HiRez Poll Led Zeppelin - CELEBRATION DAY [Blu-Ray Audio]


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Rate the BDA of Led Zeppelin - CELEBRATION DAY

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Forum Curmudgeon
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Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
Please post your thoughts and comments on this Blu-Ray Audio only release from 2012. (n):phones(y)

PLEASE NOTE: The Video Blu-Ray has it's own poll thread at the following link. Votes in the video release thread will NOT be reflected in the HiRez Polls, which are intended for audio releases only: https://www.quadraphonicquad.com/forums/showthread.php?16916

Votes in this audio only release thread qualify for the HiRez Poll.

lz b f 600.jpg
lz b r 600.jpg
I bought one of the versions with the BD-V and two CDs. I can't imagine the surround version would be any different on the BD-A.
Firstly, to straighten out the content issue here - this is the exact same mix as the BDMV version in the multiple disc sets.
Both titles have the same 16 tracks in the same audio streams, there is no difference there at all.
The reason I like this disc is because it is perfect for those of us who only want to play the music and do not care much about watching 4 blokes on a stage. Sure, the light show is great - more on that in the other poll - but sometimes all you want is the music and no screen up (and I have lost count of the number of times I have read this criticism about DVD & BD content requiring a screen to access it. Well, this gets around that one.

The content here is absolutely outstanding. Do *not* let the fact it is "only" 24/48 resolution put you off either as this makes no difference, and indeed based on a recent experience we have had the samople rate may well have been delberately chosen at 48K over 96K, as a rate of 48K can sound fuller & warmer than the same mix at 96K which may sound more open & airy (we found this out with the Stick Men mix, and have done both SR and cannot make up our minds what one sounds better - what we are certain of is that they do sound different.....one is not necessarily better than the other. I cannot imagine why this should be, but there you go.

Let's move on to content.
16 tracks on offer here and I will freely admit that despite being a confirmed Led Zep nut I was worried that this could somehow not live up to expectations. How happy I am to be so wrong.
Jason has done his dad proud on the drums, Plant's voice has not lost anything much at all - and he still has more now than most have in their prime. The power of Zep at their peak is evident here as well as the fact they are so obviously enjoying themselves as it is extremely tight most of the time - okay, there is a wee stumble at the start of "Whole Lotta Love" but "Kashmir" is as magnificent now as it has ever been - oh, let the sun beat down upon my head indeed and smile on me it has with this release.

I forgot to mention the only drawback I have found, and this may be Pilot Error.
Despite this being an audio-only BD disc you still need the screens swicthed on to get at the surround version.....unless I do not know how to work my Oppo BDP-83SE. I did try to load it & start playback, but it did not happen for me and the screen was needed.
Surely this is against the point? Do not, however, let this put you off buying what could well be one of the releases of the year (for me, anyway)
Thanks Neil for the clarification on the BD-V vs. BD-A. Regarding paragraph 2, I know what you meant, but you say resolution makes no difference (and then you say it does). Interesting to me is the "how" it sounds different on the Stick Men mix, and if similar blind tests would produce those results. I guess the important thing is that the sound quality (i.e. enjoyability) was equal to the listeners, even if slightly "different".
Thanks for that Neil, I was waiting for a good review of it. I have no desire to look at the band, like the Stones, I can't stand seeing them getting so old and looking like they belong in a geriatric home. With tyhe addition of Jasons son, I felt it was a fine tribute. I'll go for the BDA.
I forgot to mention the only drawback I have found, and this may be Pilot Error.
Despite this being an audio-only BD disc you still need the screens swicthed on to get at the surround version.....unless I do not know how to work my Oppo BDP-83SE. I did try to load it & start playback, but it did not happen for me and the screen was needed.
Surely this is against the point? Do not, however, let this put you off buying what could well be one of the releases of the year (for me, anyway)

Hi Neil, thank you for the review. I agree with that, sound is excellent.

About playing this disc without a screen. You can try and load the disc, press enter (it starts with 2.0), hit the audio button and arrow down (twice) to get to the 5.1 DTS MA. Worked on my Oppo. I am not using the original Oppo remote, but a Logitech remote, but that should not make a difference, as the Oppo software is loaded into the Logitech
The reason I like this disc is because it is perfect for those of us who only want to play the music and do not care much about watching 4 blokes on a stage.
Very good point Neil. I have not yet received my disc and quite frankly, I was regretting having ordered the audio only version. But your review makes me feel it was a good decision after all. I had the opportunity of seeing Zeppelin in concert a few times back in the early 70's. I'd much rather have that image of them in their youth in my mind as I listen to this newer concert rather than the reality of seeing the aged versions of them today. Looking forward to hearing this disc when it arrives. If I'm lucky it may arrive tomorrow or the next day, so I'll have some weekend entertaintment.
guess I'm the only one who's a bit disappointed the mix on the BD-A is the same audience thing as the DVD-V/BD-V..

I just feel it was a great opportunity.. and it would have been nice seeing as there is already the BD video in Hi-Rez 5.1 to either have a different (more discrete?) mix on the audio only BD..

or in an ideal world to have two options of streams on the BD-A, with one new mix with instruments steered to rear/different channels from the video mix and the other the same as the video mix.

there must be room on the disc for more than one mix, no..!? The PF Immersion BD's and Aqualung BD all do it.

what's the label(s) that already do this on blu-ray, with distinct "stage" and "audience" mixes to choose from of the same content/repertoire?
Yes, why not? The BD has all this room that allowed it to win the hd dvd/bd war. I would have liked to see it as you suggested.

Thank you :) glad I'm not alone!

why not..? well, on the one hand there's an argument for inaction.. and on the other there's an argument for intent on the part of the people behind this and I get all of that.

cynical me says possible laziness. why work hard to create two different mixes when one will do..!?

realistic me counters that with factors such as:
- added cost (of creation to the label and possibly ultimately to the customer at retail) plus there's the added time taken to knock up another mix (this has already taken years to appear and it had to come out in time for Christmas etc)..
- the law of diminishing returns to the label/artists.. the more this costs them to produce and the less it sells, the less likely the possibility of more Warner BD-Audio.

then there's the question mark hovering over creative/artistic intent.. it's a live gig after all, so an audience mix could be seen as more appropriate/faithful to the material.

either way, my personal summation of this release is its a dropped ball mix-wise for a standalone BD-Audio when there's already a duplicate of the mix readily available in other (arguably more appealing) guises.. but what there IS here is a glimmer of hope/potential if this BD-A sells by the bucketload.. and this in turn could help pave the way for at least a raft more discrete surround remixes of studio material on BD-A.

I would add this.. online sales are one thing and they are not inconsiderable.. but they are still not enough. this BD-A has to do the unthinkable/nigh-on impossible and get into stores in order to sell.

case in point; HMV (huge UK music retail chain - the only major High Street presence left selling CDs etc in this country of 60 million + people, in fact) had no copies of the BD-Audio today AT ALL. while they had a lovely natty cardboard display replete with giveaway Celebration Day T-Shirts stuffed with loads of copies of the DVD/CD and BD/CD combo..

..and therein lies the rub. there's already umpteen other ways to get this same mix in the same quality as on this BD-A.. but virtually each alternative comes with more content than the BD-A (plus all the visuals) for not much more money.

surround fans will soon learn this BD-A offers nothing over the BD-V, other than the "feature" (I use the term loosely) of no visuals.. so once the early adopters (**) are done, how many surround nuts will still buy this?

(**I'm one of 'em - I feel like a lamb to the slaughter with these pre-orders nowadays, screwed up mastering glitches and all on TAAB, this Zeppelin thing turns out to be just the same as the video mix... blah!)

casual shoppers will doubtless buy the one with video (and bells/whistles/T-shirts) unless they stumble upon the BD-A (good luck with that if you're in a brick & mortar in the UK!) and happen to buy it by mistake -- then they return it when they find it has no video..! aarrgghh!

so.. who will buy this BD-A?

how can it sell in sufficient numbers to justify its existence?

how can it help our cause to get more surround music releases in Hi-Rez from Warner (et al)?
I could have had a BD-A a couple weeks ago in addition to the deluxe. I passed, assuming it would be the same mix. It is a missed opportunity. Listening to the same mix with no videois like closing one's eyes in a moment of passion.
I could have had a BD-A a couple weeks ago in addition to the deluxe. I passed, assuming it would be the same mix. It is a missed opportunity. Listening to the same mix with no videois like closing one's eyes in a moment of passion.

"you can take the car.. but you won't break my heart, oh now Linda, turn the TV off when you leave..!!"


I could have had a BD-A a couple weeks ago in addition to the deluxe. I passed, assuming it would be the same mix. It is a missed opportunity. Listening to the same mix with no videois like closing one's eyes in a moment of passion.

its times like this I wish there were an option to LOVE this post.. liking and thanking are sometimes just not strong enough!

Ok, I'll be the cynical one here. If you have the bd-v version there is absolutely no logical reason to get this one for listening purposes. Working your way around a few menus to get the bd-v started on the right hd stream is not complicated. Once this is done, you can turn off your TV. Or if you have an Oppo machine (and I'm sure many other players have the same feature) push the Pure Audio button and voilà!

The only reason this version is made available is a money-grab opportunity by the record company. Because they know Zeppelin still has thousands and thousands of die-hard fans that will buy every format and edition of what is on the market. It's like selling 2 copies of the same thing at no extra cost! Why wouldn't they be tempted?
guess I'm the only one who's a bit disappointed the mix on the BD-A is the same audience thing as the DVD-V/BD-V..

I just feel it was a great opportunity.. and it would have been nice seeing as there is already the BD video in Hi-Rez 5.1 to either have a different (more discrete?) mix on the audio only BD..

or in an ideal world to have two options of streams on the BD-A, with one new mix with instruments steered to rear/different channels from the video mix and the other the same as the video mix.

there must be room on the disc for more than one mix, no..!? The PF Immersion BD's and Aqualung BD all do it.

what's the label(s) that already do this on blu-ray, with distinct "stage" and "audience" mixes to choose from of the same content/repertoire?

i don't think it wouldn't make any sense. recording of live performance should be supplied with surround mix,
appropriate to visual stuff. extremely agressive sound mix of the live concert, where main sound traditionally
up front, would be no less weird. if mix would be more adventurous than it is, then it could be with video as well.
separate BD-A would have the sense if recording were done in different setting without audience.
as for choises "stage/audience", that's perhaps could be AIX Records. but there mr.Waldrep uses studio recordings,
albeit in "live sessions"
Agree with you on the dodgy colour, Fletch.

It would also have been great to get a "stage" mix as well as the "Audience" type, but with very few exceptions it seems that concert surround these days is all done like that. A shame, but for me not a deal breaker.

Why buy the standalone BD Audio? It's a lot cheaper than the 2CD/BD/DVD version for one. Personally I am a collector of Zep, so have (at last count) 3 versions of this....2CD/DVD-V (O2), 2CD/BDMV/DVD (shepperton) & the BD-A. About the only studio offering I have never bothered with is "mothership" as it is a rehashed compilation of the 4CD "Remasters" which was rehashed as a 2CD version later, and followed by the 10CD Box Set, which is sadly close to unlistenable.
Let's hope the work being done by Pagey on the catalogue is going to be much better than the George Marino remasters.

Sorry to have drifted off topic....
Well....I got mine yesterday and put it up last night. (pre-ordered BD-A, left BD/CD on wish list)

The performance,as noted above, is better than one would expect! For reference I'm using my memory of watching TSRTS plus seeing LZ live in 1977 and Page & Plant 1995 tour that concentrated on LZ content. Compares quite favorably.

The packaging achieves a different like while also making it difficult to read any text. I'll have it memorized soon anyways. I did notice there was no BD audio mixing credit and no Kevin Shirley so I had to accept the fact that I'd just purchased a clone of the video version. Alas.

The fidelity is great as one would expect given the scope of this event, solid well balanced sound throughout. As for surrround, it is of course for the most part, audience plus a few interesting reverberations. I counted about 5-6 places where the surround aspect was really engaged even if briefly.

I will enjoy this but not nearly as much as a dedicated stage mix option. We are in the odd position of buying these releases to support the fledgling format yet this will encourage some in the industry that this is the correct offering that we want. Hopefully more brave souls will get the green light in the future.

Last thing about the format; in the grand scheme of things, IMHO this should have been a DVD-Audio release. Perhaps that would have been the plan in 2007 or soon after. That would have made more sense to me than this redundancy as I'd play it in the car. (Plant: "Does anybody remember vehicle BD players?" Audiovox - party of 1) Will just have to make a DVD-A at home I suppose.

In summary, everybody should enjoy Celebration Day, it probably isn't this version.
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Ok, I'll be the cynical one here. If you have the bd-v version there is absolutely no logical reason to get this one for listening purposes. Working your way around a few menus to get the bd-v started on the right hd stream is not complicated. Once this is done, you can turn off your TV. Or if you have an Oppo machine (and I'm sure many other players have the same feature) push the Pure Audio button and voilà!

The only reason this version is made available is a money-grab opportunity by the record company. Because they know Zeppelin still has thousands and thousands of die-hard fans that will buy every format and edition of what is on the market. It's like selling 2 copies of the same thing at no extra cost! Why wouldn't they be tempted?

Reason: Me personally, I cannot stand to look at these guys being so old! I saw Zep live back in 73, and I have no desire to "burst" the bubble of them on stage. ( I was in the front section). Now that they are old, (like me!) I do not want want to see them like that, all old. I dunno it's me probably. Same with the stones. cannot stand looking at them.(now)
The reason I bought the BD audio copy. I will say this, Thank God! They stayed away from the dreaded box! I still have yet to get a copy of Aqualung on BD because of the damm box.