the forums, so apologies if I misplaced it in the threads.

Anyway, I just got an AKAI GX280D-SS machine for Christmas and I'm pretty excited about it. I intend to use the machine solely to do a multitracking recording project at home. I have been doing a lot of research on the machine and I haven't yet actually used it, but it has just now dawned on me that multitracking may be impossible. As far as I can tell, there is no "sync" function on this deck and the closest thing to it is the "sound-on-sound" feature.

Now, I haven't tried it yet so I may be wrong, and the description in the manual is pretty murky so maybe I am just not understanding the concept, but, it sound likes the way it works is that you record onto channel 1, then if you press SOS and record something to channel 2, you will get a sync function but you will also end up with whatever you were synced to on channel 1 recorded on channel 2 as well. Is that correct? Please tell me that's wrong, or that there's some secret sync function somewhere on this guy. He's beautiful, he's quad, he's my first personal reel to reel machine, but if I can't multitrack without getting a delay or some weird stacking type feature, this machine is dead to me.
You are correct. You can record stereo, or you can record all 4 tracks together. No other choices.

The machine is dead to you.