The Enid in 5.1 - new album "Dust" now available as FLAC download


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Neil Palfreyman

1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
Jun 15, 2011
Wiltshire, UK
This is the second 5.1 release from The Enid in a trilogy that band member and sound engineer Max Read is mixing in surround for the band.

"Dust" is available now in it's entirety in 24/96 multi-channel flac. Like "The Bridge" it's a fully discrete, immensely powerful surround mix that also has huge dynamic range. This one takes the vocal and choral performances from The Bridge to a whole new level! I've been play testing it and it's another stunner!

For those that don't know of The Enid they are a quite unique band, formed way back in 1974 with some seventeen studio albums to their name. Their music was a mostly instrumental hybrid of Prog and Classical but more recent releases, including "The Bridge" and "Dust" have the immensely powerful vocals of Joe Payne (voted Prog Rock "best vocalist" for two years running) who's like a blend of Matt Bellamy and Freddie Mercury with some opera thrown in for good measure (I kid you not.)

Their music is huge, powerful, bombastic, emotional and dynamic. Perfect for 5.1!

It's only the second (afaik) surround mix by Max, who's relatively new to the world of surround mixing, but the results are just stunning. He already sounds like he's been doing it for years and I really hope we get lots more material from him and the band. Incredible stuff.
Hmmmmm - hearing more geeeeeeeeetar in this one - have not bought yet - still listening on you tube. :banana:
Downloaded the 24/96 FLAC last night and listened through to it… Quite astounding mix, very discrete, and makes really excellent use of all the speakers.

I agree. It blew me away play testing it, making full use of the surround field to get the complexity of the mix and the power of the music across. Very dynamic too.
Downloaded it this lunchtime and gave it a listen this afternoon. Its really good, mix fits the music, and you can really crank it up! CDs coming via snail-mail! If Max can do all the Enid albums in 5.1 I'll buy them all.
Are the 5.1 mixes gone from the band's site? The link in the first post doesn't work anymore, and I can't find the surround downloads on the band's site...
Are the 5.1 mixes gone from the band's site? The link in the first post doesn't work anymore, and I can't find the surround downloads on the band's site...

Thank you for bringing this up! Tried two more links, but the whole DL section seems to be gone from the shop now.
I got The Bridge and still want to purchase Dust, fingers crossed there's gonna be chance again in the future.
There was a website update some while ago, maybe it vanished then. There has also been a change of members of the band, so maybe a change of emphasis as well.
I just had notification from Max at "The Enid" HQ that the 5.1 mixes are back up in the web shop:

as well as FLAC there's also an option to download an ISO for DVD-A and ISO DVD-V.

For those who don't know The Enid's music is a most unique blend of Classical and contemporary instrumentation. Huge, dynamic, complicated arrangements with plenty of layers and textures that are just perfect for surround. These two albums a feature the vocals of Joe Payne, who's very operatic in places and sounds not unlike Freddie Mercury (I kid you not.) So if you like your surround to be dynamic, discrete, complex and somewhat eclectic then these are just perfect.