New Flaming Lips "Embryonic"


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May 31, 2005
New Milford, CT
As posted on Music Tap today;

Warner Brothers has two versions of Embryonic by The Flaming Lips, scheduled for October 13. It will issue on Cd and in a Limited Edition 2CD/DVD set.

I searched the web in vain to get any hint of a 5.1 mix to no avail.

Here's hoping :sun
Amazon has the Embryonic "Limited Edition" listed at $23.99. I ordered it, hoping it's a CD/DVD-A as were the previous releases.
If even the Lips are forced to downgrade to a DVD-V, I'd feel depressed. It's already so hard to get hi-rez except the numerous classical SACD's.

Fingers crossed for a DVD-A.
I am trying to recall the last DVD-A from Warner. If Warner has released a DVD-A in the last few months, I believe there is a good chance this will be a DVD-A. If I can't recall the last DVD-A from Warner because there hasn't been one this year, I would think the chance this will be a DVD-A are basically nil. Either way, it should be 5.1.

So frustrating! How can this release be only a month away and Amazon or (for that matter) not be able to tell us what's on the damn dvd!? I just noticed FL and Muse are on the same label - Warner Bros. Here's hoping they don't release a cd/dvd version of Embryonic with just a "making of" doc on the dvd (ala The Resistance). Let the bone-headed moves continue... Argh!
Wha? I'm reading it but it doesn't make sense. I can't see FL bothering to release this in DVD-A with only a stereo mix. Can't be. I'm thinking there is some information accidentally missing here.
And what is confusing to me is why the standard CD edition has one CD, and the deluxe edition has two CDs. They both have the same 18 tracks.

J. D.
I have confirmed with Scott Booker that this will NOT have a 5.1 mix on it. This is most surprising and disappointing. I suggest everyone here let them know that there is still demand for 5.1, let them know they're disappointing us, let them know they're losing sales because of this stupidity. Email Scott Booker at [email protected]
Wow! This is a total letdown. I never thought I'd see the day when the Lips release a DVD-A with only a stereo mix on it! I emailed Scott to lament. :(
You guys read that wrong....

Bonus audio DVD of the album in it's full dynamic range (96k 24 bit audio that has 256 times more resolution than a standard CD) - experience exactly what the band and producer hear in the studio!
It says audio DVD... not DVD Audio. Think Neil Young.... this disc will no doubt be a regular DVD with 24/96 LPCM audio on it.
For those who just want to hear this album, here is the latest bulletin from the FL Myspace page:

"THE FLAMING LIPS will appear on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report TONIGHT, September 16th, which airs at 11:30 p.m. ET. Check local listings for details. The brand-new double-album, EMBRYONIC will be available online in its entirety for a limited-time only at immediately after Wednesday night's show through Monday, September 21. "

J. D.
You guys read that wrong....

It says audio DVD... not DVD Audio. Think Neil Young.... this disc will no doubt be a regular DVD with 24/96 LPCM audio on it.

I'm OK with this.

Not what it could be (i.e. full blown 5.1 with video content), but better than nothing.
It should be noted that the previously 3 released 5.1 DVD-A titles from the Lips each followed the original stereo only release, months, and in the case of Soft Bulletin, years later. Here's hoping...
I wasn't going to care, but I caught them on Colbert last night and was impressed. I didn't care for their last album and even the few before that weren't my favorites. From the track they played last night it sounds like they're off in a new direction, a bit of Indian/Asian? it sounded like to me. I wasn't really prepared for a good listen as I didn't know they were coming on.
I'm gonna hold off on purchasing and see if the 5.1 version comes along. I re-bought Yoshimi and Mystics. Not this time...