DSotM underground DVD-A


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Too bad we couldn't just talk about how cool this title is. This thread has become more than a bit pointless now. Newbies seeking this title should refer to post #112 or Google for it. You can't get the title here and QQ is not the place to go to learn how to burn DVDs. There are a million places out on the 'net to find this information.
O.k., I had to register just for saying Thank you! Not that I'm implying that you guys helped me get this in any way... ;)

In my setup the center channel is definately the weakest link. It sounds 'boxy' and doesn't have the linearity that the L/R/S have (being full range speakers). So, being able to hear this quad mix is simply :banana:

And yes, how about 'Wish you were here' in quad?
Is there even a center channel in this mix...? Haven't heard this since last year, but I believe this is a 4.1 mix (no center channel).

Great disc!
Yes, it's a 4.1 mix. But that is exactly my point: since the center is the weakest link in my setup I'm really glad I get to enjoy the original mix that doesn't use one :)

I always thought 5.1 is slight overkill. Being a guy who is used to good stereo listening, I never missed a center (if you have nice speakers and have them setup right). If the sound engineer did his job right you will hear things right in front of you even though the speakers are to your front left and right. But you guys know all this already or you wouldn't post on a forum that's called QQ :D

But since I like to watch movies also I went with 5.1

Is there really a 4.1 mix of Wish You Were Here?
Too bad we couldn't just talk about how cool this title is. This thread has become more than a bit pointless now. Newbies seeking this title should refer to post #112 or Google for it. You can't get the title here and QQ is not the place to go to learn how to burn DVDs. There are a million places out on the 'net to find this information.

When was the last time I told you that you were a poop Cai? I think it has been a while. :confused:
When was the last time I told you that you were a poop Cai? I think it has been a while. :confused:
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Have you read the message boards on places that tolerate open instruction on how to download/replicate gray area material? Do you want QQ to become like that? I sure hope not! <shudder>

Mike, you can be something of a shit yourself. But I still love you. ;)
It's out there, Search for DTS.

Thanks for the heads up (y)

I found a 3.6 gig 4.0 version that supposedly is created from a SQ encoded Vinyl. People are not as impressed by it as with Dsotm. Do you know the origins of the DTS version you were referring to? Does it sound better than the MLP of the SQ Vinyl?

By the way, I could not find any DTS version so far.
one of the best albums ever recorded!

now if i could just learn how to use a burner,complete with options to filter,i would have the best Cd of all times.a Quad version,my gawd what a treat!

had it in a quad 8 track in '70's in my '64 Comet Cyclone,Those were the days my friend.

now if someone would just open a store for quad music....or e-bay or amazon....

Great forum here guy's thanks looking forward to learning how to use it!

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Thank you so much for the information on all this. I've downloaded a copy and I'm simply blown away by the quality of the remix. Whoever did it I salute them and thank them (and hope they do the same for Wish You Were Here!).

I've decided that this album is the kick in the pants I need to buy a subwoofer and I'm expecting to enjoy it even more with that added to the system. In the meantime I've decided to annoy the neighbours, turn the volume *way* up and ... sort of grin a lot.

Heh. There was just a *really* loud bit (the clocks at the start of "Time") and the cat, who's lying on the end of the lounge, sort of raised his head up, blinked in an astonished way and looked at me as if to say "Are you serious??".

He just doesn't get it! ;-P
Thank you so much for the information on all this. I've downloaded a copy and I'm simply blown away by the quality of the remix. Whoever did it I salute them and thank them (and hope they do the same for Wish You Were Here!).

The mix was done by Alan Parsons. It is the original Quad mix, not a remix.
WYWH (if it ever surfaces) will - like the SACD of DSOTM - be done by James Guthrie.
this disc is real.

If by 'this disc' you mean the DSotM DVD-A, who says it isn't?

It's been circulating on torrents for a few years now.

Not sure if this was posted previously. same album, different mix. big question is WHY? did they change it?

The DVD-A's the quad mix from the early 70's, slightly repurposed from Alan Parson's 4.0 original (adding .1 content). The SACD mix is a completely different one because obviously someone thought a surround mix could be done better today.
this disc is real. http://www.highfidelityreview.com/reviews/review.asp?reviewnumber=12583627
It does exsist and is hard to find. Not sure if this was posted previously. same album, different mix. big question is WHY? did they change it?
Several times on this same page of posts, this has been called a remix. To my knowledge this the original quad mix and not a remix at all. What makes it special is that it comes from a better source than the quad transfers sourced from commercial releases and that it was made available in DVD-A format.
Only once is it referred to as a remix, by Draconin, and that's simply using the same terminology as for the SACD 5.1 'remix'. Both surround mixes are obviously remixes, compared to the two-channel version, and I'd bet that's all that was implied.

(And arguably the DVD-A is a 'remix' of the original 4.0 quad, in that it now has a .1 channel -- it's now a 4.1 mix; however, that .1 content was derived from bass frequency redirection rather than classical remixing, and IIRC, itc content is (unfortunately) duplicated in the main channels )
Only once is it referred to as a remix, by Draconin, and that's simply using the same terminology as for the SACD 5.1 'remix'. Both surround mixes are obviously remixes, compared to the two-channel version, and I'd bet that's all that was implied.

(And arguably the DVD-A is a 'remix' of the original 4.0 quad, in that it now has a .1 channel -- it's now a 4.1 mix; however, that .1 content was derived from bass frequency redirection rather than classical remixing, and IIRC, itc content is (unfortunately) duplicated in the main channels )
My bad. It does read a bit harsh, which was unintentional. It was only called a "remix" once and "different mix" once. I was simply clarifying for anyone who might not know the history, that the so called Parsons mix is not new but is the original quad mix that was released commercially on LP and Q8. The official 5.1 mix was created much later.
Good morning gentlemen

Just downloaded this mix yesterday, popped it in my DVD-A in my Accura and WOW !!!

Haven't played it on the home system yet, I can't hardly wait.
I would really appreciate it if someone would PM me on how I could get a copy of this. I have been waiting for years for this. I would be forever grateful! :D
