Any info on these new DENON DVD-A titles?


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DVD Empire has listed for pre-order the following Denon titles:

Sonic Boom: Various Artists
Film Busters: Various Artists
Count Basie: Basie Swings

The list price for each is $17.98 (though the site has them at 20% off) with a release date of September 24.

The only problem is: I haven't a clue as to what's on them. And since there's no info provided at the site, I'm wondering whether any of them are worth investing in.

Any word?
I guess it would be safe to call it a combo sampler/setup disc based on the company's description. It's not one I'm interested in so unless someone else buys it and reports on the actual content, I'll have to pass on it for now. I am looking forward to the "Film Busters" disc and have already pre-ordered it. I really like movie theme albums. Now if only Telarc would get off their backsides and release the Kunzel: Mega Movies mc sacd that they've been promising forever, I'd be a happy camper.
I'll order both, the film score's are classic's in there own right.
The other allows me to check the performances of the various works. If it's a sampler it can help me to select the best titles.
