Moody Blues


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1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
Since 2002/2003
Apr 9, 2002
Bogotown, Colombia
Hello to all.

A couple of questions:

How come "In search of the lost chord" was never issued in Quad? All the MB albums of the secdond era were, but this.

In the Moodys "Days of future passed" form 1967, the jacket indicates:

" seemed obvious that the Deram Sound System would be the ideal recording technique. And here in the deep, wide spectrum of 'all-round sound' it has, we believe, become more possible than in any other way to be totally submerged-and hence totally committed to such...."

What are they talking about? This is way before Quad and of course the album is in stereo originally.

Last, does the DTS issue of Seventh Sojourn comes in a fancy super jewel box?

Thanks in advance.
I have always wondered about the "missing" quad MB album. I wonder if they just never got around to doing that selection as it was a more popular album than "Children's....."

I kept waiting for the quad reel, all those years ago, and I don't think that it even ever showed up as a "coming attraction" that never materialized.

As for Seventh Soujourn, the DTS CD is available in the new Super Jewel box. The Best Buy here has a few in stock.

Hello Jon.

> As for Seventh Soujourn, the DTS CD is available in the new Super Jewel box. The Best Buy here has a few in stock.

Really! How much do they ask for them?

Thanks in advance.
I remember reading way back when that the initial plan was to release in quad only the albums recorded on 8-tracks or more, and Days Of Future Passed and In Search Of The Lost Chord were recorded on 4-track. As the albums were readied for release in late 1972/early 1973, "Knights In White Satin" unexpectedly became a hit single (5 years after its release), and it was decided to include the first album in the release schedule. I don't know if "Chord" was even mixed in quad, but perhaps Tad-in-white-satin knows.
That's funny this came up. At the Moody/Quad listening weekend we had out here, the host explained how some of the older Quad releases were released AFTER a band had a big hit album. Examples he mentioned was Pink Floyd's AHM being released after DSOTM and Wings releasing BOTR after VAM. Alot of the older albums he said were sometimes recorded on 4 or 8 track masters making it difficult to spread over 4 channels and also making some of the attempts to cash in on popularity crappy sounding quad releases. We also noticed some of the recordings with VERY HEAVY PANNING you can hear the pots crackle when it was mixed. I bet they never thought it would sound clear enough to hear it.