Steven Wilson Will In Absentia or Deadwing be Reissued?


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
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Sep 7, 2006
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada
In the first Ask SW session you said:

"We definitely need to reissue the IA and DW albums, not just in 5.1 but also with new stereo masters (both albums were originally done at the peak of the loudness wars era)."

Have there been any new developments on this issue?
I am wondering this as well. I have both of these albums on DVDA already, but they have too much dynamic range compression. I am very curious to hear how SW would mix these as compared to Scheiner.

Heck, I'd even re-buy them if they re-used the Scheiner mix, but used the unmastered version to get back some of the dynamic range.

96K isn't a necessity IMHO, because I don't believe they were recorded at 96k, thus very little benefit to up-sampling. It is nice to have, but not a necessity. Lossless for sure though. I also like Bluray for the potential extras.
I have these both on Dvda and if Steven decided to redo with a more flat transfer I will be all over these and would hope they could come out in Dvda again, instant rebuy for me.
i'd spotted on that there are sort of re-print of PT's DVD-As by JVC Japan. was curious what it is.
i do have all of them from original first prints but also wondering if these will be re-issued as it seems now
those DVD-A only can be found in the hands of official and unofficial scalpers and this in no way can benefit
for those who just recently discovered and joined surround camp.
and that's a crime, because all of these DVD-As releases belong to category "must have" inspite you liked or
not genre/music/lyrics.,k:porcupine+tree+dvd-audio+Jvc+Japan
This was the question I was most hoping to see an answer in! Would love to re-buy In Absentia with a fully dynamic 5.1 mix. I can't imagine improving on the 5.1 mix but if Steven decided to do his own hopefully the Blu-ray would come with both, certainly no storage capacity issues.
Would be nice to see a few of those later PT albums come out on BluRay, would be a good time for a Porcupine Tree tour as well, it's been a while.
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I,m seeing 2013 Japanese versions of In Absentia available from Amazon for $50 and less. Has anyone bought one of these yet?
This was the question I was most hoping to see an answer in! Would love to re-buy In Absentia with a fully dynamic 5.1 mix. I can't imagine improving on the 5.1 mix but if Steven decided to do his own hopefully the Blu-ray would come with both, certainly no storage capacity issues.
Just bought for $48 the 2013 Japanese HDCD+ DVDA of In Absentia. Both the CD and DVDA sound great. It comes in a cardboard holder with vinyl sleeves, the original artwork and some inserts in Japanese explaining the HDCD and track listings.
Just bought for $48 the 2013 Japanese HDCD+ DVDA of In Absentia. Both the CD and DVDA sound great. It comes in a cardboard holder with vinyl sleeves, the original artwork and some inserts in Japanese explaining the HDCD and track listings.

Nice! As much as SW laments the loudness, I would consider that a bargain for the combination of PT's best album and Elliott Scheiner. Over the last 10 years of repititious playing, I would have gotten that moneys worth many times over. Of course, if SW wants to re-do it himself for BD, far be it from my credit card to stand in the way! It's all good!! :)
I was listening to this at home and in the car repeatedly over last week. It is an amazing album. I can't stop playing Chloroform, one of the bonus tracks on In Absentia. If SW does mix this again I can imagine those drums swirling....

I just love this style of music. The gentle atmosphere it creates, the build up to the guitars, then back to pure bliss once more. I really miss PT for this type of song. What is it? Psychedelic prog space metal? :) Please tell me there is another band doing this in surround? (Or that Steven has a bunch more unreleased PT tracks for the BD releases!)
I have the DVD-A and I'm very happy with it, great surround mix, superb bonus tracks. It might be LOUD at some points, but to me that seems to be intended. Anyway, I still hold off BluRay. I guess until my DVD-A/V player will die.
I too would be thrilled if Steven would be able to reissue these or release new 5.1 versions. Theses are my favorite PT albums but I only have them on CD.
Just got both of the dvd audio and they sound fine to these old guys ears. Very happy with them.
Just got both of the dvd audio and they sound fine to these old guys ears. Very happy with them.

These young guys ears think they are OK but could be a lot more dynamic.
These young guys ears think they are OK but could be a lot more dynamic.

I have older ears and these 2 albums would sound better with less compression like what Sw did with Stupid Dream and Lightbulb Sun.
I would rebuy them if SW did happen to remix them again himself but I am still happy with what we have as the albums were mixed very well, less compression and more dynamic would be appreciated though.
To me my beloved Genesis would gain way more if they could be mixed/mastered flat as the 1976-1998 albums are very compressed(1970-75 were better), way worse that these 2 SW recordings.

I have older ears and these 2 albums would sound better with less compression like what Sw did with Stupid Dream and Lightbulb Sun.
I would rebuy them if SW did happen to remix them again himself but I am still happy with what we have as the albums were mixed very well, less compression and more dynamic would be appreciated though.
To me my beloved Genesis would gain way more if they could be mixed/mastered flat as the 1976-1998 albums are very compressed(1970-75 were better), way worse that these 2 SW recordings.


I agree!
Hello folks

Firstly, I'm very glad you enjoy these records. In Absentia especially remains an album of which I'm very proud. Unfortunately as the sound recordings are owned by Warners, and they seem neither interesting in revamping them, or allowing anyone else to license them to do the job, at present any kind of reissue of these 2 albums seems rather remote.

Hello folks

Firstly, I'm very glad you enjoy these records. In Absentia especially remains an album of which I'm very proud. Unfortunately as the sound recordings are owned by Warners, and they seem neither interesting in revamping them, or allowing anyone else to license them to do the job, at present any kind of reissue of these 2 albums seems rather remote.


That's too bad...we are all fans and would jump at the chance to hear these in such a format.