Albums in DPL


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Nov 28, 2008
Have there ever been any CDs released encoded for DPL or DPLII? Seems like something somebody would have tried by now.
Most of the quadraphonic titles by Isao Tomita were released on CD in Dolby Surround around 1991 and some are still available. I have a few CD's in my collection that are Dolby Surround encoded (The Hollywood Sound -John Williams/London Symphony Orch ; Oracle - Oracle; Let Robots Melt - Kenneth George Mills). I am not aware of any pop/rock CDs encoded in Dolby Surround. However, there are quite a few matrix (QS, UHJ-Ambisonic, Circle Surround,...) encoded CD titles that decode nicely with DPLII.
Excellent. Thank you for the reply. Any resources you know of that I can look into to find a list of such titles?
There is also the Dolby Surround disc of "Symphonic Yes"...they are actually playing with a symphony, not just a symphony covering some of their songs...a disc of Mancini film soundtrack music, etc. I found the names of some of what was available (all early 90's releases) via a google search.
And of course the Tomita's.....which I have, along with the CD4 albums, and the DTS conversions. John S.
In Mark's discography, under the Kore Group discs (not sold in stores) listing, you'll see Emerson Lake & Palmer's Pictures At An Exhibition mentioned with no details. This would be a 15 min "suite" recorded in 1991 in conjunction with the Return Of The Manticore ELP box set. It appears on the box and also a promo CD sampler I used to have. When I played it back then it was a Pro-Logic world and it was kind of cool. The synths were updated and the fidelity improved immensely over the original. Still, it was nothing compared to what we enjoy wit surround today.

Also Adrian Legg's live album 'High Strung Tall Tales' (with the song about our local celebrity neighbor, 'Sharen Puckett's Knees') has live tracks presented in Dolby Surround. Mr Legg's guitar work is amazing in any format.