DTS-CD When Your Conversion gets..................converted!


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How do you feel when someone reconverts one of your conversions?

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Forum Curmudgeon
Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
How do you guys feel when someone takes your conversion and changes it, then puts it "out there"?

I've always had mixed feelings about this. I mean, the original guy gets the source, does the work to his satisfaction, then someone else takes it and instead of enjoying it, futzes with it then calls it his own.

In some ways, it can be looked at as underhanded, in another way, it's just a case of someone tweaking something to one's own taste.

How do you guys feel? (I'm not saying one attitude is better than the other, I was just curious)
Well, I guess in a way I have mixed feelings about this. I do recall a particular instance where there were some hard feelings over someone taking someone else's conversion, which a lot of hard work went into, processing it to his personal preference, and taking credit for it because he felt he had done the work that made it sound better. Which, it was understandable why the initial person was upset. But, I don't think the person that tweaked it meant to upset anyone, but I did disagree with him taking credit...

I think it comes down to having respect for the person that did the original work. Like, asking the person who did the conversion if they mind if you release the conversion that uses theirs as a source, and giving credit for the work that was done by the original converter. Personally, if someone wants to do something with my conversions, it doesn't bother me. However, if someone did take my conversion, tweaked it, and took credit for the whole thing, it probably would tick me off a bit, but in the end how does that really effect me? Also, I'm not sure I'd want my name on any conversion that was tweaked beyond how I originally tweaked it anyways.

But, the bottom line is, I believe that the best thing we all can do is share openly. Which means letting people do what they will and want to do with what you put out there. The more we share and put out there, the more we get back.
There are several issues lyin' there.
First, is the source credited to anyone? We're on 10 years of quad to "something else" (dts cd, dd dvd, dvd-a, multichannel flac...) and for the vast majority of the early years output, which was 99% dts cd, you may have a hard time to understand who did a specific conversion. Sure, Tab did *the* lot, but it wasn't alone: the dts scene was ruled by Tab but many followed, with different degrees of success. Other than Tab... probably a dozen of converters. many times discs were without any cover or specific info of who did that, so you may just guess who did that, especially when checking out the Tab list and that specific title wasn't there.
The real problem was in the success factor. Some were happy to record to wav from a misaligned Q8 deck, at the wrong speed or with a flutter that will make sick even the most trained sailor, and likely with a very worn head - hope that *at least* the head was clean.
I'm not exaggerating: i still have something done that way lying on a hard drive. Pretty unlistenable... unless you do some hard work.
I did it twice on the same fileset, a CCR Gold q8 transfer, first to dts, years later for a dvda, and pushed it well over the edges to have a decent sound. Neil can confirm how lousy was this source and how stunning was the result compared to the source.
Of course when i got the real q8 in my hands the results were a lot different but... heck, it tooks me 9 years to put my hands on that Q8! Meanwhile, at least i could groove with the proud mary even if it wasn't so good as the others.
Said that, if someone can do a better job from my work i'm more than willing to listen. I did what i could with the tools that i had at the time. Things can improve, both on the "tool" side and the "expericence" side, as i've seen by myself the second time i did the CCR workout. The source file were the same, some tools were new and i had 4 years more of experience to clean out things while keeping the sound. After all, if someone can improve what someone else did first, we all gain something better.
Currently i haven't seen someone doing that, other than the few RQR releases. I'm missing something?
I'm not sure I have an opinion on this yet. Certainly, I haven't released very many things myself (only 4 so far), and I don't think any of them have attracted enough attention to merit futzing with. However, I certainly empathize with those who've poured their heart and soul into a project, put the tidy bow on it and sent it out into the world with a loving pat on the behind... only to find that someone else has decided it wasn't quite "good enough". I guess I'd be pretty irked by that, especially if it was something I'd really put a lot into. I look at the DVD-A/V pieces out there, many from hard-to-find original sources, be they Q4, CD-4, Q8, whatever, and think that if I'd put out the money to obtain that original, then the effort into making it listenable, and then set it free with no expectation of remuneration -- then I'd be pretty pissed if someone claimed it as their own after making a change or two, no matter how small or large.

OK, I guess I DO have an opinion!

OTOH, if credit is given and permission asked, that's maybe a different story. I guess it comes down to common courtesy.
BTW, GREAT POLL!!! Thanks :)

Oh, I don't care as long as they credit me as the original converter..as it is I am standing on the shoulders of ...very tall people...I would have never come up with the SQ script that Luca created(from the Andreas guy)...

WHat really ticks me off (in a way) is that "All music +-*/" whatever Russian guy who downloads my conversions and uploads them again in his own RS account..now that's not cool...

As it is, I think that of all the converters, mine would be some of the ones that someone would probably work on , if only to remove the tape noise (and you know how I feel about NR)...

I do the conversions for ME, period.. I like to share them too just to give back some of the great ones I have...
I do a different type of conversion than you guys do, obviously, and have seen some of my stuff pop up somewherewithout being credited. I'm still at the point where, frankly, I'm just flattered. I'm some guy working out of his living room who has a day job. That someone likes what I did that much is still something that amuses me.

I think it's harder to tinker with stereo-to-surround than it is to tinker with the quad you do. I'll fully admit that I've attempted some experiments with some of the quad transfers I've found from you guys, but have never done anything with them other than keep them as experiments for myself.

I once had someone tell me they took something I did, tore it apart, lowered the volume of the rears by so many db's, and blamed me when it didn't sound to their liking. What am I even supposed to say to that? :)
WHat really ticks me off (in a way) is that "All music +-*/" whatever Russian guy who downloads my conversions and uploads them again in his own RS account..now that's not cool...

that's a different thing, a distribution issue, in which isn't involved any work other than down/up. Totally different story.
See, for example I have only done that once and the audio I left untouched , I just added a lyrics slideshow...
but I was just spinning the AP DSOTM and I just though of a project since it sounds kind of lifeless and wonky...I'll prolly post it when I'm done...and of course with lyrics..not with a silly photo slideshow...I'd have understood if the lyrics weren't a huge part of this LP...
What happens often is a change of format. Like you put out an DVD-A someone else makes a DTS-CD of it. Or FLAC 5.1 files. In this specific example it would more like be a gesture to those who cannot play DVD-A.
Of course it sucks when someone takes credit for what you did, but it will happen once in a while. So I hope the converters can feed on our "thank you's" and enjoy sharing those quads from long ago with the world.
A format change for me it's ok, usually it's not needed in my works because they do have already dd, dts and mlp... if multichannel flac is the next route, well, maybe i can get the mch-flac of my stuff converte by someone else. It's always a time saving.
i'd heard such complains but not really can recall any releases with stolen credits.
there are not too many people whos doing conversion from the quad sources or decent remixes from the stereo and they are well known under their nicks/labels.
as for the sharing of someone else release which were obtained not by the privately from the author but from open public's resource - i'm not found it bad. instead i would appreciate such activity becouse that's was the way in which i personally discovered quadraphonic format.
regarding the requests of permission to re-do of obtained release, let's put it this way: ask permitions from who?
it seems that mainly the authors prefer to keep low profile and most likely reach them for most of part is impossible.