Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music Quad question...


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Bob Romano

Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Apr 26, 2002
Viva Las Vegas
For anyone who may know...

I had heard that the quad version of MMM consisted of the left/right channels from the front being played backward. Is this true. Don't ask me why (I don't know) but I am probably one of the only people on the planet who actually likes this album. I was thinking of doing my own "quad" version of it but I wanted to find out if the rumor was true about the back speakers. Thanks for any help

Romanotrax, you are not alone. I like this album too. There may be three or four other people on the planet that actually like this album.

The rumor about the rear channels simply being the fronts played backwards is complete BS. Metal Machine Music is without a doubt a fully realized, discrete quadraphonic composition, with purposeful movement within the quadraphonic soundstage.

I have already done a DTS transfer of this title and it came out sounding great. Contact me if you are interested.

hi Bob

i have the Q8 of Lou Reed MMM and will try to pay it tomorrow to see what i may find out, but with all that nonsense noise it may be hard to hear if the rear channels are backward, will let you know in the next few days ok thanks Gerardo.
HI Cai...

I am not sure if you get a notice that you have a priivate message but I sent you one. Thanks
