This Blu-Ray edition features stunning new 5.1 surround sound & stereo mixes of the album, (created from the original multi-track master tapes by ALAN PARSONS) and the promotional videos of “DON’T ANSWER ME” & “PRIME TIME”.
That's a surprise. I wonder how he chose Ammonia Avenue over the others? Its not a favorite Parsons release in pretty much anybody's book AFAIK, its not any anniversary either.... hmmmm
Is the stand-alone likely to hit Amazon or is there a good reason to order from the label's site?
$23 shipped from the label's site ain't bad. Just wondering about rapidity of dispatch, you know?All his other albums have been available at the various vendors as stand alone BD~As ....... so I can't see why not.
$23 shipped from the label's site ain't bad. Just wondering about rapidity of dispatch, you know?