The FAQBOT Prototype (you lovely people have the potential to win something)


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Mr. Afternoon

Artist & Mixing Engineer (On Hiatus)
QQ Supporter
May 10, 2021
Your Speakers
TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read)
Competition Length: 2 Weeks
Prizes: Free early copy of the album or cameo appearance in the album.


TS;WTR (Too Short; Want To Read)
While working on Album 3 (which by the way, has hit the 80% completion mark, finally) I decided to go ahead and start revamping the company website. The FAQ page was getting a bit too long, so I've decided to delve into the world of AI to come up for a replacement for it. Nobody wants to keep on scrolling to find the info they want, right? Now, you can just ask FAQBOT your question, and it will give you the answer. If it has it.

Here's where you guys come in. I cannot possibly think of all the questions you guys may have. So, I need you guys to keep asking FAQBOT questions, and if it doesn't have the answer, use the built-in form to submit those questions so I can add them to FAQBOT. And, of course, you'll receive a response to those questions in your email.

The person who submits the best questions (or rather, the most best questions) will get a prize! They will be able to choose between:
  • A free early copy of Album 3 (either physical or digital)
  • A cameo appearance in Album 3 (subject to having a decent-enough microphone)
The submission period to improve FAQBOT will last forever, but the chance to win a prize will only last 2 weeks. FAQBOT is in it's very early stages, and it's a WIP, so I apologize for any instability or bugs in advance. Feel free to post any comments or questions about anything relating to Album 3 or FAQBOT here, and feel free to spam my DMs if FAQBOT goes down (lol).

A test question you can ask FAQBOT is "What is HDR?"

Current Rankings:
Marplot - 2 good questions
JediJoker - 1 good question
ummagumma - 2 questionable questions
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By sheer coincidence, I have a bunch of frozen bananas in my freezer. I was looking for some recipes or advice.

Hey, you could do a winter song " the frozen banana"
Well! I could certainly answer both of those questions here, but those aren't the types of questions I'm looking for FAQBOT. More like "how do I play this FLAC file" or "where can I find ___"

I have no clue about recipes for bananas. I personally don't like to integrate bananas with anything, I like them plain! Although, I suppose frozen bananas would be perfect for banana ice cream!

I can try to do a winter song called "The Frozen Banana" however I'm not sure when I could get it out. I've already been struggling for nearly 3 years trying to get this next album out.
Well! I could certainly answer both of those questions here, but those aren't the types of questions I'm looking for FAQBOT. More like "how do I play this FLAC file" or "where can I find ___"

I have no clue about recipes for bananas. I personally don't like to integrate bananas with anything, I like them plain! Although, I suppose frozen bananas would be perfect for banana ice cream!

I can try to do a winter song called "The Frozen Banana" however I'm not sure when I could get it out. I've already been struggling for nearly 3 years trying to get this next album out.
Wouldn't that be FlacBot then?
Wouldn't that be FlacBot then?
The purpose of FAQBOT is to help users with any problems they may have. Oh, they don't know what bit-depth is? Here's a handy answer. What formats did The Golden Bonana release on? Here ya go. Where can I find the liner notes page on the website? Here's the link. Stuff like that. I can add some silly/joke questions and responses, but not TOO many.

Again, I need y'all's help because I can't think of every question.
Oh I got a question........regarding physical product.

How many "QUARK" encoded albums are there ????
And in what physical format...such as vinyl , cd , cd/blu ray , DVD........etc ??

And availability??

I'm extending the deadline by a week because I unfortunately wasn't getting the response I was hoping and also got encumbered with some work that prevented me from adding more questions to FAQBOT.
FAQBOT can answer 4x the questions now but I surely have missed quite a lot!
Just to reiterate, I'm looking for any questions relating to the website, technical stuff on physical pressings, and basically stuff in that similar vein.
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@ummagumma Also, to indulge, I did actually add one of your questions to FAQBOT, but I'm still working out the kinks.

It's also important you add a question mark at the end of any question or FAQBOT will get really confused. I'm still trying to fix that.

Also when suggesting a question FAQBOT cannot answer please use the built-in submission form! Some people didn't do that!
1. I had no idea you had a completed second album out. Otherwise I would have purchased it.

2: I have no idea how to pronounce Szoo Wee Dmema

3. If you want to make big bucks from this FAQBOT give an AI friendly name. Like Robbie. Robbie the FAQBOT.

4. Are these questions I should be asking Robbie?
1. I had no idea you had a completed second album out. Otherwise I would have purchased it.

2: I have no idea how to pronounce Szoo Wee Dmema

3. If you want to make big bucks from this FAQBOT give an AI friendly name. Like Robbie. Robbie the FAQBOT.

4. Are these questions I should be asking Robbie?
1. Which one are you referring to?
2. Zoo Wee Duh-mama. If you're referring to that album, that was my first "unofficial" album, before Bonana.
3. Not trying to make big bucks, experimenting with replacing the FAQ page with this! But yes, I should name it.
4. Honestly, keep asking as many questions as you want, there's probably going to be some that I think should be included in the set of questions Robbie needs to answer.

I asked no questions but contributed to the site.,
Also I just removed that button! That's an antiquated thing from like 5 years ago. But thanks anyway. :)
Somehow FAQBOT sounds slightly, er,
1. Which one are you referring to?
2. Zoo Wee Duh-mama. If you're referring to that album, that was my first "unofficial" album, before Bonana.
3. Not trying to make big bucks, experimenting with replacing the FAQ page with this! But yes, I should name it.
4. Honestly, keep asking as many questions as you want, there's probably going to be some that I think should be included in the set of questions Robbie needs to answer.

Also I should remove that button! That's an antiquated thing from like 5 years ago. But thanks anyway. :)
Ah well, I hope it went to a good cause. lol.