Porcupine Tree - Closure / Continuation (5.1/Dolby Atmos) 24-Jun-2022


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800 Club - QQ All-Star
Aug 18, 2019
Monterrey, Mexico
I don't know what this means, end of the hiatus with a new album? remix of their whole catalogue in Dolby Atmos? bsides?
Who knows.
But what's a fact is that PT has a new label (Sony instead of Kscope).
As far as I recall Steven Wilson posted back last year or earlier this year that since he was not touring to promote The Future Bites he planned to write and record two more studio albums following the same formula, which means a different approach (different genre to their previous work).

I'm quite stoked to whatever news this is (except for vinyl releases), because it has already been 12 years since their last album The Incident.
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I have it on good authority from earlier this year that there is a new album already recorded to be supported with a tour next year. Unfortunately without Colin - I read rumours that he & SW fell out after the final PT Royal Albert Hall gig. Interestingly, there was a new company registered at Companies House earlier this year called Porcupine 3 Ltd with SW, Gavin & Richard as the 3 directors....no Colin
I have it on good authority from earlier this year that there is a new album already recorded to be supported with a tour next year. Unfortunately without Colin - I read rumours that he & SW fell out after the final PT Royal Albert Hall gig. Interestingly, there was a new company registered at Companies House earlier this year called Porcupine 3 Ltd with SW, Gavin & Richard as the 3 directors....no Colin
If this theory is true, who will be the new bass player? Nick Beggs? I love the guy's playing, but don't know if he'd be a good fit for PT
Dayum - some new Porcupine Tree!!!??? If true, I’m there all day and all night. Loved Edwin Colin and a real bummer if he’s not involved but I’ll take any Porc I can get!
I have it on good authority from earlier this year that there is a new album already recorded to be supported with a tour next year. Unfortunately without Colin - I read rumours that he & SW fell out after the final PT Royal Albert Hall gig. Interestingly, there was a new company registered at Companies House earlier this year called Porcupine 3 Ltd with SW, Gavin & Richard as the 3 directors....no Colin

That's unfortunate...that they will go on without Collin.
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PT more than survived the change from Maitland to Harrison on drums, and I suspect that with the variety of styles PT has done in the past transitioning to a different bass player may be even easier (though I do love Colin's rock-solid-no-flash style). Back with GfD I wan't really a Beggs fan but he may be a really great choice for bridging PT and SW solo into a fresh new era for PT that has continuity from the solo years.
Vocal on the reversed/sped up sample does not sound like Wilson. Voice does sound familiar, but I can't place it from such a short sample.