My Oppo BDP-93 experiences so far...


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Since 2002/2003
Apr 22, 2002
Attleboro, MA
So, as I've stated before, once Oppo announced that they were going to downgrade their player with a future firmware release, I jumped on the opportunity to own an Oppo player that will playback .iso images. And, it's been an interesting experience so far, so I wanted to share my findings and my experiences with this player.

First thing I did was to upgrade the firmware to the newest version that doesn't disable .iso playback, which is the state the player will stay in forever. And after finding the right software to make proper .iso backups of my dvd-a collection, I found that this feature is absolutely wonderful! Whoever is responsible for blocking this from becoming a continuing feature should be shot. Having all of my discs available to choose from without having to get up is great. The industry is really getting in the way of technology, and this is a prime example. Here we have an opportunity to have easy access to all of our media, for ultimate convenience, and the industry is putting an end to it. Anyways, the fact that this player will do both SACD and DVD-A playback, and does playback of DVD-A from .iso images alone makes this player worth the price, so already I'm recommending the long as you can get one that still supports .iso playback.

So, after you drop a chunk of change into a player, you see what else it does, and try to utilize the thing to it's fullest capabilities. So, I picked up a s-ata dock and hooked it up to the Oppo player via the e-sata port. This will allow me endless storage, all I need to do is buy another s-ata hard drive if I need more storage space. So, now that I had my dvd-a collection dealt with, time to turn to the CD collection and see what I can do with that.

First of all, the .iso format is only working when it comes to video formats. Which I guess dvd-a technically counts as, since it's dvd based. Iso images of CDs are a no go. Neither are bin images. So, I figured, ok, time to rip my CD collection to .flac files. May as well have a backup of my collection anyways. And, that brought us to a major flaw in this player. No gapless playback of files.


So, at this time, the Oppo player is inadequate for .flac playback, which is a major bummer.

I've also played around with video file playback. I like to grab some files of things I want to watch, and now instead of firing up the computer hooked up to my tv, waiting for it to boot up and get windows all load up, I just hook up an external drive with my files I want to watch, and I'm ready to go. So far I've had good luck with this. My wife ran into some issues though with some files, I guess she got some files that came from various sources, and have found some will play with no sound, and some will play with no picture. So, I suppose the player isn't completely universal as far as video and audio formats go, but with so many different formats out there I guess that's to be expected. But, it's played most of what I've thrown at it.

When contacting Oppo about the lack of gapless playback, they said it was in the chip, and so a firmware could not be developed to fix this issue, which is fine since I have no intent on downgrading my player, even if it would come with an upgrade. So, to me, this player is a bit frustrating. I find it quite frustrating that we clearly have the technology and the ability to create the perfect box that will do everything you need it to do, and yet instead we end up with an almost perfect box. The Oppo is almost there. And now with the .iso fiasco that has developed, Oppo will probably never get the opportunity to finish the job, because even if they do develop a model that will do the gapless playback, it will be missing the .iso playback, and will therefore still fall into the almost perfect category.

So sad that no one can finish the job. We were so close.

Meanwhile, I'm looking into other alternatives for gapless .flac playback. After spending the time I have ripping my discs, I'm kind of committed to it. I have a friend that's been hounding me to buy a roku box, talking about how "perfect" it is. I told him I would buy it just as soon as he finds a way to do SACD playback on it, which had funny results that unfolded on my show over a few weeks. But, now that I was looking into adding something for gapless flac playback, that had me checking out the roku again. And......nope, can't do flac from an external drive on a roku box.

So, to sum it up, is the Oppo worth buying? Yes, if you need a dvd-a and SACD player. If you're already set for dvd-a and SACD playback, it's only a yes if need the upgrade for a particular reason, or if you get it before .iso playback is phased out.

Meanwhile, to work towards the perfect system, I still have to figure out the following:

Gapless flac playback from external drives
A way to rip and playback ripped DTS CDs
A way to deal with SACDs. I know things can be done with the use of a PS3, but I'm hoping to see things evolve further with SACD ripping.

Meanwhile, to work towards the perfect system, I still have to figure out the following:

Gapless flac playback from external drives
A way to rip and playback ripped DTS CDs
A way to deal with SACDs. I know things can be done with the use of a PS3, but I'm hoping to see things evolve further with SACD ripping.

FYI - I've used Foobar2000 as a UPnP Server to stream files (of various formats) to my Oppo BDP-83SE. I'm pretty sure this gets around the gapless playback of FLAC files issue - I'll check tonight.... It does this by decoding to LPCM and passing the LPCM stream (rather than FLAC to the Oppo). Interestingly it also plays content from DVD-Audio and SACD iso files too! I couldn't get it working properly above 16 bits though...

Also - I've managed to rip the Band on the Run DTS CD but not the Sting DTS CD discs....using Audiomuxer to convert the files.
FYI - I've used Foobar2000 as a UPnP Server to stream files (of various formats) to my Oppo BDP-83SE. I'm pretty sure this gets around the gapless playback of FLAC files issue - I'll check tonight.... It does this by decoding to LPCM and passing the LPCM stream (rather than FLAC to the Oppo). Interestingly it also plays content from DVD-Audio and SACD iso files too! I couldn't get it working properly above 16 bits though...

Also - I've managed to rip the Band on the Run DTS CD but not the Sting DTS CD discs....using Audiomuxer to convert the files.

If you're using Foobar2k I presume you're streaming from a desktop or if your AVR has any digital inputs you could bypass the Oppo completely.
If you're using Foobar2k I presume you're streaming from a desktop or if your AVR has any digital inputs you could bypass the Oppo completely.

Yes I'm streaming from a laptop....but my AVR isn't a DLNA client so that won't work - & I'd like to control it (centrally) from the Oppo.
I was trying to keep it simple, so that's why my angle had been hard drive to device. But, I decided, ok, lets play around with networking stuff. So, I found the upnp add on for foobar, added that, did some basic setup, and confirmed that foobar is useless as far as gapless playback goes. I've tried setting it to not decode, so it just plays the flac, decode to wav, decode to lpcm, and no matter what settings, always a gap every time.

Also, another thing that has been offputting about doing this as a server rather than direct, is that I organized my folder and filenames to work for me. When I was first playing with the drive, I found going through the list of album folders to take forever, so I setup folders for each letter of the alphabet, so I can browse for the letter I want, to allow me to easily get to the letter of the artist. Setting it up like this, though, completely disreguards my folder structure I put time and effort into, and instead goes off of the file info. And, then when it includes my computer drive as well, well....I have lots of files there that, while it is nice to access, don't exactly have their id info correct, so it turns things into a mess.

Anyways, cool info so far, and playing around with what foobar can do and what I can do with networking is cool, but I haven't quite hit onto that magic solution yet.
D-Link's Boxee Box offers gapless playback of FLAC files up to 96k/24 bit. This is the main reason I purchased it. It also plays .iso files, though I've not been able to play these in surround, but I haven't done extensive experiments in this department. Not sure how it would handle an .iso of a DVD-A.
Meanwhile, I'm looking into other alternatives for gapless .flac playback.

I'm a huge fan of the Logitech Squeezebox line, which is gapless.

I don't understand why we have to have this conversation in 2012. "Gapless" has been around since Columbia gave us the LP record in 1948, but it seems like few new products care about it. I'm furious about the Oppo's lack of gapless playback as it will cheerfully stream multichannel FLAC, but without gapless it's a feature I'll never use.
So if I find an Oppo BDP-93 with the .iso capable firmware, can I then stream multichannel sacd and dvd-a iso's to the Oppo from my PC without loss in quality? I have a PS3 capable of ripping my sacd's, so this would be super convenient not having to pull out my physical discs.

On a side note, can the Oppo 93 bypass the dvd-a watermark?

So if I find an Oppo BDP-93 with the .iso capable firmware, can I then stream multichannel sacd and dvd-a iso's to the Oppo from my PC without loss in quality? I have a PS3 capable of ripping my sacd's, so this would be super convenient not having to pull out my physical discs.

On a side note, can the Oppo 93 bypass the dvd-a watermark?


FYI - Oppos (with the ISO capable firmware) play DVD-A, DVD-V and Blu-ray ISOs but not SACD ISOs.

Also - they do ignore DVD-A watermarks..
FYI - Oppos (with the ISO capable firmware) play DVD-A, DVD-V and Blu-ray ISOs but not SACD ISOs.

Also - they do ignore DVD-A watermarks..

Thanks for the quick response :). So I can stream multichannel dvd-a iso's from my PC through DLNA?
Gapless flac playback from external drives
A way to deal with SACDs. I know things can be done with the use of a PS3, but I'm hoping to see things evolve further with SACD ripping.

In terms of the FLAC playback have you tried creating a .MKV file from the flac files using Audiomuxer, a bit of a pain, but it should work.

Also (a bit of a pain also) for SACDs you can convert the DSD to WAV using Foobar2000. Then re-author them as DVD-As, or Blu-ray or whatever you want...

Of course this converts the DSD to WAV so the purists probably wouldn't like it!!! :eek:
Also (a bit of a pain also) for SACDs you can convert the DSD to WAV using Foobar2000. Then re-author them as DVD-As, or Blu-ray or whatever you want...

Of course this converts the DSD to WAV so the purists probably wouldn't like it!!! :eek:

this enables you to rip an SACD to the PC and then take the DSD>WAV converted files and burn them as a DVDA or BD that you can then playback on your Oppo?

and if so, can you then use the .iso of the SACD rip on the old firmware Oppo?
this enables you to rip an SACD to the PC and then take the DSD>WAV converted files and burn them as a DVDA or BD that you can then playback on your Oppo?

Yes... the re-authored disc or ISO can be played on the Oppo (or other players)..

and if so, can you then use the .iso of the SACD rip on the old firmware Oppo?

The source SACD ISO can't be played on the Oppo, but you can burn it to disc and play the SACD-r on an Oppo.
Yes... the re-authored disc or ISO can be played on the Oppo (or other players)..

The source SACD ISO can't be played on the Oppo, but you can burn it to disc and play the SACD-r on an Oppo.

bloody hell..!! that's amazing!

at this point I don't care if it is DSD converted to PCM..!

I'm not even sure the DACs in my AVR can do true DSD, or just convert it to PCM anyway..!? (regardless of the display saying its "DSD"!)..

its the fact that I can stop using my (growing more precious, seemingly daily!) SACDs that is just brilliant!

thank you (once again) for more great info, LK!
bloody hell..!! that's amazing!

at this point I don't care if it is DSD converted to PCM..!

I'm not even sure the DACs in my AVR can do true DSD, or just convert it to PCM anyway..!? (regardless of the display saying its "DSD"!)..

its the fact that I can stop using my (growing more precious, seemingly daily!) SACDs that is just brilliant!

thank you (once again) for more great info, LK!

Of course you need to source the ISOs... which you need to get from a "PS3 copy"....
So neither Oppo 93 or 95 can stream sacd or dvd-a iso's over a network. But it can play dvd-a iso's from an attached external hdd via usb?

Thats my understanding.... happy to be proven wrong...

FYI - You can use sata drive as well as usb.