Rush "Signals" Dolby Atmos Mix! (Box Set Out in April!)


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Another $300 boxset for Canadians!

Not sure what they mean by this statement, is it to stream or purchase somewhere!
"Finally, the third configuration, the Dolby Atmos Digital Edition, is the digital equivalent of Richard Chycki’s expert Atmos mix of all eight tracks from the original album."
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You think this is just another Revolver scenario? Meaning they’re just saying there’s an Atmos mix streaming on Apple Music?
That's pretty much the exact language they used last time for Moving Pictures (they called it the "sixth configuration" I believe) and it turned out to just be referencing the streaming version, so I'm assuming the same here.
I can only afford the new special "Signals" beer which is already pretty expensive and I will keep listening to my old "Signals" 5.1 mixes. Those expensive box sets are an absolute joke to fans who have supported the band over the years. I am pretty sure that Alex and Geddy don't make a lot of money on this...
I guess the Atmos mix will reappear on the streaming services with the new artwork once the set is released?
Yet another surround blu-ray buried in a $250+ bloated box packed with unwanted vinyl I'd never play and lots of pics I'd glance through once or twice. The new art work looks nice, but since I'm not an über Rush fan, this is an easy pass. Have to be content with streaming the Atmos mix, assuming it returns on Apple music.
Let's see....
-one LP
-one BD
-4 7" 45RPMs
-a box
-a skinny book
-a bunch of mass produced photos
(no marbles or scarves)

That would be $75 for anyone with a 2 finger high forehead...
$250 is highway robbery .. and I LOVE Signals!!!...
Don’t forget the remastered CD, that adds quite a bit of value 😉
Hey I like the band but I'm not a super familiar fan I admit more casual. But this seems utterly ridiculous to the point of being not sensible with a band where I think the members are reasonably sensible. Do we think they had any say in this or I'm not sure if I heard this correctly on another form I also attend They said their rights were sold recently and they may have had little to no say on what's included in the packaging so that it's just pure whoever holds the rights and makes the boxes being super greedy? I mean I thought a previous set or two I had read people commenting were underwhelmed with the content as far as the price are going along with it. Any thoughts I'm why the price is so ridiculous compared to what you get yet again?
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We're pretty silly people.👋Wife pre-ordered the very morning of the email announcement. Very much looking forward to getting this. Yup, expensive and silly....we've done it before, and we'll likely do it again. Loving the idea of the poster in our bedroom at 50 something years old too! 😍 But LOOK around. Build back better!🤣 Have a great day all! ~Mike
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