SPECWEB (Now 2.2)


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SpecWeb can currently handle 50 input files at a time, however, those 50 input files can be cue or m3u files, so using those you could do 50 albums at a time. Then there's the helper app by HomerJAU in this thread. Not sure about the max capabilities in that.

Then there's the batch tool in Reaper. It can do sub-directories... Hmm, that's probably only for VSTs though, so that would be the "full" version of Spec (with Plogue Bidule as a VST) vs. SpecWeb.
Also, there are ways to play through SpecWeb live, so you could upmix on the fly, vs. upmixing files to multichannel and playing those. Typically you'd need two sound devices. One stereo (physical or virtual) as the SpecWeb input device, and one multi-channel as the output device. - See the SpecWeb Manual.

Player plugins could be a future thing...
SpecWeb can currently handle 50 input files at a time, however, those 50 input files can be cue or m3u files, so using those you could do 50 albums at a time. Then there's the helper app by HomerJAU in this thread. Not sure about the max capabilities in that. ...

There is no limit using Helper (actually the limiting factor is only hard drive space for the MCH file you create). You can add as many folder (albums) or files as you want.

As a test I did about a dozen albums (144 files) in one batch. Of course it takes a while but at least you don't have to hang around, just go have a coffee with a friend, mow the lawn etc

HINT: To speed up the whole process for large batch jobs run from your fastest hard drive. My PC has two SSD drives especially for working with media files. SSD (Solid State Drives) are about 8 times faster that normal hard drives and use less power.

Helper uses its pro folder to create its temporary files. The over-sampled file (if any), SpecWeb's MCH file and the re-sampled file (if any). So if you are using Helper then definitely use your fastest drive.

I'm not sure about other manufacturers but Samsung SSDs come with an app to clone existing drives. So you can easily clone your system drive (c: drive) then replace the existing drive with the new SDD, suddenly your PC boots much faster and everything else just sings along.

Link to SSD info: http://www.diffen.com/difference/HDD_vs_SSD
Another update:


The SpecWeb window is no longer displayed during MCH conversion stage
Helper is no longer 'locked' (unresponsive) while conversions are running. So you can continue to add more stereo files to the list for processing in the same batch
Helper tags the new MCH files with the album artist

Unless there are bugs reported or suggestions for additional features this is the final release (for now :))

Another update:


The SpecWeb window is no longer displayed during MCH conversion stage
Helper is no longer 'locked' (unresponsive) while conversions are running. So you can continue to add more stereo files to the list for processing in the same batch
Helper tags the new MCH files with the album artist

Unless there are bugs reported or suggestions for additional features this is the final release (for now :))


Just want to say thanks, Garry, for the SpecWeb Helper... I did a direct comparison (using my ears) of tracks from a standard redbook CD run through SpecWeb with and without the helper, and I found the tracks I used the helper on sounded much better; without the helper, I heard some minor distortion/weird artifacts in the higher frequency sounds coming from the rear speakers; with the helper those artifacts were eliminated. Very easy to use, too! Anybody who has been reluctant to try this add-on (as I initially was, being a "computer dummy"), don't worry... it's easy and it makes your upmixes sound better!(y)
I've been engaged elsewhere with real world stuff since John gave me the heads up on SPECWEB, but I have been really enjoying reading through this thread and hope to jump in and try SPECWEB this weekend. If and when I do, I will surely use this thread as a great reference. Because it's just that, I have "Stickied" it to the top of this section so we can all easily find it when it's needed.

A huge thanks to Glenn for logging in and helping everyone with the software. Please, if you can, be sure to slip him a few bucks if you can afford it. The work he's done with stereo to surround is amazing, and he is very kind and generous putting it out there as donation ware and supporting it through the various forums and discussion groups in the vast internet, and for coming all the way over here from SurroundByUs

And again! WTF? Garry, the "official QQ Programmer", coming through again. I am going to have to dedicate a wing here at QQ for this guy. Cheers to you Gary.

We now return to this regular thread..................
Here's an update to how to install QQ SpecWeb Helper:

The SpecWeb Helper App (Windows only) can be downloaded form this link (its a zip file containing all Helper files):


To update any previous version of QQ SpecWeb Helper just unzip into your old Helper folder and overwrite all files.

To use Helper you must first install the SpecWeb files from the link on first page of this thread. (Helper cannot convert files, its done by SpecWeb)

Helper is a Microsoft DotNet application. If you haven’t got the Microsoft .NET runtime 4.5.2 installed then also install this: (if in doubt install it anyway)


Now, unzip the Helper files into a new folder on your desktop. To run double-click on the 'QQSpecWebHelper.exe'

First you should use the Preferences button to select the SpecWeb.exe file you installed in the SpecWeb prog files folder. This allows the Helper to run that exe to do the MCH conversions.

Configuring SpecWeb is still the same, currently Helper uses the SpecWeb.ini file (in the SpecWeb 'bin' folder) for all config info. (I may add options later if feedback is there). So you need to make your SpecWeb conversion settings in the ini file for the time being.

List of features (on top of SpecWeb features):

  • Option to Over Sample original stereo files (reduces some known artefacts on lower sample rate files) - creates a copy at 24bit 176.4 or 192kHz of the source stereo file used by SpecWeb
  • Option to Resample the MCH output file to its original sample rate, leave at above over-sampled rates or reduce to hi-rez 88.2 or 96KHz
  • Option to create MCH files in Source folder, Save to 'parallel' folder (next to original but new folder renamed with '(upmix)' suffix), or to a User defined folder (all set in Preferences).
  • Add files by selecting just their Parent folder (all files in that folder are added for conversion - i.e. all files from the album folder)
  • Add multiple folders (as above) for batch conversion of multiple albums (select one at a time but convert all)
  • Option to re-tag the MCH files 'album' name with a user defined suffix (e.g. '(upmix)') to differentiate original stereo album from MCH version in music playing progs (Foobar etc)
  • Option to tag the new MCH file with any album art (named: folder.jpg) found in the source (stereo) folder

Use the 'Add Folder' to add all flac files in that folder, Use 'Add Files' to select individual files (or multiple files by using CTRL and SHIFT keys - usual Windows multi select). You can add as many files/folders as you want.

Click 'Convert' to run the conversions. (If you use "Oversampling' then please ensure you choose an option in the Preferences dialog).

When converting files that are over-sampled (if option selected), converting to MCH (using the current SpecWeb.ini file settings) and/or re-sampling (if option selected) - Please do not close the Helper window while running. Let it finish. (You can also use the Stop button which stops after it's finished the current file)

So set some preferences, select 'album' folder(s), click 'Convert' and all current options are used to convert all selected files using SpecWeb.

SpecWeb Helper is free for your enjoyment.

Feel free to post queries/suggestions/bugs etc here.


Hey Garry - when I click the link to download the helper file, it opens window, shows a bunch of files...but I can't make them do anything. They are not "clickable" for me.

EDIT - duh. I didn't see the download button at the top.....jeez. :)
I'm going to do one more update to force a setting in SpecWeb to use higher sampling in its conversion. Currently you need to set [fft] Size in the SpecWeb.ini file in the SpecWeb bin folder. See an earlier post by me.
I'll be doing Sad Wings Of Destiny and also Uriah Heep (Very Eavy, Very Umble) later tonight when I get this all figured out... :) They both sound spectacular in stereo with lots of wide soundstage and panning...especially the Uriah Heep.
I feel like such an idiot... during the height of "the loudness wars", I fell for all the hype about remastered cds sounding better, and foolishly replaced most of my old late 80s/early 90s cds with remastered discs (at the time, I had gotten into I-tunes, and the louder mastering sounded better on my I-pod... I know, ridiculous). Now that I'm listening primarily to surround music and SpecWeb is here, I've spent the last couple of days RE-BUYING the EXACT SAME discs I got rid of years ago so I can make better upmixes! (And some of them cost more than the currently available remasters...case in point, the early Megadeth albums which not only had a different mastering originally, but different mixes as well!) I'm really convinced, though, that the higher dynamic range recordings sound the most discrete when upmixed. I'm having so much fun with this program... I love that moment of anticipation when the upmix is finished and I hear it for the first time on my surround system... can't wait to get home from work and do some more!!!
Another Helper update:

The 'Use Over Sampling' checkbox on main form was ignored. Previous versions always used the Preference setting

Added a new SpecWeb setting for Sample Size [fft] Size - by default you can leave it at: 'Auto (recommended)'

This setting was added for users to experiment with forcing higher sample sizes. The 'Auto' setting will allow Helper to adjust this to SpecWeb recommended size based on the stereo file (source) sample rate or the Over Sampled rate (if Over Sampling is enabled in Preferences)
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Haha Garry, you are the man!!! Amazing how much effort you put into the helper program. I have not had a good change to play around with SpecWeb but when I do , I will definately use your program as well. thanks Glenn and Garry.