Quadraphonic Encoding and Decoding Software Found


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1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
Aug 30, 2012
I was looking around on the net and found this:


He made an encoder too.

The encoder and decoder are multi-format.

The decoder may not have logic, but it has an interesting vectorscope!

Has anyone ever tried these? This may at least be a way for me to encode tracks easy.
Looks interesting, and takes standard 16-bit/44.1kHz WAV files. Its annoying my PC is upstairs and the hi-fi is downstairs otherwise I could have a go with it easily. As it uses digital filter to do the 90 degree phase shifting that will at least be stable, but without the 'steering' logic I suspect the Front-to-Back separation will be like my old analogue MC1312P design, about 6dB.
Yeah, no logic, just a standard decode. Neat little software toy he put together though. I will have to give it a whirl sometime. Will be useful to have a multi-format encoder though!
From the software description: "Next step would be the implementation of some kind of Variable Gain Matrix (e.g. Shadow Vector, Tate DES or Vario Matrix) to improve the channel separation".

I believe the existing scripts do great decoding without any gain tricks, just by the phase differences. No need to risk pumping and swishing.
proufo said:
From the software description: "Next step would be the implementation of some kind of Variable Gain Matrix (e.g. Shadow Vector, Tate DES or Vario Matrix) to improve the channel separation".

I believe the existing scripts do great decoding without any gain tricks, just by the phase differences. No need to risk pumping and swishing.

They don't do gain tricks as far as I know, but they hve to do something that increases the seperation. If you use a base decode formula, you get the type of result this gets, or the result of an early hardware decoder. The scripts get much better results, so there has to be some sort of process beyond the basic equation. I'm guessing the same process could be applied to software like this.