Be-Bop Deluxe in surround! (“Drastic Plastic” out in 2021!)


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kap'n krunch

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Nov 25, 2008
Erased land
I'd definitely be in for both of these! I think Olias would have a bit more to offer in 5.1, but not much. I've enjoyed both of these titles ever since their original release. Also of interest to me is the mention of Be-Bop Deluxe. Not very successful commercially, they fit in with a lot of very artistic bands of that era that just didn't get much radio airplay. I'd love to see Sunburst Finish and Modern Music be given the deluxe treatment. These are two more albums that I've been listening to since they were released (around the same time as Fish... and Olias). That was a very fertile period for good music!

The great Bill Nelson is not much into surround, especially since now he has lost a lot of hearing in one ear :(

He "dabbled" a few years ago and did a quite obscure lossy DVD that were upmixes (and they are not bad),,,it is now VERY expensive (as most Bill Nelson rare CDs are too)

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Also of interest to me is the mention of Be-Bop Deluxe. Not very successful commercially, they fit in with a lot of very artistic bands of that era that just didn't get much radio airplay.

I believe there is a live Be-Bop Deluxe quad recording "out there". IIRC it was dubbed from a live sound board feed. Its probably the closest anyone will come to BBD in quad.
There is a BBC Matrix HJ encoded recording with 4 tracks from Drastic Plastic, they are Superenigmatix, Possesion, Love In Flames, & Panic In The World from a 1978 Saturday Session on Alan "Fluff" Freeman's BBC Radio 1 show. They were a great band to see live!

I believe there is a live Be-Bop Deluxe quad recording "out there". IIRC it was dubbed from a live sound board feed. Its probably the closest anyone will come to BBD in quad.
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There is a BBC Matrix HJ encoded recording with 4 tracks from Drastic Plastic, they are Superenigmatix, Possesion, Love In Flames, & Panic In The World from a 1978 Saturday Session on Alan "Fluff" Freeman's BC Radio 1 show. They were a great band to see live!

Yes, yes there are. Alan Freeman actually states "album tracks" on this particular broadcast which means Discrete mixes supplied by the label (EMI) from the album.
Many people don't know that besides LIVE broadcasts in quad the BEEB also had actual Q4 Quad album tracks supplied by the labels for their engineers (Tony Wilson's one), for Encoding into MATRIX H or MATRIX HJ prior to airing.

The likelyhood "Drastic Plastic" has been mixed in it's quad does exist. (y)

And those 4 tracks ---Duncan thanks for this :smokin. sound very good indeed.:D
Start with Be-Bop Deluxe's 1976 "Sunburst Finish" a great album!

If you like that as a name, around the same time we had what were known over here in the UK as "Pub Rock" bands like Ducks Deluxe, who were good live as well.

And...once again...another band I've never heard of. Be-bop Deluxe? Wow, what a name. I did listen to some youtube and they sound interesting. :)

Mark Powell just posted this photo on his Facebook, so it looks like at least one of the upcoming Be-Bop Deluxe reissues will be in 5.1 surround!!! :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Excellent News. Thanks for sharing. Love Be~Bop Deluxe

How Far behind can The Tubes be. Imagine the Tubes in 5.1??????
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Had to dig around through Bill's online journal to find any mention of the reissue, and all he's said (so far) is from his July 22 entry:

Spent a couple of days writing an essay for the Cherry Red re-issue of Be Bop Deluxe's 'Sunburst Finish' album. It's going to be a three disc set containing the original album, a new remix of the album by one of Kate Bush's engineers and some alternative takes and so on. Plus a 68 page book which will contain my essay plus some unseen photographs. Should be an attractive package.
The essay is basically my memories of recording the album with some observations on certain tracks.
I actually still have an account over at Bill's online forum so I've asked for more info, and if any other albums may be in the pipeline. He's very active on the forum so I'd guess he'll tell what he can in the next few days. Gave him the link to here too, who knows, maybe he'll chime in sometime though he's not actively doing the project himself.
I actually still have an account over at Bill's online forum so I've asked for more info, and if any other albums may be in the pipeline. He's very active on the forum so I'd guess he'll tell what he can in the next few days. Gave him the link to here too, who knows, maybe he'll chime in sometime though he's not actively doing the project himself.

So, in effect, there was NO mention of the 5.1 remix......unless it will be a stand alone release? Unless the 'remix' by one of Kate Bush's engineers IS the 5.1 remix [which Bill failed to mention].