Next Steven Wilson 70s Mix - Let The Speculation Begin....


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I will say this about any deluxe issue of "Tales": it's gonna be expensive! I wouldn't be surprised if it was a 2-disc blu ray set. And if it is, and if they include a vinyl transfer as is often done for these sets, I *hope* they use the U.S. promo LP. I'm not some kind of audiophile vinyl aficionado kind of guy, but even I can hear how good my U.S. promo of "Tales" sounds. It's the only album I've ever transferred to digital where I couldn't use my normal declicking program because it clipped the transients of the drum hits too much.

It's definitely going to require 2 CDs & 2 DVD-As to get the job done, but it might only take one Blu-Ray disc depending on how much extra content is present.
Check out this "hypothetical" question from Neil:

That SACD has the same heavy brick walled version of the stereo mix as the later CD versions (or an equally hard hit copy if it's actually a different mastering).

What? No! I am talking of the Audio Fidelity SACD, not the Japanese 'High Vibration' boxset SACD. The AF had no compression added. The Japanese SACD on the other hand is an abomination sound-wise. The original mix is already pretty "thick", no need to add more compression...

The 24/96 flat transfer of the stereo mix we'll get on the bluray will be absolutely stunning just like the Relayer album was.

You can already hear the flat transfer that will be on the Blu-Ray, it is on HDTracks, like most Yes albums (Fragile is the 2001 DVD-A mastering, 90125 is not from the master tapes, it is the original Bob Ludwig mastering).
As for the next remix, don't expect anything over the summer...

Come September though... the floodgates open. Better start saving now.
Damn I wish Steven could get his hands on some Springsteen material. I need some Bruce in real surround sound. I think he could do a nice job with some of Springsteen later material with the lushness of horns, keyboards....
As for the next remix, don't expect anything over the summer...

Come September though... the floodgates open. Better start saving now.

I hope the floodgates open with "Topographic Oceans", but I'm just looking forward to more good remixes on par with "Minstrel". :)
Damn I wish Steven could get his hands on some Springsteen material. I need some Bruce in real surround sound. I think he could do a nice job with some of Springsteen later material with the lushness of horns, keyboards....

I don't think SW would be the best person to remix Springsteen in surround. That would be Bob Clearmountain, who has worked with Springsteen for many decades and is an extremely competent surround mixing engineer in his own right. :)
A "proper" flood would include:

YES - Tales SW 5.1
YES - Fragile SW 5.1
Chris Squire - Fish Out Of Water 5.1

Just my $.02

Agreed. Glad to see you commenting, good sir lupin man. Hope all is well with you, oh absent one?

What we want then is a flood of announcements in the Summer, followed by a flood of releases in September.

I did read recently that, in addition to Too Old to Rock N'Roll, Ian Anderson has also asked SW to eventually work on the next 3 too, Songs From the Wood, Heavy Horses and Stormwatch. Which is excellent news (y)
I'd really like to see him work with Camel. It's said that Andy Latimer was not totally satisfied with the last Camel remasters, and has even said he'd like to see SW do some work on his stuff.
At least with Tales and Fragile, we know we're eventually getting both. I'd be more curious to know how much deeper into the catalog they plan on going. I know the Trevor Rabin era of the band divided a lot of fans, but those albums were made for surround. The big harmonies, the layers of guitars and keyboards, they could be heaven in 5.1. Unfortunately, I see two possible roadblocks where those albums are concerned:

1) Steve Howe is apparently the one in the band coordinating these reissues with Steven Wilson. Howe obviously wasn't involved in those LPs and therefore might not be interested so another member of that lineup would have to take an interest.
2) Steven Wilson has said he prefers not to do remixes of albums that he doesn't care for. I've never heard Wilson comment about how he feels about that era of Yes, but if he's not a fan, they'd likely have to find someone else to do the remixes on those albums.

If nothing else, hopefully we'll at least eventually get Going For the One, Tormato and Drama. I'd really love to see the first two albums get the 5.1 treatment as well, but again, since Howe wasn't on those it could be an issue.....would love to be proven wrong though!

Its funny I didn't get into Tales when it came out, but over the years its really grown on me, which is why its high on my list. I love SW's 5.1 mix of Relayer. I also really like the Trevor Rabin era Yes, and as you say there are so many layers of sound that would make them brilliant candidates for 5.1.
I'd really like to see him work with Camel. It's said that Andy Latimer was not totally satisfied with the last Camel remasters, and has even said he'd like to see SW do some work on his stuff.

I'm off to see them with my brother on Tuesday in Bath. I did e-mail and ask if any Camel had been mixed into Quad but no reply.
I'm off to see them with my brother on Tuesday in Bath. I did e-mail and ask if any Camel had been mixed into Quad but no reply.

Camel in quad would be awesome. I like all their older stuff through snow goose.
I did read recently that, in addition to Too Old to Rock N'Roll, Ian Anderson has also asked SW to eventually work on the next 3 too, Songs From the Wood, Heavy Horses and Stormwatch. Which is excellent news (y)

YEAY!!!! That would be fab!! Those three albums are more interesting to me than almost any other future Tull 5.1 possibilities! Thanks for the info :)
Agreed. Glad to see you commenting, good sir lupin man. Hope all is well with you, oh absent one?

What we want then is a flood of announcements in the Summer, followed by a flood of releases in September.

I did read recently that, in addition to Too Old to Rock N'Roll, Ian Anderson has also asked SW to eventually work on the next 3 too, Songs From the Wood, Heavy Horses and Stormwatch. Which is excellent news (y)

Do you have an internet link for that?
If not, not problem.
Wonder if we'll need to wait for the respective anniversaries to get them.
I don't think SW would be the best person to remix Springsteen in surround. That would be Bob Clearmountain, who has worked with Springsteen for many decades and is an extremely competent surround mixing engineer in his own right. :)

Springsteen would be a better candidate for 5.1 than people might initially think. The E Street Band's classic era had two guitarists, two keyboardists plus a sax player. Lots of stuff to spread around to the surround channels. And yes, Clearmountain would certainly be the man for that job.
, good sir lupin man. Hope all is well with you, oh absent one?

.....some call me Tim?

Sorry, I just remembered that wonderful "hanging" question mark when Tim The Enchanter introduces himself...

You are so truly kind with your gentle words, Good Sir colsky, I do hope you stay stocked with an ample supply of wine.

Me, I will be well when we get the privilege of hearing YES - Tales and Chris Squire's Fish Out OF Water, in 5.1.
Fish Out Of Water has so many orchestral instruments and bass tracks, 2.0 really imprisons it all too much. It would supremely
open up in discrete 5.1.

@privateuniverse: I hope you get your Springsteen in 5.1. Yes, his first few recordings had many tracks and lots of
layering. Great music for the 5.1 treatment. (y)
I have just been made aware of a new remix of a personal favourite, which came as a surprise.
You might add it to the Second Flood at the very end of the year or possibly later 2016.

I really can't tell you more at the moment, but I think it will please many fans.
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I have just been made aware of a new remix of a personal favourite, which came as a surprise.
You might add it to the Second Flood at the very end of the year or possibly early 2016.

I really can't tell you more at the moment, but I think it will please many fans.

Can you at least say if this remix is from a completely new artist that SW hasn't worked with before or one we already know he's worked with?
Can you at least say if this remix is from a completely new artist that SW hasn't worked with before or one we already know he's worked with?

My lips are sealed for the moment, I am afraid to give too much away.

I am amazed at the speed Steven works. It's like he never sleeps or eats. I have trouble keeping up.