Adventures in SQ decoding using Lucanu's latest AA3 w. PhaseBug plugin scripts from 2019


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kap'n krunch

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Nov 25, 2008
New Orleans, LA
Hello all..
Am looking forward to it but to begin with...
I put some SQ test tones ( C-LF-LC-LR-CR-RC-RF) through the script Luca so kindly gave me and it gave decoded all except the Left Center(LC) and the Right Center(RC) which were that supposed to happen?
Hello all..
Am looking forward to it but to begin with...
I put some SQ test tones ( C-LF-LC-LR-CR-RC-RF) through the script Luca so kindly gave me and it gave decoded all except the Left Center(LC) and the Right Center(RC) which were that supposed to happen?
Pure speculation but perhaps with script decoding we are too focused on properly decoding corner signals. Then it is just hoped that everything else will fall into place. That doesn't always work leaving holes in the decode?

Lynn Olson suggested that possibility in the thread about "Shadow Vector" decoding. Shadow Vector and Vario-matrix decoding would be free of that effect.
Good news, the Debussy SACD 4 disc box set happens to be all "true frequency spectrum" transfers!
Here are 2 pics from the booklet...transfer done in Abbey Road...don't know if it's good or bad, we always take for granted Abbey Road and people like Peter Mew have done more bad than good for its reputation...anyway, I see that it's the STEREO R2R they are transferring and I hope it's SQ encoded since I have taken to believe that this was a "single inventory" release and no pure stereo mixes were done...we shall see!!!

Engineers involved were:
Simon Gibson
Ian Jones
Andy Walter
Ian Ramsay (not in pic)
right now I am bouncing down a QS encoded / dbx encoded LP which sounds beautiful, unfortunately, the QS script needs work but FORTUNATELY the resident genius is at work to improve had a lot of artifacts in the rears which I found weird... as it is , you can't notice it much..
I just decoded the Debussy SACD disc one and I am about to listen to it, looks promising...
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...mais oui...très magnifique!!!!
the Debussy SACDs are a success...
I really don't know what the hell the SQ script decodes from these recordings but they sound marvelous ..ENVELOPING!!!
Hell, even if they are decoding more than what's there, I'll take it anytime...the thing is that like I have said before, if there is no SQ encoding I basically get either a big NOTHING or all kinds of artifacts and these are quite discrete...gonna have to look for pictures of how these were recorded at the Salle Wagram en Paris....
...mais oui...très magnifique!!!!
the Debussy SACDs are a success...
I really don't know what the hell the SQ script decodes from these recordings but they sound marvelous ..ENVELOPING!!!
Hell, even if they are decoding more than what's there, I'll take it anytime...the thing is that like I have said before, if there is no SQ encoding I basically get either a big NOTHING or all kinds of artifacts and these are quite discrete...gonna have to look for pictures of how these were recorded at the Salle Wagram en Paris....
Nice! And how's the mastering? Any audible improvement over the RBCD versions?