Frost* "Island Live" on 2CD/BD with 5.1


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Aug 30, 2012
I missed the Frost* gig at the Komedia in Bath as I had to go abroad for work, both my brothers went. One saw Rob Reed recording sound & video and the result, with a 5.1 mix, has appeared for 19th June release
I love Frost*. I had the order site bookmarked earlier this week and pre-ordered first thing this morning.

There’s supposedly another, older concert in the works for DVD and/or Bluray, but I imagine that will come after this campaign has run its course.

I would love to have their studio albums in Atmos.
I’ve had my shipping e-mail for a bit, but there was no tracking. It’s going to be one of those surprises that just shows up.

I did see on Facebook that Gem took a marker to humorously alter some of the included postcards. I think I’m just as excited to see if mine is one of them as I am for the disc.
I’ve had my shipping e-mail for a bit, but there was no tracking. It’s going to be one of those surprises that just shows up.

I did see on Facebook that Gem took a marker to humorously alter some of the included postcards. I think I’m just as excited to see if mine is one of them as I am for the disc.
Same, impatiently waiting for my copy to hop over the pond and make its way across the big isle.

Frost are the one band in my collection who have the least commercial success and the most ear time out of any other bands I actively listen to on a regular basis. I'm also a fan of the Lonely Robot albums (guitarist/singer John Mitchell's solo project). This announcement was huge for me since I have a near zero chance of ever seeing them live, since they have little commercial success they could never justify/afford a US tour.
Alas... no custom Gem scribbles on my postcard beyond his sig. But very happy to finally have this!

Promised my son that we’d watch this together when he’s in town, so it might be a while before I watch video, but I hope to hear the audio sooner.

The "surround" isn't anything special (spatial/fills the room), but the audio quality and mix is top notch. Video quality really good, fairly pro level considering their hurtles getting this release done. Great performances too. Stoked to have this.