Andy Partridge of XTC writing songs for a new Monkees Lp


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Apparently Andy's song "You Bring The Summer" has been selected as the first single.

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gotta thank my sweetie for coming to terms with the fact that The Monkees were definitely a classic band...
Me thinks they were smokin some mighty fine banana peels
Good lord mr challenge is ripe for smack. Just wait till Bernie gets thru with those maniacs in what is left of the repub tribe. That is smack!! Getting stronger every day!
I have inside info from touring band members, Dolenz did happy together band for several tours. And here is one tidbit below. Davy used to do interviews slamming Nez for his 3 piece suits, calling him a banker not a Monkee. Seen several on youtube but someone else can chase them down. Just pissed him off. But let's ask Doug!!
Michael Nesmith, himself, has said reasons for not performing with the rest of the band did NOT include any animosity toward Davy Jones. He just had other things he was involved in. Read some of the interviews.

And why do you feel you are privileged to get away with your political BS and the rest of us are not?
