DVD-V 5.1 Albums - What's Your Latest? NO Video DVD-V, DVD-A, Blu-Ray-A or SACD's


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Quad Linda

Staff member
Jun 3, 2011
DROP YOUR WAD ON QUAD Chicago, Illinois
What's your latest 5.1 album on lossy DVD-V?

Since record companies insist on releasing 5.1 albums on lossy DVD-V, this thread sadly becomes necessary. Please don't list DVD-V concerts/music videos, Blu-Ray-A, DVD-A, DTS CD, Dolby Digital CD or SACD's here. There are separate threads for each one of these.

My latest is, of course:
mine latest and last one was Opeth - Heritage.
picked at Walmart probably a year ago. what happened, it's coincided with arriving SW's BD-A.
well, inspite the both mixes was done by same guy [and i guess it was main reason for purchase],
soundwise they are day and night.
to put it short - i wasn't able to listen through all album. after Storm Corrosin the sound of Heritage
just unbearable. i never been proponent of DTS but this was last drop. 5.1 mix more than decent but
to sent it out as DTS was just a crime. so since then i put a big fat cross on any DTS.
mine latest and last one was Opeth - Heritage.
picked at Walmart probably a year ago. what happened, it's coincided with arriving SW's BD-A.
well, inspite the both mixes was done by same guy [and i guess it was main reason for purchase],
soundwise they are day and night.
to put it short - i wasn't able to listen through all album. after Storm Corrosin the sound of Heritage
just unbearable. i never been proponent of DTS but this was last drop. 5.1 mix more than decent but
to sent it out as DTS was just a crime. so since then i put a big fat cross on any DTS.

IIRC - That one was "Mewtilated".... :D
I love Heritage in 5.1.
The Album is really great!
I stand like a child in front of the christmas tree when I think about the next Opeth release in 2014.
Even only in stereo :)
I have yet to hear it, but Jethro Tull Benefit is reportedly waiting for me when I get home. I've been a bit out of the loop lately and am just learning from this thread that it is a only a DVD-V. Moondance is in the same shipment. Can't wait to get home.
I have yet to hear it, but Jethro Tull Benefit is reportedly waiting for me when I get home. I've been a bit out of the loop lately and am just learning from this thread that it is a only a DVD-V. Moondance is in the same shipment. Can't wait to get home.

(I'm hoping) you're gonna love 'em! :eek: They're both superb surround mixes imho! (y)
IIRC - That one was "Mewtilated".... :D

took a look at credit and you're right.
indeed it says 5.1 mastered at Abbey Road by Peter Mew.
SW doing sound just fine, so i guess the band got too much cash and no idea how to waste it other
than add the name of veteran on list of production team. what a weird move. i'm curious did they even
heard it, before disc was finalized and sent to replication house?