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Dec 24, 2022
Just to say Hi, my system is primarily Home-Cinema based, with an Atmos 7.2.4 set-up. I've had some SACD's for a long time, & now getting more interested in multi-channel audio. So I really need some help here, as I seem to have struck-out on the cinema forums.
My collection is virtually all stored on HD drives, as FLAC stereo & some SACD /DVD-A as well as extracts from DVD's & Blu-rays. I generally stream my 2 channel stuff using Upnp, & mserver on my Iphone, to either my Lyngdorf processor directly, or via Pana UB820.
I was using my Oppo for multi-channel playback, but recently realised I could also get that on the UB820 if I set options for pcm (instead of bitstream).

However, my real goal is to get multi-channel gapless, & this is where I'm getting stuck.....My processor is digital input only, so I don't need a DAC in an external device, ie need to send signal to Lyngdorf for decoding, or presumably pass a multi-channel pcm, via HDMI.
There seem to be hundreds of audio streamers on the market, but looking for 5.1 gapless is causing me sleepless nights!

Any help pointing me in the right direction would be fabulous - I'm happy to put my multi-channel stuff on a portable HD, & connect this via USB to whatever device, but the end-goal would be to control everything via IOS app.

Here's my current h/ware set-up:
Lyngdorf MP-50, Trinnov Amplitude 8M (x2), Oppo BDP-95, Pana UB820, Sky Q, Apple 4KTV, DIYSG HTM-12 (LCR), PSA S1812 (x2), SVS Prime Elevation (x4),MA Silver FX surrounds, Minidsp, JVC X7900, Othelloline Galileo dual format screen, Lumagen Radiance Pro

Welcome to QQ, MickB! Some incredible gear you have. I'll leave answering your questions to some here who are far more tech savvy than I. Please feel free to PM me if I can help or direct you to people and/or resources.

Besides being cute, I've been a Mod here for 11+ years, Began career in hi-fi business in the 70's at the height of Quad. History of Quad, vintage gear and an unquenchable LP/digital disc buying fetish are my greatest interests. And I've had video integrated into my main systems since the 60's.

Obviously, a/v gear and surround are strong interests for you. You're a most welcome addition and will fit in very well.
Thanks for the welcome!

would you recommend which specific sub-forum I would be best asking my question re playback of m/channel flacs please, & I could post it there?