OK Quad guys! What's your receiver???


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I'll just list the quad stuff I have for now.

R2Rs: Akai GX-630D-SS (3 of these) & Tascam 34
i also have 3 gx-630d-sses. unfortunately, one of them just stopped recording a few weeks ago. i think the sync switches need cleaning.

are yours all in working condition?
My system is a SANSUI QA-7000, a DUAL 506 with Ed Saunders' CD-4 Cartridge, a JVC 4 DD-5 Demodulator, and a Harmon/Kardon Model 8+ QUAD 8 Deck. To see it in action, go on YouTube to search "QUAD 8-Track" and look for my videos.
Here are the pictures to go along with the described system I've previously posted. (The Sansui, Dual, JVC, and Harman/Kardon)


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Which QS unit is that? I love the VU meters that were used in the 70's - Modern equipment just doesn't compare in the beauty of some of the quad stuff.

I keep my Sony SQD-2020 hooked up (with no output) just to have the VU's running.

Thanks for posting those - they're beautiful.
It's a 1973 "Sansui QA-7000 4-Channel Amplifier". The biggest integrated Quad amplifier that Sansui made, (not one of those QRX-.... Tuner/Receiver combos). It has built-in QS and SQ decoders only. Its primary purpose was for recording Discrete 4-CH tape. The VU meters seem to just bounce with such lightness, almost like they're underwater, (unlike any new digital display). Very cool to watch Discrete mixes. To see it all running, check out my videos on YouTube. Search "Quad 8-Track" videos by JakeMiller21.
I have five systems that do modern surround, three of them do Quad. I don't own a Quad receiver! Had owned a few in the '70's and sold at retail most of them available in the US. I would love to own a Marantz 4400 again, or a Sansui QRX-9001. An upper-tier modern surround receiver or surround preamp/amp(s) will perform much better than an old Quad receiver.

My B&K Reference 50 preamp has decoding modes that do reasonably well for Quad. With the addition of a Panasonic SH-3433 scope, Sony SQD-2020, JVC 4DD-5 and Russound QT-1 switch, it's like a Quad receiver on STEROIDS. Yes, I do need a dedicated QS decoder, like QRS-1. I intend to acquire one, as well as a Tate. The B&K power amps are 250x2 and 200x3. The sub has 300W.

I also have a Reference 20 preamp which B&K graciously upgraded with a six-channel analog input for free. These preamps look non-descript compared to the best Quad receivers. Ref 50 has 7 buttons and two knobs. With the added decoders and demodulator, I'll pit the B&K or my Denon AVR-3801 (2nd sys) against ANY Quad receiver. The Denon is coupled with a Sony SQD-2010 and a Panasonic demodulator. Sorry if I've offended any Quad maniacs with classic receivers. They are works of art and engineering wonders! In the late 70's, I began using separates and moving coil phono cartridges for my main system and have never looked back. Apples and oranges, but I prefer the oranges.

I'm not one for pictures. For a look, visit www.bkcomp.com

Senorita of Separates
That B&K stuff looks nice and I bet they sound great too.

That's the third B&K company I've known of, BTW. Back in the seventies, there was a company that made bench test equipment for TV techs and such by that name and there is also the Danish B&K company (Bruel & Kjaer) that also makes test equipment of a more sophisticated nature. Having more to do with acoustics and vibration.

Anyway, I also have separates instead of a quad receiver albeit not as high falutin'. Heathkit amps, stacked Advents, Sony SQD-2050, Panasonic SE-405, Technics SH-400, several CD-4 cartridges (OK, some of those are high falutin') BIC turntables.

All temporarily out of commision but soon to be back, I guarantee!

Hi my receiver is a PIONEER QX8000A purchased from a guy in the forces stationed in UK 1974, he didn't want to take back to States! complete with the four HONEYCOMBE FRONTspeakers!
do not make fun - in the past i have taken pix of my gear in several rooms when i think i am going to die - i recently took these - i may tear it all down.

i have sansui qrx X001 in several rooms - this is in the main room

here is what the gear is sitting on - the bottom half of this - http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=328775&highlight=fisher+800b+cabinet

the top half is in the basement - waiting to be restored - and returned to its rightful position in life.

the two kenwood supreme 500 amplifiers - as close as you can get to 4 mono amps - one for the front - completely restored to the monetary retardation level - and the other ...bone stock - and they sound the same - for the rear - please look here - please - http://www.thevintageknob.org/kenwood-Model_500.html

sansui qsd-1 - - - i only sansui qs surround.

jvc sea7 - or something like that - quad equalizer....i thought the sliders were going to light up...they dont - bummer.

panasonic quad scope - the brightest one i have had

simple sony upscaling dvd/cd player

simple sansui 5080 turntable

sansui dealer sign

8 x pioneer cs99a's - for A and B playing

i want to use 4 bozak symphony speakers - over kill - but if you dont kill it - i guess you gotta cook it alive.

if i ditch this gear - i will let you know - judy wants the sign - so its hers if i tear it all down.

william anthony reid
oh yes - and as most of you know it can be dialed in so well that when i hit it - i just sit there and stare ahead - and try and not turn my head at all - everyone at home knows when i am doing this - my 6 year old girl likes to see me put on my 'elephant ears' - am i the only person that uses their hands to cup the sound around their ears? like you are listening for a distant bird call in the wild - but both hands at one time ...and use them like radar - i do this because my much better and patient half of my life likes to return my speakers to flat against the wall......but when i go to play high tide green grass later coloured wax re-issue - you can bet i will put on my elephant ears - and slightly turn the front four speakers to the one spot i have under the ceiling fan - in the center of the sofa - where i can sit and look straight at that pile of gear - it may take a few back n forths ....but i do get it dialed in perfectly - dont forget - not cd-4 - sansui qs synth surround - so i am trying to create one big smack in the face...or more precisely - a punch in the nose (thats tight) - not separation - i think of it as being in front of a firing squad - 4 blokes aiming their guns right at my forehead - i dont care how far they are away from me or each other - as long as they are all aiming to kill - right between the eyes.

eh, a shorter answer would have been - "yes" - and it sounds nice - i cannot stress enough - that what sansui qs synth can find in a stereo recording .....no matter how well you think you know the tune - the qs synth mode will find more - it will sound remastered - when it was always there - just took a lot of japanese engineering to find it. and nothing else compares - and the difference between my quadbob 9001 and the sansui qsd-1.....i dunno - never have just swapped one out for the other - you cannot imagine what the wires/cables look like behind that pile of stuff....its not an easy switch.

w a reid
I've slapped a few people when they asked about my sweet spot. You mean they were asking about optimum listening position in the room? Who knew!

A well kept secret that's been waiting there all the time-Boz Scaggs from Call That Love in 5.1


Awesome pile of gear!! Important question: have you located the sweet spot and how does it sound?

My first post on this forum, which is partially responsible for me buying quad equipment. I have recently rediscovered vintage stereo and along the way I rediscovered quadraphonic sound again.

My friend had a HK quad receiver and 4 small advents with a quad TT. I spent many hours listening to Tangerine Dream, Jethro Tull, and many other quad records. I have yet to hook up a quad system but I have enough enought equipment to. I will post more photos, as I continue this great journey.

Welcome aboard!! Good group of folks here that will gladly compare notes with you on hardware, music, troubleshooting, etc. Put music listening on hold and get the quad system up and running!:)

Currently listening to FM radio on this JVC, I never would have thought I would be listening to radio on a receiver again. I love the Joy stick, its a nice little unit, to bad the glass is cracked.
Sansui QRX 7001, use daily , Marantz 4270 sometimes, Marantz 4060 bought new in 74 put away, JVC 5446 to restore
Technics SA-8000x. got it for $35 at the local thrift. Works flawlessly, I scored one! Looking at a Pioneer QX-8000 for my next purchase, any thoughts! I dont think this unit is as good as the Technics but has a little more power. I also have a fisher in the garage(model # escapes me) only has 2 channels left.