Surround sound for music is a dumb idea


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along with all the usual BS negativity, misunderstanding and general skeptical distrust of Surround, like "why should there be a trumpet 20 feet over my shoulder" (that nearly made me spit out my cornflakes 😂), i note once again the dreaded fear that the precious Stereo mix will somehow be forgotten is part of their argument against Surround Music. excuse me while i lapse into a coma head first into my cornflakes bowl!

just what are these people afraid of.. 🤔
they need to chill and have a pancake-

they are most likely folks that fear the cornflake, yellow snow, the Great Googly-Moogly :unsure:, and lyrics as disturbing as these:

Well right about that time, people,
A fur trapper
Who was strictly from commercial
(Strictly Commershil)
Had the unmedicated audacity to jump up from behind my igyaloo
(Peek-a-Boo Woo-ooo-ooo)
And he started in to whippin' on my fav'rite baby seal
With a lead-filled snow shoe...
I said:
With a lead
A lead-filled snow shoe
Snow shoe
He said Peak-a-boo
With a lead
With a lead-filled snow shoe
He said Peak-a-boo.
He went right up side the head of my favorite baby seal
He went whap!
With a lead-filled snow shoe
An' he hit him on the nose 'n he hit him on the fin 'n he...
That got me just about as evil
As an Eskimo boy can be... so I bent down 'n I reached down 'n I scooped down
An' I gathered up a generous mitten full of the deadly...
Yellow snow
The deadly Yellow Snow from right there where the huskies go
Whereupon I proceeded to take that mitten full
Of the deadly Yellow Snow Crystals
And rub it all into his beady little eyes
With a vigorous circular motion
Hitherto unknown to the people on this area,
But destined to take the place of THE MUD SHARK
In your mythology
Here it goes now...
The circular motion... (rub it)...
(Here Fido... Here Fido)
And then, in a fit of anger, I...
I pounced
And I pounced again
Great googly-moogly
I jumped up 'n down on the chest of the...
I injured the fur trapper
Well, he was very upset, as you can understand
And rightly so
The deadly Yellow Snow Crystals
Had deprived him of his sight
And he stood up
And he looked around
And he said:
I can't see
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Yeah!)
I can't see
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Yeah!)
Oh woe is me
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Yeah!)
I can't see
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Well!)
No no
I can't see
No... I...
He took a dog-doo sno-cone
An' stuffed it in my right eye
He took a dog-doo sno-cone
An' stuffed it in my other eye
An' the huskie wee-wee,
I mean the doggie wee-wee
Has blinded me
An' I can't see
Well the fur trapper
Stood there
With his arms outstretched
Across the frozen white wasteland
Trying to figure out what he's gonna do
About his deflicted eyes
And it was at that precise moment that he remembered
An ancient Eskimo legend
Wherein it is written
On whatever it is that they write it on up there
That if anything bad ever happens to your eyes
As a result of some sort of conflict
With anyone named Nanook
The only way you can get it fixed up
Is to go trudgin' across the tundra...
Mile after mile
Trudgin' across the tundra...
Right down to the parish of Saint Alfonzo...
they need to chill and have a pancake-

they are most likely folks that fear the cornflake, yellow snow, the Great Googly-Moogly :unsure:, and lyrics as disturbing as these:

Well right about that time, people,
A fur trapper
Who was strictly from commercial
(Strictly Commershil)
Had the unmedicated audacity to jump up from behind my igyaloo
(Peek-a-Boo Woo-ooo-ooo)
And he started in to whippin' on my fav'rite baby seal
With a lead-filled snow shoe...
I said:
With a lead
A lead-filled snow shoe
Snow shoe
He said Peak-a-boo
With a lead
With a lead-filled snow shoe
He said Peak-a-boo.
He went right up side the head of my favorite baby seal
He went whap!
With a lead-filled snow shoe
An' he hit him on the nose 'n he hit him on the fin 'n he...
That got me just about as evil
As an Eskimo boy can be... so I bent down 'n I reached down 'n I scooped down
An' I gathered up a generous mitten full of the deadly...
Yellow snow
The deadly Yellow Snow from right there where the huskies go
Whereupon I proceeded to take that mitten full
Of the deadly Yellow Snow Crystals
And rub it all into his beady little eyes
With a vigorous circular motion
Hitherto unknown to the people on this area,
But destined to take the place of THE MUD SHARK
In your mythology
Here it goes now...
The circular motion... (rub it)...
(Here Fido... Here Fido)
And then, in a fit of anger, I...
I pounced
And I pounced again
Great googly-moogly
I jumped up 'n down on the chest of the...
I injured the fur trapper
Well, he was very upset, as you can understand
And rightly so
The deadly Yellow Snow Crystals
Had deprived him of his sight
And he stood up
And he looked around
And he said:
I can't see
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Yeah!)
I can't see
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Yeah!)
Oh woe is me
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Yeah!)
I can't see
(Do... Do do-do do do do... Well!)
No no
I can't see
No... I...
He took a dog-doo sno-cone
An' stuffed it in my right eye
He took a dog-doo sno-cone
An' stuffed it in my other eye
An' the huskie wee-wee,
I mean the doggie wee-wee
Has blinded me
An' I can't see
Well the fur trapper
Stood there
With his arms outstretched
Across the frozen white wasteland
Trying to figure out what he's gonna do
About his deflicted eyes
And it was at that precise moment that he remembered
An ancient Eskimo legend
Wherein it is written
On whatever it is that they write it on up there
That if anything bad ever happens to your eyes
As a result of some sort of conflict
With anyone named Nanook
The only way you can get it fixed up
Is to go trudgin' across the tundra...
Mile after mile
Trudgin' across the tundra...
Right down to the parish of Saint Alfonzo...

thank you, F.Zappsta! 👏😂
I got into surround before there was affordable home video. So I have a reverse perspective.

I imagined the video while listening to the audio. There were albums I imagined the movie (which I had seen) while listening to the record.

Here are some record albums I did this with:

- Disney's "Fantasia" original soundtrack
- "The Story of Star Wars" (First Dolby Stereo album I owned)
- Meco "Star Wars and Other Galactic Funk" (The Star Wars side)
- Meco "Encounters of Every Kind" This entire album is a time trip from prehistoric times to a close encounter
- Original Soundtrack "The Wizard of Oz"
- Meco plays "The Wizard of Oz" (You can actually hear the color come on in surround)
- Meco "Superman and Other Galactic Heroes" (The Superman side)
- The Story of "The Black Hole"
- The Story of "Robin Hood" (Disney animated)
- "Tommy" (The Who & London Symphony Orchestra)
- Neil Diamond "Hot August Night" (live concert - you feel like you are there - record, but not the CD)
- Steppenwolf "Live" (live concert - you feel like you are there - record, but not the CD)
- Three Dog Night "Live at the Forum" (live concert - you feel like you are there - record)
- Jeff Wayne "The War of the Worlds"
- Rick Wakeman "Journey to the Center of the Earth"
- "The Nutcracker" (I have several versions)

Other soundtrack albums I had to make tapes of with the songs and clips in the correct order:

- "Grease"
- "New York, New York"
- "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Band" (soundtrack)
- "Saturday Night Live"
- Jeff Lynne "Electric Dreams"
- "Flashdance"
I will throw in my 2 cents.
@rugene would you be able to edit your title? I think you meant to say dumb idea vs dump idea?
I have listened to hundreds of Steve's YouTube videos same for Paul McGowan. Both say at some time or another they have had surround sound, but prefer stereo, using there own words.
All of the heavy hitters on You Tube, gear and opinions, only talk about stereo.
When they say it, I am sure like many here will say, they say it like they don't quite understand it. The true surround sound person, like us, sits there saying well what about this and what about that. PSA Audio sells only 2 channel equipment so there opinion is understandable. Guttenberg sells nothing so you just have to figure, he only likes stereo.
Now for my opinion,
I like both, to the point that I purchased a 2 channel preamp to listen to all my stereo sources. Others on this thread have said they turn off lights and listen to surround. Great way of listening to anything.
I know members of QQ that upmix tons of stereo because they only prefer listening to surround.
Sometimes, like now, I am typing while listening and it is a great way to listen, but I am not allowing myself to hear and feel all the nuances.
Surround is very engaging, and I find to give it any justice, my goal is to only sit and listen, having surround as background sound is not the way for me, whereas stereo is good for background.
I love both ways of listening and I fully understand the small niche we at QQ live in when talking about surround.
I have had many people over my house and I watch there jaws drop with 5.1 and Atmos, but I know that not one of them as of this writing has set up there own surround system, they continue to buy music and listen on stereo.
Not to say anything negative, just to show where the numbers are on You Tube Subscriptions,
Life In Surround 2.97K
Steve Guttenberg 206K
PSA Audio 171K
All I can do is try to wave the surround flag, but have zero expectations of who will like it or not. Obviously someone likes it as ATMOS is growing.
Great topic, but hard to figure out.
I will throw in my 2 cents.
@rugene would you be able to edit your title? I think you meant to say dumb idea vs dump idea?
I have listened to hundreds of Steve's YouTube videos same for Paul McGowan. Both say at some time or another they have had surround sound, but prefer stereo, using there own words.
All of the heavy hitters on You Tube, gear and opinions, only talk about stereo.
When they say it, I am sure like many here will say, they say it like they don't quite understand it. The true surround sound person, like us, sits there saying well what about this and what about that. PSA Audio sells only 2 channel equipment so there opinion is understandable. Guttenberg sells nothing so you just have to figure, he only likes stereo.
Now for my opinion,
I like both, to the point that I purchased a 2 channel preamp to listen to all my stereo sources. Others on this thread have said they turn off lights and listen to surround. Great way of listening to anything.
I know members of QQ that upmix tons of stereo because they only prefer listening to surround.
Sometimes, like now, I am typing while listening and it is a great way to listen, but I am not allowing myself to hear and feel all the nuances.
Surround is very engaging, and I find to give it any justice, my goal is to only sit and listen, having surround as background sound is not the way for me, whereas stereo is good for background.
I love both ways of listening and I fully understand the small niche we at QQ live in when talking about surround.
I have had many people over my house and I watch there jaws drop with 5.1 and Atmos, but I know that not one of them as of this writing has set up there own surround system, they continue to buy music and listen on stereo.
Not to say anything negative, just to show where the numbers are on You Tube Subscriptions,
Life In Surround 2.97K
Steve Guttenberg 206K
PSA Audio 171K
All I can do is try to wave the surround flag, but have zero expectations of who will like it or not. Obviously someone likes it as ATMOS is growing.
Great topic, but hard to figure out.

Nice little dissertation, Markie and IMO, a viable approach to music, in general. If you truly LOVE music, then why narrow it down to just SURROUND when we all know that since QUAD died in the 70's and the 00 DVD~A/SACD multichannel launch fared no better that STEREO would dominate into this new millennium as the victor. And as even SACD and BD~A and DVD~V with its LOSSY codecs struggle to survive in a world of hi res downloads, a new 'reverence' for vinyl and a healthy dose of RBCD releases, our little niche market, thankfully, is still hanging SOME artists and SOME labels surprise us with the 'occasional' remixed into 5.1 and now Dolby ATMOS titles!

And as our QQ threads dedicated to wishlists of what WE'D like to see remixed into surround goes unheeded, vinyl lovers and stereo enthusiasts continue to be 'bombarded' with a cornucopia of choice titles we'd all give our eye's teeth for!

I will always LOVE surround music but like Markie, have no disdain for PURE STEREO. And like Mark, I LOVE MUSIC. So rather than point to those audio 'experts' who disdain surround and have a preference for two channel audio, I accept the REALITY that however my music is delivered .... I will follow!

To do otherwise, would certainly narrow your choices immeasureably...and as my late and wise father always said: Sometimes, the Only Person You Fool in the End yourself!
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Music is a dump...

Ain't it just, though. Ain't it just.

Brings to mind this album cover:

now I got it right dumb and not dump which is still a word, but in the context here it would be a joke... I was reading my post yesterday and I had the feeling that there was something strange in my title, just realized one day later what it was.

Reminded me of that Jim Carrey classic DUMP ... AND DUMPIER!
now I got it right dumb and not dump which is still a word, but in the context here it would be a joke... I was reading my post yesterday and I had the feeling that there was something strange in my title, just realized one day later what it was.
I thought you had spelled it that way on purpose to be sarcastic. I‘d probably buy some of today‘s music if it would get released in surround at a reasonable price. But it’s not. So the only new material I own has been released by Mr. Wilson, Mr. Soord and of course our own Mr. Afternoon.
[Edit: I did buy Moby Reprise, but only because it was in Atmos]
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I thought you had spelled it that way on purpose to be sarcastic. I‘d probably buy some of today‘s music if it would get released in surround at a reasonable price. But it’s not. So the only new material I own has been released by Mr. Wilson, Mr. Soord and of course our own Mr. Afternoon.

Spoken like a TRUE 'elitist' Joisey Boy ....... born to Run Off at the mouth! LOL!
I was listening to the video of Edisonbaggins (life In surround) who replied to the Steve Guttenberg videos and says that it's a matter of taste if you prefer stereo over surround or the other way around. I would add it's a matter of acquired taste because it almost seems difficult for me to understand that music is not made for surround. Maybe Steve has not taken enough time to listen to surround music...

I‘d probably buy some of today‘s music if it would get released in surround at a reasonable price.
I'd probably but more of today's music if it wasn't bludgeoned with compression and shrill and didn't sound like click track MIDI tinkerbell production. Or the karaoke band robot voice warble thing. Even Styx with their vocoder abuse wasn't this cheesy!

Agreed though!
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