The SDE Surround Sound Series (Updated list of titles with links in post #1)


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LOVE Orbital......instantaneous order ... even before morning java ☕

And this baby is LOADED and includes the instrumental tracks in ATMOS as well as a flat 96/24 stereo transfer!

Also ordered + slipcase for XPropaganda
The blu-ray is the only place the Atmos Mix is available physically, and this disc is actually most generous in the series to date and features four audio streams:

  • Dolby Atmos Mix
  • HD Master Audio 5.1 Mix
  • Hi-Res Stereo Mix (96/24)
  • Hi-Res Alternative Stereo Mix (Flat Transfer) (96/24)
  • Instrumental versions of vocal tracks in Atmos, 5.1 and stereo
This is the only way to enjoy the Dolby Atmos mix of the album via a physical product. Unlike on streaming, the Atmos Mix is not compressed and you own the product, you are not renting it from a digital service provider! Don't miss out.

This Optical Delusion SDE-exclusive blu-ray audio will be released on 17 February 2023. Click the circular 'Pre-order' button at the top of this page to secure your copy. This comes with a collectible numbered SDE slipcase!

Instrumental versions of vocal tracks in Atmos, 5.1 and stereo
Thank you to those who thought of this and agreed to it. I love instrumental versions of vocal songs.

I would have loved that option (in Atmos) with the xPropaganda release as I prefer that version to the vocal version. (I did buy the digital deluxe version to get the instrumentals.) I was hoping that might have been an option when Paul was figuring out what to do with the second version of the TFF release.

I hope this is an option in as many future releases as possible.

And add me to the list of people who have never heard of this group before. Definitely ordering, though.
Paul, thank you for the SDE Surround Series. I just placed my order for Orbital and Eno is out for delivery today.

Since everyone is adding their requests, then I will add mine as well. In 2011, 4AD re-released a remastered box set of This Mortal Coil. There was supposed to be a Blu-ray high-definition version to follow, but that never came to be. Would be nice if any of the three albums - It'll End in Tears, Filigree & Shadow, and Blood was to receive the surround series treatment. This is a classic mid-to-late 80's dream-pop collaboration that would sound amazing in Dolby Atmos.
Listened to the track on the press page... not my cup of tea. Unfortunately, it mostly feels like the SDE series so far is more whatever they can get, rather than top picks that people might want. Hopefully it will pick up momentum and we'll start to see some more interesting stuff.
That preview track didn't grab me either, but more Atmos and especially dedicated 5.1 on a standalone Blu-Ray can only be a good thing. As for the series being "whatever they can get", I think it's unrealistic to expect anything else (though I'm sure Paul and his team are making all kinds of inquiries about higher-profile titles).

I thought this quote from an Atmos mixer I spoke to a few weeks ago is especially prescient to the conversation:
You have to think about this from the perspective of the labels. Warner is a company that has the resources to do Blu-Ray, but I just don’t think the marketing departments over there want to pull the trigger on physical products. For better or for worse, people are going to equate it with CDs. Even Blu-Ray feels like old technology, because everything’s been replaced by streaming. You’ll always have that hardcore hi-fi audience that knows what they’re buying, but it’s a tough sale for the average consumer.
Listened to the track on the press page... not my cup of tea. Unfortunately, it mostly feels like the SDE series so far is more whatever they can get, rather than top picks that people might want. Hopefully it will pick up momentum and we'll start to see some more interesting stuff.
I hear you. In a broad sense, none of these have been my cup of tea. Eno has come closest, but I would have preferred a non-vocal title.

Having said that, I’m enjoying building a physical Atmos library and kind of surprised how I’m liking things I thought I would have never liked, especially given my musical preferences growing up. I was suprised how much I enjoyed the TTF release having not had any interest in them prior to this or when they were big in the 80s.

At some point I imagine Paul might put something out from an artist I know I dislike and then I’ll face the dilemma of saying no, or buying it anyway when my mild OCD ponders of a gap in the series on my shelf.

I do hope #7 will be something that grabs you.
Don’t really know Orbital but this looks like a cool release, I’m in.
There is a bundle that adds the xPropaganda slipcase for “free”.
But the shipping cost (to Canada), when including that thin piece of cardboard, goes up by £3.
everything's gone up, it costs about £3 just to fart nowadays 😅😂
that's the spirit!! ❤️🍻
we'll never get those artists and albums people are always clamouring for if we don't support fantastic endeavours such as this!! 👍
...... which was another reason I ordered, I might skip the guesting Sleaford Mods track though. I saw them at Beautiful Days a while back, well, I lasted less than one number, it wasn't just the musical drivel they churned out it was the pointless swearing as well! So, I'll listen once to that track and probably avoid from then on, along with Morris Dancer Troupes, The Proclaimers, and "Come On Eileen"! :LOL:
I hear you. In a broad sense, none of these have been my cup of tea. Eno has come closest, but I would have preferred a non-vocal title.

Having said that, I’m enjoying building a physical Atmos library and kind of surprised how I’m liking things I thought I would have never liked, especially given my musical preferences growing up. I was suprised how much I enjoyed the TTF release having not had any interest in them prior to this or when they were big in the 80s.

At some point I imagine Paul might put something out from an artist I know I dislike and then I’ll face the dilemma of saying no, or buying it anyway when my mild OCD ponders of a gap in the series on my shelf.

I do hope #7 will be something that grabs you.
I hear you; the only one I've bought was the Tears for Fears one and that one was actually quite good. I also kind of liked the xPropaganda one, although I've only heard it on streaming. I'm honestly not even sure what I would hope to see in this series. It seems like most major older artists have had no issues reissuing their classic albums, in surround or otherwise, through other labels. Brand new albums are always a mystery box, since you don't really know what to expect. There are a lot of more modern artists that I would love to see get some surround treatment (stuff from 2000 - present; seems like almost everything that gets redone is from the 60's - 90's). We'll see I guess!