Lou Dorren, James Gabbert, Brad Miller CD-4 Test Record (Soundbird SB4X-002) Errors


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Doug G.

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Jul 8, 2007
Austin, Minnesota
This is the white cover with black lettering LP, SB4X-002. Has anybody else ever noticed the errors on side one?

On test 4, band 5, Stepped Frequency Response, a reference tone of 1kHz is announced at the beginning but it is actually 2kHz. Then, in between this test and test 5, Frequency Sweeps, a 1kHz tone is again announced and it is, again, 2kHz. I'm sure they really meant these to BE 1kHz as that is the standard reference frequency.

On the test 5 frequency sweeps, themselves, 5A is called "left front and left back frequency sweep" on the cover but on the record, it is announced as "front left plus front right" frequency sweep. Actually, the sweep appears in all four channels.

5B is called "right front and right back frequency sweep" on the cover but on the record, it is announced as "left back plus right back frequency sweep" and that is correct. The sweep appears in those two channels.

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This is the white cover with black lettering LP. Has anybody else ever noticed the errors on side one?

On test 4, band 5, Stepped Frequency Response, a reference tone of 1kHz is announced at the beginning but it is actually 2kHz. Then, in between this test and test 5, Frequency Sweeps, a 1kHz tone is again announced and it is, again, 2kHz. I'm sure they really meant these to BE 1kHz as that is the standard reference frequency.

On the test 5 frequency sweeps, themselves, 5A is called "left front and left back frequency sweep" on the cover but on the record, it is announced as "front left plus front right" frequency sweep. Actually, the sweep appears in all four channels.

5B is called "right front and right back frequency sweep" on the cover but on the record, it is announced as "left back plus right back frequency sweep" and that is correct. The sweep appears in those two channels.

As old as that record is and has been listened to by who knows how many people, you were the first to pick up on this. I have used this to set up CD-4 but not so much for the other demos. Actually I had two of these discs & gave one to J Pupster. I wonder if he has noticed this as well?
I just recently got this one and the first time I heard the supposed 1kHz reference tone, I thought, "That is NOT 1 kHz.". And then, I noticed the difference between what it says on the cover and record for the sweeps.

As old as that record is and has been listened to by who knows how many people, you were the first to pick up on this. I have used this to set up CD-4 but not so much for the other demos. Actually I had two of these discs & gave one to J Pupster. I wonder if he has noticed this as well?
I'll see what's up with it also, but I just got a new (old) cart. to switch out and try, a AT15S. Plus other projects in the works currently, so it might be a bit...

believe it's this one right?
This is the white cover with black lettering LP. Has anybody else ever noticed the errors on side one?

On test 4, band 5, Stepped Frequency Response, a reference tone of 1kHz is announced at the beginning but it is actually 2kHz. Then, in between this test and test 5, Frequency Sweeps, a 1kHz tone is again announced and it is, again, 2kHz. I'm sure they really meant these to BE 1kHz as that is the standard reference frequency.

On the test 5 frequency sweeps, themselves, 5A is called "left front and left back frequency sweep" on the cover but on the record, it is announced as "front left plus front right" frequency sweep. Actually, the sweep appears in all four channels.

5B is called "right front and right back frequency sweep" on the cover but on the record, it is announced as "left back plus right back frequency sweep" and that is correct. The sweep appears in those two channels.

I see that I had left myself a note on the cover about something funky with the 5B test at least, but I hadn't gotten too detailed into the details; and the Devil is in the details isn't' it!
I see, in the runout on mine, it has "Rev 1" as part of the matrix code and I wonder if they ever corrected the errors and there are "Rev 2" or later versions.

Also, after listening to the sweeps again, I'm not so sure the back channel ones are OK, either. After shutting off the back speakers,
I can hear it coming from the front, too. I'll have to check it out more.

I'm still trying to figure out exactly what the guy says in the kooky little jingle during the channel identification test, too. Something about "...another time" or "...double time".

I just played this(Rev 1) through my jvc demodulator and was reminded why I had taken it out of the loop. All of the parts where there was no carrier signal, like when the narrator is speaking, the radar light acted like a peak level indicator and produced horrible noise, it was like torture for my ears. The interesting part was the mono frequency sweep, the radar light stayed solid on tones over 6khz and the white noise test near the end was completely compromised by the jvc, radar solid, noise in all four channels. All of the CD-4 tests worked fine(with the errors mentioned above given), luckily most CD-4 records besides this one have carrier signal all the through, or my jvc would be unusable.