Because Sound Matters (on-line DVD-A record store from Warner)


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I am bumping this because we should all be sure to get on this mailing list. This is the real deal. There is involvement from the people who did the DCC Gold Discs (Steve Hoffman, etc.), and it would be great if this little project got off to a good start.

I get the feeling that it will be a lot of vinyl, but hopefully we may finally see the WEA DVD-A titles that we never got, like "Graceland", "Moondance", etc.

This project should get full QQ support.
Somebody's gotta bring you guyz back down to earth! Hey, maybe the first offering of this new site will be a DVD-A of "Meddle".

Now watch this unsubtantiated rumor spread like wildfire...

A five point one dvda of meddle ?...I'd like to see that...

Pink Floyd on Warner Brothers ?....hard to start a rumour on that one
I am bumping this because we should all be sure to get on this mailing list. This is the real deal. There is involvement from the people who did the DCC Gold Discs (Steve Hoffman, etc.), and it would be great if this little project got off to a good start.

I get the feeling that it will be a lot of vinyl, but hopefully we may finally see the WEA DVD-A titles that we never got, like "Graceland", "Moondance", etc.

This project should get full QQ support.

Agree 100% :phones
Great news! The high-end has always led the audio market, and it's good that WB has the sense to recognize this - they may have seen the success that Sony has with their reissues.

No mention of downloads. High resolution 2-channel and 5.1 downloads couldn't cost much to make available, and anyone would have to be an idiot to thnik that consumers haven't loudly and clearly spoken about their preference for downloads (well, I am talking about record companies, am I not...).
Great news! The high-end has always led the audio market, and it's good that WB has the sense to recognize this - they may have seen the success that Sony has with their reissues.

No mention of downloads. High resolution 2-channel and 5.1 downloads couldn't cost much to make available, and anyone would have to be an idiot to thnik that consumers haven't loudly and clearly spoken about their preference for downloads (well, I am talking about record companies, am I not...).

HIgh Rez downloads are probably not going to happen any time soon because of:
A - Storage requirements will be excessive, and the bean counters will piss & moan as usual.
B - download times are, in general, not great - and the vast majority of european "Broadband" is in fact DSL with serious download limitations to often as little as 2Gb/month.
Problem is that yet again Joe Sixpack voted with the credit card and opts for the cheapest options, and with UK prices at £17 upwards per month for DSL with a 2Gb cap, HIgh Rez downloads just don't look viable to the industry.
HIgh Rez downloads are probably not going to happen any time soon because of:
A - Storage requirements will be excessive, and the bean counters will piss & moan as usual.
B - download times are, in general, not great - and the vast majority of european "Broadband" is in fact DSL with serious download limitations to often as little as 2Gb/month.
Problem is that yet again Joe Sixpack voted with the credit card and opts for the cheapest options, and with UK prices at £17 upwards per month for DSL with a 2Gb cap, HIgh Rez downloads just don't look viable to the industry.

Compared to replication costs, the infrastructure and support for downloads of hi-rez files, such as 15-25 MB FLAC, WMA Lossless or Apple Lossless, is peanuts. The bean counters will be all over this. Both of these companies are gearing-up for movie downloads, so music should be a breeze.

I pay less than US$1.50/day for 8800 kbps cable HSI, and FiOS is laying fibre in many local communities for 15,000 service. Internet speeds in Asia are commonly much faster than this. This technology will continue to develop at breakneck speeds.
Anybody heard from them yet? I get the feeling that all I did was put my name on another spam list.
I can only tell you that my contact at Rhino confirmed it's legit and something "corporate" put, that means it's probably sitting there, doing nothing, collecting Internet dust...
Well gave it a try
Not sure if the other list is doing better though
You get their whole catalog as mono 96KH MP3s for $1.98
I can only tell you that my contact at Rhino confirmed it's legit and something "corporate" put, that means it's probably sitting there, doing nothing, collecting Internet dust...

Typical, I suspect it has been forgotten now and plans have changed. I would like to see Warner move forward with the idea, but I suspect the next generation winner will see Warner's next best efforts with high resolution surround. Unfortunately as long as HD DVD and Blu-ray co-exist, we won't likely see that effort.

Hi everyone!

Looks like it's a GO, "soft" launch on May 1! I just got the following e-mail from the site:

As I sit hear listening to a test pressing of the incredible new Wilco record,"Sky Blue Sky" I am pleased to finally let you know the site will have a soft launch on May 1st.

The Warner Bros. Records on line vinyl and DVD Audio store is about to finally be reality!!!!

You can expect to find all types of titles on the site, both current and catalog releases. Regular weight records, 180 GRAM audiophile records, exclusives to the site, 7" singles, colored vinyl, picture discs, box sets, and much more.

Our goal is to make sure whether it is a regular weight pro tools recorded new band, or an audiophile dream... that tender loving care from vinyl freaks who LOVE music went in to the making of the package.

We also want to create a community aspect where we don't just have a store dedicated to our music, but a place for vinyl/music heads to go for information, and to pass along ideas to us as well.

We will have interviews with our artists about their music, the recording process, the vinyl process, DVD Audio process and more.

By mid June will be flushed out and ready to have a more "official" launch.

Thanks again for signing up to

Expect more specific e-mails soon about all these titles.
Next time the story of how Neil Young inspired our name.....

Musically Yours,

Team BSM

Upcoming Releases

Wilco, Sky Blue Sky (May 15th)
180 Gram 2 discs, mastered for vinyl by Stan Ricker
The White Stripes "Icky Thump"( June 19th)
180 Gram 2 discs, mastered for vinyl by Kevin Gray and Steve Hoffman

Linkin Park "Minutes To Midnight" (end of May)
180 Gram 2 discs

PLUS: New Smashing Pumpkins, Spiderman 3 Soundtrack Picture Disc, Slayer, Linkin Park 7" picture disc of the single "What I've Done."

Plus catalog releases from....

R.E.M., Metallica, Van Morrison, ZZ Top, Rickie Lee Jones, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, the legendary Sire label and more!
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Typical, I suspect it has been forgotten now and plans have changed. I would like to see Warner move forward with the idea, but I suspect the next generation winner will see Warner's next best efforts with high resolution surround. Unfortunately as long as HD DVD and Blu-ray co-exist, we won't likely see that effort.


Chris, you need to become more positive. You are always so negative when it comes to future HiRez surround releases. Look up! Look forward!

It's easy to be negative. It's a lot harder to be positive. :sun